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Discussing the ever-increasing trend of those on the Right who hate their own nation. Hate modernity. Not your people, country, or history.
There are necessary distinctions that need to be made. A nation is not always the same as a country (or “state“). Western civilization is not the same as the current Western states.
We’ve been taught to hate all four: the nation, the country, the civilization, and modernity. When in reality, we should only hate the last of the list.
Each of the prior three have become weakened, and fallen, because of the latter. Modernity has acted as a type of cancer to the human society. If you were to have cancer, would you find it just to hate your own immune system, yourself, and your soul? Or solely the disease that of which causes the ailment, the cancer? Modernity is our cancer, where our spirit is found in our civilization, our body in our nation, and our state in our immune system. Modernity has most definitely afflicted us, likely fatally, but this does not provide justification to be engulfed in hatred for things that of which are suffering the same fate as you are. Your body, immune system, and spirit ache just as hard as you do.
I am not an angle in this. I have fallen for the hate too, at times. However, I am increasingly seeing what is happening in a different context. Even conservatives and right-wingers are starting to hate their country and nation. While not seeing that this is exactly what centralizers want.
The leftists already hated their country and civilization. This is why they were so dedicated to modernity. With it, came a hatred for their nation itself. The next mission of the centralizer was to spread that hatred to us, as well.
They are succeeding.
Centralizers only care about destroying. They want to break everything down to rebuild it in their desired image. This requires an overwhelming majority to hate it, to desire its complete absence, and to demand its absolute destruction. They can’t rebuild what half want to preserve, so they have to make it so insufferable that no one, not even the traditionalists and conservatives, want to preserve it.
These people, the centralizers, don’t enjoy modernity. From what I have gathered, it is quite the opposite. They only seek what may come after. They think trannies are mentally ill too. They just see them for what they are to them: pawns. Just like the rest in the criminal mob that they use to provoke fear and power. They are using them, and everything else we see, to help break it all down. So they can later build it up how they see fit. They don’t want to be around degenerates. They don’t send their kids to the indoctrination camps that ours go too. They don’t eat or sleep where we eat or sleep. They are totally absent of the plague they impart on us to break us.
Think of a soldier going through bootcamp. But in a far more malicious manner. They are breaking you down, so they can rebuild you in their image. To impart the culture that they want, they must first fully stamp out the prior culture. They need both sides to hate, so that no side will seek to preserve.
The leftists already want everything destroyed. Now, the Right is rapidly approaching the same conclusion.
Who benefits from this? Does either the average person in the Right or the left receive any benefit… at all? Of course not. There is only one demographic who does and that is the controllers.
It is hard not to hate the perversion that exists around you. I get that. It is equally as hard to find justification for its continuation when there is relatively none. I get that as well. But we cannot fall down the rabbit-hole of also hating our own people, hating our own country that was once glorious, or hating the most powerful civilization that had ever existed in human history.
We must abhor the modernity that infests them. But we must not hate the good that lies entrapped in the disease.
The next time the centralizers try to get you to hate your nation, remember this. Their attempt is not an after-effect of some other action, it is the direct action they are striving to achieve. The only way Western civilization (read: Real Western Civilization) survives is if we keep the flame for it within ourselves, even during the most trying of times.
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