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Ashli Babbitt: A martyr worthy of remembrance.
The Z Man with some very insightful comments regarding the murder of a fellow patriot:
Yesterday, Ashli Babbitt was shot in the neck and died while protesting inside the Capitol with other protestors. A group of angry Trump supporters had got into the building and were making a racket. This is not an unusual occurrence. During the Kavanaugh hearings, Democrats organized mobs of screeching women to harass Republicans in the halls of the Capitol. Party media was there to celebrate it as the purest expression of democracy. It was power to the people time.
That was not the case yesterday, according to the media. Instead, it was a direct threat to “our” democracy. This is a bit ironic in that the protests are over the obvious corruption in the election system. The direct threat to democracy is the people demanding their elections be fair and honest. That’s why Ashli Babbitt was inside the Capitol making a racket.
Ashli Babbitt was not some drug-addled degenerate, like we saw last summer, when the ruling class unleashed their mobs on us. She was a veteran, serving 14 years in the US Air Force, and she was a high-level security official throughout her time in service. She was like most of the people at the protest, in that she had bought into what she was told about America. So much so she signed onto serve in the military and go overseas in various deployments.
Like most of the protestors, she was there because she had spent her life playing by the rules and defending those rules. She was there because the people in charge of maintaining the rules have been violating those rules. They ignored the official corruption in the 2016 election and they laughed about the grotesque fraud that was plainly obvious in the 2020 election. Like the rest of those protestors, she was angry that the politicians were not following the rules.
For her trouble, she died in a pool of her own blood inside what is supposed to be the people’s house in America. It is a bit ironic that a citizen exercising her rights would be murdered by an agent of a corrupt system that is now infringing on her rights. Murder is the right word here. The man who shot her was under no threat and was on the other side of a locked and barricaded door.
Be angry, but also remember Ashli Babbitt. The Republican Party will not remember her or even mention her name. The media will work hard to make sure you forget her name and how she died yesterday. Dissidents need to remember her so we never forget why we are angry and why we are dissidents. We are angry with a system that thinks it is okay to murder citizens who play by the rules and exercise their rights as citizens to petition their government for redress.
A very well done article that covers nearly every point I would have likewise made.
Outside of these points it remains important to mention that siege of the capitol was something we should own; not be upset about. Finally, we’ve had some pushback in this country after decades of listening to the talking heads that have told us to do nothing while the elites continued to screw us further.
It is also important to recognize that all of the establishment figures on the right that condemn the “riot”, but not the murder of Babbitt, are traitors. Who should never be receiving your vote again, even if it means a democrat win.
We lose with the republicans as equally as we lose with the democrats. There is no reason to continue to support either of them until they give us a reason to do so. Until then, it’s time to consider third party or a vote of no confidence.
Her name was Ashli Babbitt. A martyr for an honorable cause.
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