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Mormonism: spiritual degeneration

On Mormonism: A Spiritual Degeneration

Join me on a journey to review the lessons we can learn from a spiritual degeneration of Christianity: Mormonism.

mormonism: spiritual degeneration

A Journey Into Mormonism

Mormonism is a useful microcosm of the spiritual degeneration that is occurring across the West. It pairs nicely with similar cults of the 1800s, such as Jehovah’s witnesses, the Church of Christian Science, and similar anti-Trinity cults.

The Mormon institution stands as an intermediary before even further cultist degeneration stemming in the mid-1900s from the likes of Hare Krishna, World Mission Society Church of God, the Family, and so on.

Mormonism is a stage of that continual spiritual/metaphysical degeneration we have been experiencing on a civilizational level.

What is perhaps most fascinating is the speed of these spiritual degenerations. It took centuries upon centuries for the original teachings of Christ to degenerate and separate amongst man. But now? We’re lucky if we get a hundred years.

Pay attention to the timelines:

  • 33 AD – Origination [Perfection of Christ]
  • 33-380 AD – Formation of Pauline Christianity and Roman Catholicism in the Roman Empire
  • 1054 AD – Orthodox schism
  • 1517 AD – Beginnings of Protestant Reformation
  • 1800s AD – Major nontrinitarian cult expansion
  • 1900s AD – Same as 1800s but with even further degeneration to include materialistic and physical (sexual) degeneration

It’s degenerating a lot faster now. Exactly as the Kali Yuga theory predicts.

A little degeneration speeds up the next stage of degeneration exponentially.

We are moving further and further from the central position, Truth.

And it really picked up in the 1800s—Wherein, the most prolific example of that time period is none other than the Mormons. So, it is useful to consider them in the context of the greater spiritual degeneration of Truth.

The Mormons are the ultimate worldly religion, as their institution is led by a singular leader selected based on seniority and institutional position, but dogmatically “appointed by God”. They believe this leader is a “prophet” who can converse with God. So, this leader has far more power than even the Pope shares in changing the course of their faith. They often call him the “president” of the church, even though he is not elected.

This is the same leadership that is hiding hundreds of billions from taxes and lying about charitable donations while simultaneously demanding 10% from every member or they won’t “be blessed” or able to participate fully within the faith.

What all of this means is that the leadership structure of the Mormons can match the world whenever it is politically necessary to do so.

All it takes is one statement by the Prophet President, and the entire adherents choose to strictly follow it as though the statement is directly from God. Akin to blind obedience.

The presidency can shift doctrine, sometimes doing a full turnaround from a foundational position, and no one will so much as blink an eye. It’s a “living” church, which means it will live submissively alongside the culture.

It is no surprise why the spiritual degeneration occurs so rapidly within the Mormon faith once you understand the above paragraphs.

While the Mormons are a spiritual degeneration from the original Truth of Christ, the Mormons are also a degeneration unto themselves. Their Mormon institution is degenerating internally (proportionally) as rapidly as the larger Christian faith degeneration itself is occurring.

Don’t take my word for it. Let’s check their own history.

For one particularly powerful example, this exact flip-flop situation happened in their past with the civil rights movement.

Mormons originally believe(d) black people are cursed by God because they were “fence-sitters” (literal word choice) in the preexistence where all humans (including blacks) sided with Jesus (yes, this is real. It is similar to Scientology).

Because of this unvirtuous preexistent nature of the blacks, the Mormons did not allow them to hold a “priesthood”. That is, until the civil rights movement, when they started to get heavily investigated and targeted by the state.

Then, suddenly, god supposedly told the Prophet President that blacks are chill and must be allowed the priesthood. Convenient timing on God’s part, to follow our cultural shift.

Joseph Fielding Smith [A prior Prophet President] supported the idea in his 1931 book The Way to Perfection, stating that the priesthood restriction on black people was a “punishment” for actions in the pre-existence. In a letter in 1947, the First Presidency wrote in a letter to Lowry Nelson that black people were not entitled to the full blessings of the gospel, and referenced the “revelations […] on the preexistence” as a justification.

And a complete shift by a later Prophet President:

After the priesthood ban was lifted in 1978, church leaders refuted the belief that black people were less valiant in the pre-existence. In a 1978 interview with Time magazine, Spencer W. Kimball stated that the LDS Church no longer held to the theory that those of African descent were any less valiant in the pre-earth life.

Prior to the immediate modern day, the Mormons instead taught that black skin came from the curse of Cain killing his brother Abel. But now they’ve even backtracked on that, instead saying that blacks are completely equal and we are all intermixed.

The Mormons even took it to Orwell 1984 Ministry of Truth levels, by now outright rejecting any of this ever happened:

In a 2006 interview for the PBS documentary The Mormons, apostle Jeffrey R. Holland called the idea that blacks were less valiant in the pre-existence an inaccurate racial “folklore” invented in order to justify the priesthood ban, and the reasons for the previous ban are unknown.

They went from No Blacks -> Yes Blacks, But Cursed -> Yes Blacks, Forget The Curse, We’re All Equal -> That Never Happened.

All within about forty years.

That is insanely fast. Almost unheard of in terms of spiritual degeneration.

Mormonism meme 3 - If you think Scientology is crazy, check out Mormonism

A similar shift happened with polygamy, which is what mormons are most known for. The founders of the faith were notorious polygamists, with their founder Joseph Smith having double-digit wives, including about 1/3 that were teenagers and 1/3 that were already married to other men (polyandry/adultery). In their original books, polygamy is a requirement for “exaltation”. That is, until the American government outlawed it and began pressuring the Mormons, after which god told the Prophet President that polygamy had to be banned in the physical realm, but would continue in the next life:

The private practice of polygamy was instituted in the 1830s by founder Joseph Smith. The public practice of plural marriage by the church was announced and defended in 1852 by a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, Orson Pratt, at the request of church president Brigham Young.

For over 60 years, the LDS Church and the United States were at odds over the issue: the church defended the practice as a matter of religious freedom, while the federal government aggressively sought to eradicate it, consistent with prevailing public opinion. Polygamy was probably a significant factor in the Utah War of 1857 and 1858, given Republican attempts to paint Democratic President James Buchanan as weak in his opposition to both polygamy and slavery. In 1862, the United States Congress passed the Morrill Anti-Bigamy Act, which prohibited plural marriage in the territories. In spite of the law, Latter-day Saints continued to practice polygamy, believing that it was protected by the First Amendment. In 1879, in Reynolds v. United States, the Supreme Court of the United States upheld the Morrill Act, stating: “Laws are made for the government of actions, and while they cannot interfere with mere religious belief and opinion, they may with practices.”

In 1890, when it became clear that Utah would not be admitted to the Union while polygamy was still practiced, church president Wilford Woodruff issued a Manifesto that officially terminated the practice of polygamy. Although this Manifesto did not dissolve existing plural marriages, relations with the United States markedly improved after 1890, such that Utah was admitted as a U.S. state in 1896. After the Manifesto, some church members continued to enter into polygamous marriages, but these eventually stopped in 1904 when church president Joseph F. Smith disavowed polygamy before Congress and issued a “Second Manifesto,” calling for all plural marriages in the church to cease, and established excommunication as the consequence for those who disobeyed.

Pathway: Polygamy required for highest exaltation -> Polygamy somewhat acceptable but hidden -> Polygamy banned but still required in the next life -> Polygamy banned and not discussed anymore.

Quite the progression.

Mormonism meme 2 - Stop practicing polygamy

One would think that if the foundational truth was evident in a church, it would not need to completely change all of its foundational doctrine. This is especially imperative because Mormons consider themselves as the “only true church” and that all other faiths are the result of “the great apostasy”. But if that is the case, it is quite the shifting church. God must like to change based on our prevailing culture, apparently.

Biblical Christianity is still Biblical Christianity. It doesn’t change. Unlike these “living” religions (degenerations).

Mormons also followed this trend with the story of Christ. Mormons believe that Christ is simply the first physical son of God, created by actual physical sexual intercourse on a different planet. There is also a “Heavenly Mother” (which, according to their theology, is how all of us were created). This “Christ” is a brother of Satan, but he chose to follow God and Satan didn’t during the fall, which led to their different positions. Mormon theology also requires marriage, so they believe that Jesus was married.

But all of this has become a point of contention amongst Christians, so the Mormons don’t talk about it much. In fact, they teach their missionaries to specifically be non-specific in answering questions at the early stages. Critics coined the term “lying for the Lord,” which became a popular slogan.

But no Christians do this. We answer proudly to any question.

Mormons used to be proud of being distinct, claiming they saw as abominations the “apostate Christians”. Their founders did not want to be called Christians. It was only in the late 1900s that position changed.

In the modern days, the leadership has found they can convert a lot more people if they enter their homes and present themselves as “Christians, but with a few different beliefs”.

They now do their best to redefine Christianity where it specifically includes them, instead of trying to exclude themselves as their historical position was. They have realized that this complete turnaround helps them get more converts, and thus more of that lucrative ten percent tithing.

Mormonism meme 3 - book of Mormon circular logic

The point of these examples? To demonstrate that Mormonism simply shifts with the prevailing winds of the culture. There are dozens of other examples within their institution.

They have been degenerating at a rapid pace, and will continue to do so for as long as our civilizational cultural degeneration continues.

But, they will survive anything, because their Prophet Presidents can just change their course on a dime at any point.

Whatever they believe now will be completely opposed to what they believe decades down the line.

This is happening now with same sex marriage, something they used to be wholly against [1][2].

Mormon Church Voices Support for Same-Sex Marriage Law

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints voiced its support for proposed federal legislation safeguarding same-sex marriages.

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints said Tuesday it would back proposed federal legislation to safeguard same-sex marriages, marking the latest show of support for the measure from conservative-leaning groups.

The nearly 17-million member, Utah-based faith said in a statement that church doctrine would continue to consider same-sex relationships to be against God’s commandments. Yet it said it would support rights for same-sex couples as long as they didn’t infringe upon religious groups’ right to believe as they choose.

Statement on the United States Congress Respect for Marriage Act

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints released the following statement on Tuesday, November 15, 2022.

We are grateful for the continuing efforts of those who work to ensure the Respect for Marriage Act includes appropriate religious freedom protections while respecting the law and preserving the rights of our LGBTQ brothers and sisters.

We believe this approach is the way forward. As we work together to preserve the principles and practices of religious freedom together with the rights of LGBTQ individuals, much can be accomplished to heal relationships and foster greater understanding.

Notice the “T”. They are even bowing for the transgenders now. I wonder how long until I can offer a degeneration pathway similar to their degeneration pathways regarding polygamy, blacks, and Christ.

Not long, I assume. Especially given this news.

As soon as their bottom line is at risk, their Prophet President will have a new realization.

While the Mormons can change their entire faith based on the saying of one man, Christians cannot. Our God, the real God, does not change:

  • Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
  • “For I the Lord do not change; therefore you, O children of Jacob, are not consumed.
  • The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever.
  • God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?
  • The counsel of the Lord stands forever, the plans of his heart to all generations.
  • etcetc.

This is why true Christianity is resistant to degeneration.

Some of our institutions and denominations, perhaps not, but those that follow the Christ will remain unchanged yesterday, today, and forever, because that Christ dwells within them and sanctifies them to his unchanging self.

We can’t degenerate. But the Mormons must. It is in their nature as a spiritual degeneration.

This leads us to the conclusion that the Mormon faith is a degeneration of a degeneration of a degeneration (The root of teachings of Christ, to centralized Catholicism, to hundreds of branch-offs with Protestantism, to the nontrinitarian Cults).

[As a sidenote: I mean no offense to any of my Christian brothers or sisters in this analysis. It is merely a reflection of a degenerating force away from truth. We stray further and further from truth and unity in each degeneration. Truth is found in Christ, not man nor institution nor creed nor denomination.]

Wherein the Mormon focus is solely on institution and man. They are so focused on “the true church [institution]” and their Prophet President [man]. Both of which are physical, resulting in them completely missing the metaphysical.

There will probably be a church that comes after them that literally just worships a rock or a temple building, to fully make that full degeneration from the metaphysical to the physical final. We are nearing it with the World Mission Society Church of God. But not quite there yet. I believe there is a chance for Mormons to reach this degeneration personally, given their “living” nature.

My personal spiritual goal is to reach as close to that true Christ as humanely possible, with no care for an institution, particular denomination, creed, or anything else. Because, if one believes Christ is God and Savior, then that is the only source non-degenerated because it is the only source non-touched by man—Because Christ is not solely man.

So while the Christian denominations may fight one another on which one holds closer to that crater of truth, I think all of us can agree that the cults are further devolved than any of us and need saved, before they grow even worse.

With Mormonism being arguably the most prolific cult of Christianity aside from perhaps Jehovah’s Witnesses.

But both of those corporate institutions demonstrate God’s ability to make a mockery of those who “preach another Jesus whom we have not preached” (2 Corinthians 11:3-4). Both are degenerating rapidly. Both hold creeds opposing their original teachers.

A fascinating thing relating to that Scripture is that Paul directly mentions that minds will be lead astray by the serpent who deceived Eve. The serpent deceived Eve by convincing her she could become God. The Mormon faith teaches that they can become God. Satan does not change his playbook all too often, it seems.

Let’s now move on to conclusions from this long journey into the world of Mormon.

I wrote this to dissidents, more so than anyone else.

I did so because many dissidents look to the Mormons and see hope, somewhat akin to the Amish or Mennonites.

Sadly for them, I am here to shatter that dream.

The Mormon institution is a worldly being, and will be at the forefront of worldly change once it is profitable to them.

They will pickup the cross of the world at the soonest instance of any pushback, guaranteed. Because it is all they have ever done.

While they may have big families, those families are becoming far blacker, browner, and more “diversified” by the year. You may assume they are against LGBTQ now, but their youth demographics are quickly changing that position. While they currently avoid culturally degenerate materials, it will not be long until they are fully encapsulated by them, as they are deceived by the same serpent as the leftists.

The hedge that they once held is rapidly disintegrating because of their lack of desire for Truth. They stray from it. They prefer tradition and familiarity over uncovering raw Truth. Anyone—person or institution—that does this will degenerate and fall. Look around, the evidence of this is everywhere. Do not follow them. Seek the truth, no matter how painful or difficult it is.

The Mormons are not the Amish. They worship a different God and Christ from us. And any different God and Christ is a demon. Joseph Smith probably saw that old Serpent in his visions, otherwise his visions were hallucinations or complete fabrications. That much is guaranteed, because “even if an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse!” (Galatians 1:8). The sub-title of their book is literally “Another testament of Jesus Christ“.

We cannot find hope in the cults. We need to save them the same we need to save any other unsaved soul. Any promising aspect they seemingly deliver is a fleeting snare.

Be cautious you are not caught up in it.

Any degenerated position is not a sustainable position, it will only worsen.

Instead, we must seek after Truth and Truth alone. That is the only thing that is worthy of us. Anything else is a temporary aid.

I love my Mormon brothers and sisters, so I will pray that they can escape their cage. But I must publically caution dissidents to put any hope or interest in them or other spiritual degenerations like them. They are all at the whims of this world, and we must rise above that.

While they may seem initially appealing—I encourage you to dig deep. In doing so, you will stumble upon many cracks in the foundation.

Read Next: The Spirit Of Creation: Frithjof Schuon


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390


  1. Ex-Mormon-ite Here, with more snippets. One, the film shown is outdated; the ceremony has changed AGAIN{at least 04 times by my research}. Indeed, the Church teaches ‘intelligence’ but ONLY in accept formats. Two one of the core texts, said to be from Egypt and ‘lost’ in the Chicago Fire, so no one could translate it; was found intact and proven– and its NOT what is printed in the Cannon of the Church. The list is long and worthy of a book. But the LDS are NOT alone in this. All Christians evolve their faith. And at base,, they are all founded on a book written by ? translated by X and mistranslated ‘from here to paternity’. So its a religion with a foundation of fraud

    • Appreciate the additional snippets from an insider. Happy you were able to escape. It is true that it would take a long and arduous book to document all the contradictions and insanities of Mormonism.

      You have taken that first step, it seems.

      Although, sadly, I still can sense the lingering indoctrination that was planted in you from the Mormons. Met a good deal of similar ex-mormons. You guys always say the same things. I think it’s a church obedience/indoctrination thing.

      It’s clear by this end statement of yours, which I’ve heard from a hundred Mormons, but not once a Christian:

      All Christians evolve their faith. And at base,, they are all founded on a book written by ? translated by X and mistranslated ‘from here to paternity’.

      Read the full article and this comparison piece. If a Christian “evolves” the faith (like a Mormon), they are a degeneration. That’s the main point I made in the article. The root faith must remain unchanged for it to be pure. Institutions do not control this, the relationship between God and man does. We still have pure Christians; meanwhile, there cannot be a pure degeneration (from a cult).

      Additionally, it’s a common note of mormons to worry about “translations”. That doesn’t really make any sense to a Christian—We have the original language, which you can study, which is Koine Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic. If you’re so worried about translations, just go read the root text itself. Which many theologians and ministers do, and I also do occasionally.

      It seems you still have lingering Mormon effects on you, as you have this fundamental misunderstanding of Christian doctrine. This is common with Mormons because Mormons are taught that they are “christians” but learn nothing about real Christianity. They then instill pride into Mormons to make them never seek any truth outside “the church”. If you understood the differences, you would not worry about “mistranslations” or “evolving faiths” and the like. You would also know why your statement above makes no sense in the context of Christianity.

      I recommend this book to you or other ex-Mormons who are open to it: Introducing Christianity to Mormons. It is a great resource to really help ex-Mormons learn Christianity and unlearn Mormonism.

      Don’t take this as an attack, just an encouragement to seek the truth. The truth that has been subverted from you in the first place.


    • I have not heard about it, but it does not surprise me at all. Watched a view of their videos and was not surprised by the insanity found within. Lunatics, the entire lot of them.

      Good find.

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