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It is time for leaders, not philosophers.
I am so tired of the grifters on the right that continue to do absolutely jacksh*t to change anything.
I understand that many people do not have it in their power to make change. Especially now, when it is dangerous to do so. But the talking heads can’t use that excuse: they are public and became public out of a desire to be so.
They have tossed their hat in.
So why do they continue to talk and talk and talk and…
Do absolutely nothing?
Do something!
Anything, really.
These people that have been talking about our problems for over a decade are exactly why we have problems. Because nobody does anything about it.
They just whine and b*tch to their audience for years. All the while asking for money to keep funding them so they can continue to do nothing. So they can continue to whine.
There is a time for talk and a time for action. The time for talk ended in the 1960’s. It’s been a time for action since. There is no reason for people to keep talking. They need to be doing.
I admire people like Alex Jones, Steven Crowder, Nick Fuentes, and Vox Day. All of them are doing something. They aren’t just talking. Alex Jones is showing up at protests, organizing resistance, and countering at every avenue he can even while being banned from everything. Crowder is actively fighting censorship, sitting down and changing minds, and fighting for elections in person. Fuentes is building a youthful political movement from the ground up with practically no support. Vox Day is building an alternative to the lying Wikipedia and numerous other alternative sources.
They may not be perfect, but they don’t need to be. They’re trying. They have a belief and are fighting for it. With everything they have. That gets my respect.
There are certainly numerous individuals I missed, but you get the point.
Compare them to the individuals that continue to just make videos/articles and whine. Which are better? Which does our movement need more of?
We can sit here and discuss the reasoning for our degeneration and defeat for years. It’s not going to save us. We have to actively be resisting further decline. If we aren’t doing that, it will only get worse. Talking does nothing.
The people that incessantly whine and do nothing about it are obviously not on our side. They encourage behavior to just lay down and take whatever happens without a fight. They are thin-skinned and worthless.
Even worse, they encourage others that follow them to be just as action-less.
Truthfully, if you wanted to hurt leftism the most, you’d become a leftist talking head that just encourages them to do nothing but wait around. Then, we could actually get some things done while their entire audience just waited around.
That’s exactly what they are doing to us.
People like YouTubers that do nothing, the Shapiros, the Daily Wire types, and so forth. They talk… and talk… and talk…
While doing nothing to help us.
Stop talking, start doing. We have enough philosophical discussion, we have enough podcasts, we have enough blogs. Use them as a supplement to your main actions, not your main actions in themselves.
I know I’m not some hero in all of this either. Neither are most people on the right.
But hell, I still put my all into this. I can’t do a lot because I don’t have a lot. But I’m doing every thing that I can possibly think of.
I believe that no current government can fix our current issues, so I’ve spent over four years studying governments to try to build an alternative. I’ve drafted it time and time again. I’ve fought over it with probably hundreds of people at this point. I’ve completed a book about it and am in the process of editing it now. I’m trying to get a larger audience here to start building it. I want to use it as a framework to invade the R ticket and kick out the traitors while preserving the patriotic. I’ve been out in every single election fight and state resistance meeting possible over the election fraud. I’ve been active in my community and working toward getting myself in a better place to support us more.
I’m doing literally everything I can think of. I’m not a big name like others, so I can’t pull punches like they can right now. But you can’t point to me as a talking head. I’m the opposite – I’ve stayed low while working my ass off behind the scenes to try to get something tangible.
In comparison, what has following the talking heads got us for the past decade?
Even more degeneracy? A further declined country? Less freedom?
All while being told we should just wait and not do anything. They keep complaining but don’t ever do anything to change it.
Do something!
You all have magnitudes greater of the resources than I have at my disposal. Use them. Fight tooth and nail to primary traitorous republicans. Get your community engaged to have them run for local offices and then state. Build a community online and get them meeting in person or through other channels. Hire developers to create alternative platforms. Amass a legal army to fight for our side in every channel. Find a single issue and fight for it with your all. Unite us. Fight the corruption. There are millions of things that can be done.
But instead, they just talk and take your money in donations. Because somehow that is helping us?
Listen, the battle lines are already drawn. We’re not going to win over any leftists with logic or debate. We know what side everyone is on. The time for philosophical discussion and reasoning has long since vanished.
It is now time, to do.
These talking heads trap the people on our side into inaction. They are not just worthless, they are damaging to us.
We need more leaders, not more philosophers. We need more courageous warriors, not intellectuals.
And until we get them, we will keep losing.
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