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On Paganism

Some thoughts on the paganism trend and a recommendation for an article series.

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Right-wing Politics And Paganism

ID has a great article series by Harmonica going over the Pagan Question. You can find the current entries here:

One quote of particular importance from the series is here (Part 2):

“If Jews really did create Christianity to weaken the White race, then they failed miserably. As much as I admire the Greco-Roman legacy, I must admit that the heights of Christian Europe were far greater than pagan Europe. Plus, White nations have gone through a rapid degree of secularization since 1945, and even more so since the 1960s, an era that has been marked by swift White decline. If Christianity was some kind of Jewish parasite on the White race, then we should expect to see an improvement in White nations as Christianity declines. In fact, we have observed the reverse: as Christianity declines, White nations decline with it.”

It is true. Greco-Roman began our legacy, but Christendom propelled it to its heights. The Modern era (post-Enlightenment) has only degenerated us since.

Some would argue that modern America has more true geopolitical reach than Christian Britain had at its apex, but I’d easily chose a Pax Britannica over a Pax Americana any day. One was Christian, moral, and at least strived for justice and true progress through tradition, whereas the latter is filled with mentally ill clowns and is swiftly collapsing.

Paganism then pushes us toward our weaker lineage, the first of the Greco-Romans. It ignores the traditions and knowledge gained over the course of the Middle Ages.

Another needed quote is here (Part 3):

Rather than having a single cultural origin, with the Greeks and Romans as its only base, the origins of the West should be understood as forming around the synthesis of three distinct cultural forces. The Classical period is one of these streams; however, the other two, Christianity and the Germanic tribes, play equally critical roles. As much as a three-legged stool cannot stand if one of its legs is knocked out, neither can the West. Each of these legs forms the West and, if one of them is removed, the West ceases to exist


Each of these cultural traditions, Greco-Roman, Christian, and Germanic, gave the West its identity. And, in no way can one love the West and hate one of these traditions. From the Greco-Romans came philosophy, Christianity provided neighborly and communal support, and the Germanic peoples (including the Anglo-Saxons) bestowed the understanding of freedom. This list is, of course, just scratching the surface of the gifts each tradition gave the West.

Another needed point by Harmonica. One cannot claim to fight for the West while simultaneously rejecting its own heritage. Our tradition is merged. There is no “West” without Christianity.

Paganism is simply wrong, it is not true, and that should honestly be enough. But I know for some it won’t be.

I agree with the author on all points, but there is also a practical point (which he may address later in the series), and that is just that pagans are weird. They act strange and no one is ever going to take them seriously. It is similar to the guys who dress up in SS outfits in America and parade around the streets. They look more like clowns than serious political activists trying to honestly make a better life for their people.

Another pragmatic point is that pagans have no doctrinal basis for rejecting any of the modernity’s monstrosities of morality. E.g. trannies, sexual perversion, mass infanticide, etc, because most of them (not all) participated in it.

The Christian faith has certainly been attacked/degraded, but if you actually read the Bible, it’s pretty clear that none of that nonsense is allowed. We have a cornerstone. Pagans have no such bedrock. They have no surviving books on true moral doctrine that can be preserved and contained. We do. That is imperative for a sustainable future for our people.

Additionally, most of the true “pagans” of today are inner-city leftist women and homosexuals that like crystals and think magic curses are kinda cool. The vast majority of pagan institutions in the United States today are anti-“racism” and pro-leftism to an extreme. The right-wing pagans are walking hand-in-hand in destroying our only moral framework while aligning with these buffoons.

Finally, no one honestly believes in the pagan gods, so it is all a LARP. If Odin or some other lowercase god existed, Christianity would not have utterly cucked the pagan religions. But they got dwarfed, because they were fake and lame.

Abandon Paganism. Come over to the truth. After all, the best and most common pagan tradition is converting to Christianity.

Our people need strong men willing to fight. We won’t get that with Pagan LARPers. We need Christians. They are the only ones truly willing to put everything on the line for GFN: God, Family, and Nation. In that order.

Without them, we get nowhere.

Read Next: Live and Let Live V2


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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