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The Relationship Between The Ruling Class And China

On Understanding The Relationship Between The Ruling Class And China

The relationship between the ruling class and China is extensive and complicated. But there is a common theme: screwing over the common man.

The Relationship Between The Ruling Class And China

This video is a lesson on why strong nations have strong anti-foreign influence safeguards.

In it, a Chinese national describes exactly how China and her ruling caste are able to practically own a core of American political elite. It also describes why Trump was such a threat to not only China, but also this internal American “deep state”:

This lesson is a very important one to understand. It clearly indicates why:

  • Foreign influence must be annihilated at all costs.
  • The ruling class works against the interests of the average citizen.
  • Cultural control is necessary to avert foreign-aligned corruption.
  • “Dual citizenship” is not possible from a nationalist standpoint.

Foreign influence is a leading factor for what has driven America from its height. We now exist solely as the prostitute of the ruling class pimps who use our nation as their own personal item for sale. We go to the highest bidder, most often the Chinese or Israeli. No different than many of the other Western nations.

The more they can centralize their control, the more leverage they have to profiteer off of us.

This ruling cabal is the ultimate enemy of every true-blooded American. In truth, they are the ultimate enemy of every nationalist from any country.

Any person deviating from clearly calling out and exposing this circle of elites is a distraction tool – nothing more, nothing less. They are not to be trusted.

Cultural control is solidly in the hands of this class and they use it to further their own agenda and the agenda of foreign agents that want to see us weakened and dependent on them.

Even dual citizenship is a joke. A single person could never hold allegiance to two nations simultaneously. One always takes precedence. And as an American, it is rarely ours that takes precedence.

All foreign-connected individuals should be registered as such. They do not work in the interest of Americans, clearly. So, any of them in sensitive positions should likewise be removed.

Watch the video and take notes. It clearly explains how modern American politics works in the interests of the ruling class and foreigners.

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Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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