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The mask mandate stretches even further. Now, even Trump is wearing a mask. I'm apparently the only dissenter left. Whatever, let's do this.
Scott Morefield of TownHall previously authored an article titled “8 Reasons Why I Don’t Wear A Mask And You Probably Shouldn’t Either” back in early June.
I have no idea if he still believes in this article or not, given that even Trump seems to have simped to the mask-Karens, but it is still 100% on point regardless. With gems such as:
Mask wearing probably doesn’t make much of a difference, if any
First of all, let’s abandon any sort of absolute certainty about the scientific efficacy of mask-wearing. The maskers can show scientific studies to ‘prove’ their side, and I can show others to bolter mine. For example, did you know that the widely held assumption that asymptomatic coronavirus carriers are insanely contagious might not even be true? Did you also know that the CDC says the disease “spreads mainly among people who are in close contact (within about 6 feet) for a prolonged period”? That’s why we initially banned large gatherings which, despite my sadness about seeing sports disappear, was one of the depressingly few wise things we’ve done this entire pandemic. It’s also probably why it didn’t keep spreading significantly even though people were crowding maskless inside grocery and home improvement stores due to the fact that our wise and all-knowing overlords deemed those the only places anyone could go to get out of the house.
In other words, the evidence suggests you typically won’t get coronavirus from simply passing someone in a store aisle. It takes close contact with an infected person for several minutes to get infected yourself, a take agreed-upon by none other than the New England Journal of Medicine, which covered both sides in the debate over the use of universal masking in hospitals early on in the pandemic:
“We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection,” the article reads. “Public health authorities define a significant exposure to Covid-19 as face-to-face contact within 6 feet with a patient with symptomatic Covid-19 that is sustained for at least a few minutes (and some say more than 10 minutes or even 30 minutes). The chance of catching Covid-19 from a passing interaction in a public space is therefore minimal. In many cases, the desire for widespread masking is a reflexive reaction to anxiety over the pandemic.”
And other very good points such as:
Mask wearing could be dangerous
It’s about social control
They cave to irrational fear
They give legitimacy to an illegitimate response
They are the equivalent of a comfort blanket
But the article lacks some additional important facts. Ones that further bury the mask mandate stupidity.
Like the fact that somewhere around half of the people that get COVID (40-70%, it’s obvious to anyone not completely brainwashed that it is not 10%) don’t even have any symptoms. Which is up from their prior thoughts of 10% and 35%, respectively. It will likely increase further. Just wait.
Or the other essential fact that we’ve been horrifically misreporting the infection fatality rate. And the more data we get, the more it goes down from the initial assumptions.
The rate of death from COVID will almost certainly be higher than the flu because it is a new disease. It is more deadly likely due to the fact we don’t yet have any sort of immunity. But is it enough to warrant endless lock-downs, a destroyed economy, and weaponized Karens? Hardly.
The virus has been around since early this year and nothing unrealistically severe has happened to the population, outside of the forced shutdown.
“Flattening the curve” hasn’t looked any different between countries that have locked down versus those that haven’t.
We’ll be fine. These people are nuts.
And we have examples to prove it.
Sweden didn’t lockdown, wear face masks, or give a slight worry about COVID and they are completely f***ing fine:
Why Sweden remains mask-free
The country – one of only a handful in Europe not to impose a national lockdown – is continuing to go its own way on face coverings
Why is Sweden still not asking people to wear face masks?
The World Health Organisation has advised governments to encourage mask-wearing to help fight the spread of coronavirus. So why hasn’t Sweden changed its stance?
As a new disease, the scientific knowledge around Covid-19 – and therefore guidelines for the public built on this knowledge – has been fast-changing as experts learn more about how the coronavirus spreads. One of the areas where guidance has differed between countries and developed over time is whether symptom-free people should wear face masks. Wearing a face mask is obligatory in Germany and France on public transport, for example, while in Sweden it is not recommended even while people continue to visit restaurants, bars and shops.
Same with Finland who didn’t lockdown and doesn’t have muh mandatory Karenmasks:
Reopening timeline: First schools reopened on May 14. Restaurants, bars and cafés, as well as museums, libraries and swimming polls opened June 1. Public gatherings of up to 50 people are allowed after up to 10 people were allowed to meet since May 13. The state of emergency declared in March was lifted June 16.
Face masks: Not made mandatory.
Lockdown length: Finland never really locked down, with authorities advising against non-essential movement but not banning it. Shops stayed open.
Or what about Denmark:
Face masks: Denmark did not make the use of masks mandatory in public. Since June 15, masks are mandatory at airports.
Lockdown length: 28 days.
These are just a few examples.
But the logic remains that we have to “flatten the curve”. The curve that doesn’t exist in these other countries, miraculously.
Instead, we’re over here stuck “waiting for the vaccination”.
The logic goes because vaccinations would provide herd immunity.
You know, the same herd immunity we could get by a naturally acquired infection.
So instead of letting the disease progress like we do with the flu every year, we need to shut everything down and force everyone to wear masks for years. Because the death rate is maybe, possibly, marginally higher than the flu.
The reality is, is that if we let the chains off of the healthcare workers and stopped freaking out about this, it would not be a major issue. Just like in Sweden, Denmark, and every other country that is taking a sane approach to this plandemic.
It is only a major issue because it’s political and in an election year. Otherwise, no one would give a damn.
Our hospitals won’t be overrun. They haven’t been in the majority of nations; with or without lockdowns. Probably because a major percentage are asympto-f***ing-matic and a large proportion of the rest of the cases develop cold-like symptoms. Only a very small elderly or predisposed minority develop more serious complications with it.
Indeed, this is why we all have to wear masks or get pepper sprayed in the face.
This is an article by Business Insider, dated back when the CDC/Surgeon General/Related “authorities” were saying masks don’t help at all. You know, before they completely changed their story to the current BS:
A psychotherapist explains why you want to wear a face mask — even though it probably won’t help you avoid illness
While they do encourage those diagnosed with or showing symptoms of the COVID-19 virus to take appropriate measures, they acknowledge that everyone wearing face masks is unlikely to be very effective.
Psychotherapist Amy Morin explains that wearing the masks does more for our mental health than our physical well-being, by soothing our anxiety and giving us the illusion of being in control.
Earlier this year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a warning guide to Americans that the coronavirus outbreak was fast approaching. This news caused face mask sales to skyrocket, despite the fact that wearing one probably won’t protect you from contracting the illness.
We fear unknown risks
We struggle with ‘the illusion of control’
We overcompensate when safeguards are in place
The herd mentality is real
It reduces our anxiety
It’s all in your head. Literally. The regurgitated CO2 from your mask isn’t likely helping, either.
Also, it’s not like the masks actually help with anything. COVID is a virus. It is incredibly small. It can sneak past N95’s. A stupid cloth mask is going to do nothing. Your non-fitting surgical mask will not stop it. In fact, it could likely be a source of an infection instead:
An important property of the respiratory protective apparatus is its structure.(3) As previously noted by Wiwanitkit,(3) the pore size of the protective apparatus is the main component that allows or prohibits the passage of pathogen. Since the coronavirus is an extremely small virus, it can pass through the pores of both the surgical mask and N95 respirator. Hence, considering the nanostructure of the protective apparatuses, there should not be any difference in their protective activity. In addition, contamination of the respiratory protective apparatus after use is another issue that needs to be addressed. Although the apparatus has a good structure that can prevent the passage of pathogen, if it is contaminated and reused, it will become the source of infection instead.(4)
So your cloth mask not only allows free passage of the virus but, if reused, also provides a moist reservoir for the infection to live.
From another MD study:
We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection. Public health authorities define a significant exposure to Covid-19 as face-to-face contact within 6 feet with a patient with symptomatic Covid-19 that is sustained for at least a few minutes (and some say more than 10 minutes or even 30 minutes). The chance of catching Covid-19 from a passing interaction in a public space is therefore minimal. In many cases, the desire for widespread masking is a reflexive reaction to anxiety over the pandemic.
Even if we ignore those facts completely, the underlying question that still permeates is what do we do in the future? That is what drives me crazy, no one seems to consider the future when dealing with the mask ordeal.
Are we going to wear these indefinitely? We’re stuck wearing these for years? Are we simply going to repeat this every time there is a new flu-like illness going around?
Will we also lock everything down, crush the economy, hire weaponized Karens for mask enforcement, and be general morons that need a mask to act as a psychological aid?
Or are we not going to be giant b*tches and act appropriately? Tell the high risk and elderly to wear masks and stay inside while the rest of us nut up and develop an immunity?
We’re acting like idiots afraid of our own shadow. The mask is just the symbol of the idiocy.
Remember when the goal was to not overwhelm the hospitals? Now it’s to hide from the virus ad infinitum.
There are a lot of powerful people that have invested in this scam. Elites have gone “all in” and if they back out now they will look like the frauds that they are. Hospitals are getting paid more for each COVID patient so have a perverse incentive to increase the number of them. Governors and local leaders are ecstatic with the unlimited power they can exercise over their citizens. The medical professionals that said this was going to be the worst thing ever have their entire reputations on the line.
Yet, these powerful people have been wrong. Wrong about everything. They were horrifically off with the death count. They did complete 180’s about the transmission potential when it was first detected in China. They were wrong about the need for strict ventilation instead of attempting other breathing options first. They were wrong about who was the most at-risk. They did a complete turn-around on their mask policy from the beginning. They were wrong about flattening the curve using a lock-down. They were wrong about everything.
And yet, if you doubt the current narrative at all – you’re the science denier.
At this point, this whole thing honestly seems more like a virtue signalling tool than anything practical.
We’ve all seen the (failed) leftist memes: People who don’t wear masks don’t care about other people!!1!. Yes, you’re right. I care more about breathing fresh air than wearing a mask which only serves to make you feel more secure because your mentally weak, can’t handle stress, and struggle with the illusion of control. Call me the bad guy.
The argument against them is simple: if your mask works, why the f*** do I need one? If it doesn’t work, why are we wearing them?
If you are afraid of a cold, wear one. I don’t care. I’m not. Why do I need one if yours works? Let me breathe.
Oh, and remember: That idiot you see wearing a mask alone in their car? Yeah, they vote.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go put on a mask to buy some liquor and fireworks. Welcome to America.
Next article in this series: Scandinavia Is Right (For Once): Masks Are Pointless.
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I got covid from being in a walmart without a mask. You might not have symptoms but I can tell you from personal experience it is horrible if you do. I am only 27 and it hit me hard. I had the worst headache I’ve ever had and a fever without chills. Its worse than with chills because you feel extremely hot and can’t cool down no matter what you do. If you don’t want to protect yourself please be considerate and protect other people by wearing a mask. It’s like not stopping for red lights in a car. You might not get hurt but you put other people in danger by not stopping.
This comment is the perfect case study of a person desiring of the illusion of control.
Had the commenter actually read my article, they would have seen where the psychotherapist describes this . It is under my “Flip Flop” section of this article. The psychotherapist analyzes why people want to wear masks and discovers it is because:
Masks won’t protect you. They are merely something that helps the psychologically weak feel better about the virus:
I would be interested to know how this person knows for sure he got it from Walmart and even moreso how he expects ineffective masks would have otherwise prevented it if he actually did catch it there.
Additionally, you said you had a bad headache and fever. Yeah, it’s a virus. That’s what viruses do. You were fine. Just like 99.99% of other people in your age bracket.