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Herd Immunity

On The Lack Of Understanding Of Herd Immunity

Every single action we are taking in the fight against COVID is delaying herd immunity. This approach costs lives of those actually at-risk.

Herd Immunity

The only path toward defeating any type of COVID-like illness is through herd immunity. Regardless of whether this is achieved through vaccination or simply mass societal infection.

Every thing we are currently doing is delaying herd immunity. We’re trying to hold off in favor of the vaccination-approach of herd immunity. Without knowing if that vaccination will be safe or not, as they normally need numerous years to be tested prior to deployment. And without knowing when we’d get a safe one, causing irreversible suffering until we reach that point. By the time we actually get the vaccine we may already have herd immunity by-and-large from the normal infection progression.

This approach lacks reasonableness. The data shows that COVID is not deadly. Not deadly for pretty much the entire population, but especially not deadly for those under 70.

Which means we can get herd immunity through the other method without lockdowns, masks, cancelling the entire country for months/years, or any other stupid approach we are currently enacting. All we need to do is allow the virus to progress as it normally would through the low-risk individuals, thereby creating a barrier for those actually at-risk.

We did the opposite of this.

We continue to do the opposite of this.

We locked down, told everyone to put on stupid masks (which prevent herd immunity), and allowed the infection to spread like wild-fire through at-risk communities such as old folks homes.

The exact opposite approach should have been taken. And it should be taken now, as well.

Young people should be encouraged to go out and interact with everyone. Get the disease. Deal with a small cold. And then have that natural immunity to add toward the herd immunity goal.

During this, old folks and those at-risk could wear masks, social distance, and stay inside.

There is no reason for everyone to avoid COVID. This approach creates more deaths because those who would be fine contracting the illness are not developing the herd immunity needed to protect those actually at-risk.

So instead of allowing low-risk people to catch it and build immunity, we are stalling it. We’re allowing an equal number of at-risk people to contract it which adds to the death toll.

I guarantee that this approach will have killed more people than if we allowed young people to already get herd immunity by now. Mark my words. We’ll revisit this in a couple years when the political waves have passed and we have more data.

The general public does not understand that medicine is just as political as every other field. Medicine is not some invulnerable field that cannot be pierced by political partisanship.

This entire pandemic is about control. Not safety.

If it were be about safety, we would already have herd immunity by now.

herd immunity scared meme

Every single action we are taking in the fight against COVID is delaying herd immunity. This approach costs lives of those actually at-risk.

I have been b*tching about COVID since March. I have disagreed with pretty much every single thing the leftists (and Trump) has done since the beginning. This is not “hindsight bias”. Look at any of my previous articles.

With that said, I’m very happy for Trump’s recent comments. It appears he may be doing a 180 and recognizing that COVID isn’t what it appears to be:

  • Don’t let COVID dominate you.
  • Don’t be afraid.

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Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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