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Once you understand the cycle of collapse, it is easy to see the regressive nature of progressivism. It's simply a return to a worse time.
I find it important to remind readers that “progressivism” or a “progressive” is a term used by the wholly uninformed on matters of anacyclosis.
If you understand anacyclosis, you would quickly realize the ideals put forward by someone calling themselves a “progressive” is almost always actually regressive, in nature.
If you’re a new reader, you should research anacyclosis and the cycle of collapse before proceeding. Otherwise, this won’t make much sense to you except as an “anti-progressive” article. You can learn more here:
The Free Dictionary defines progressive as:
Moving forward; advancing.
Open to or favoring new ideas, policies, or methods
And it defines regressive as:
Tending to return or revert to a previous state.
However, the “progressive” party generally espouses ideologies that would bring about the next stage on the cycle of collapse through centralization.
The “progressive” party platform holds viewpoints that would almost certainly lead toward more centralization. As we know, more centralization means a further note along the cycle of collapse. Thereby, denoting a degenerating republic/democracy. Eventually, with enough centralization, the cycle of collapse goes full spin and with it comes the next governmental stage of anacyclosis entirely.
When the next government stage arrives, that is a regression to a previous form of centralized government. Not a progression toward anything new. It’s a return to the old.
The modern progressives are merely regressives in disguise. They seek the same outcome as was apparent throughout much of our history. They may not believe that they do, but the results of their actions will absolutely lead us to that point. Therefore, they are “progressives” only in title, but regressives in actual action and outcome.
This is important for a couple of reasons. One, it paints a false picture of what progress is. Progress is never reverting to a worse time. And two, it takes away the title from individuals that are actually progressive. One of which, I would call myself.
I would call myself one because I actually fit the definition:
Moving forward; advancing.
Open to or favoring new ideas, policies, or methods
Wherein I am attempting to develop an entirely new government framework overall. You can’t get much more open to favoring new ideas than spending years of your life developing an entirely new idea.
So by the strict definition, I am probably far more progressive than most other individuals that still prefer old legacy government frameworks. This includes both right-wingers and left-wingers. But I’d never label myself as such, because the word has been corrupted to mean a leftist political ideology, instead of what it actually is.
Thus, it is important to recognize that when you see the term progressive being thrown around, it likely does not mean what the user thinks it means.
They are regressive and should always be referred to as such.
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