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The culture of the United States has degraded beyond redemption. What now? Well, step one is creating an enclave. A new, stronger community.
a portion of territory within or surrounded by a larger territory whose inhabitants are culturally distinct.
a place or group that is different in character from those surrounding it.
Move past the sadness stage and into the acceptance stage. When we get there we can open our eyes and collectively recognize that the system never had a chance to survive originally.
It was a good run. And we’ve learned a lot about ways to prevent it from deteriorating like this in the future. But it’s done. We’re fighting over the corpse of a nation that once proudly demanded international respect.
Degeneracy is everywhere. The culture is subverted garbage. The media is a traitorous sword of the elitist enemy. Any type of honorable, objective morality has long since past.
What exactly is there left worthy of conservation?
The groups within America, and their the mindsets, are changing.
The leftists cling to their false god that is “progress”, misguidedly thinking it will lead them to a more prosperous future. The second group is that of conservatives that think they are holding the traditional line, completely oblivious to the war annihilating them.
But there exists one other group aside from these two. The third group. The one that realizes that both other groups are unwittingly working together toward the same goal: anacyclosis. This third group realizes that the only political solution that exists is to forcibly use the political cycle of collapse to their advantage, instead of their inevitable downfall.
This is the group I’ve decided to name “Enclavism“.
It recognizes that Western collapse is inevitable. And desirable, if it means a chance to build a system stronger to defeat the cycle.
They recognize that we need a new government. It cannot be fixed from within. Not at this point, at least. Nor can it be fixed through any other modern system.
And they also recognize that we need a community to do that. Community is important. But, it must be the proper community.
We cannot create a group of individuals that could work toward freeing ourselves from this political cycle of collapse without first having a community that can collectively recognize the root issue at hand. It’s not capitalism, or socialism, or a certain political party, or any of the other easily recognizable symptoms – but rather, the cycle itself.
We likewise cannot create a group of individuals strong enough to resist the effects of a late-stage degenerative system without first expelling ourselves from it. We need time to view it from a distance. To accurately gauge the current damage and the path forward.
In short, we can’t fix the degeneracy without first escaping it. An individual cannot accomplish this alone. At least, not in the modern era. The only way to live a healthy and happy life without it is through like-minded communities: an enclave.
An enclave that exists outside the cultural parameters of the decadent, disgraceful corpse of this once great Western nation. Ideally, multiple enclaves should spring up. They should interconnect with one another to create a much more powerful force. A force far enough away to avoid integration with the degeneracy but close enough to work on a cure for it.
Creating this enclave is the hard part. But there exists no shortage of people in the nation that recognize this inevitability. They just don’t have a word to use to describe it. We have one now.
Additionally, as the degenerative stage continues to unravel and bring us closer to a downfall, the more people will join the third group. The group we must recruit from.
These are the individuals that will see the importance of the work in the local arena. The others may not.
Building them in our neighborhood and local government is the main step. Really, the only viable step. The enclave does not need existence from external sources. A community can provide for itself in a way even the state and federal governments cannot.
Recruit the neighbors. Conquer the local government. Help move friendly people in and encourage unfriendly ideologues out. Recruit the strongest and most able to take over public positions. Remove all hostile elements, degeneracy, and immoral elements. Install a culture unlike that of what surrounds your enclave.
Create a place that differs in character and culture from those surrounding it. An oasis of sanity in the sea of the modern insanity.
This is where the idea of America will reside. The American nation may have fallen but the American people have not. An idea, the experiment, can never die so long as it lives in the hearts and the minds of the people who hold true to it.
Those who keep the traditions, heritage, culture, honor, and spirit will continue to lead the American idea into the future. Those enclaves will be the spiritual successors when the inevitable partition occurs.
There is a greater purpose to this struggle. It matters. It really does. Not just for now and not just for you or your family. But for our souls themselves.
It all starts locally. Move somewhere with like-minded people. Then get involved. Attend school meetings, local community events, political affairs. Work together with your neighbors. Begin building the enclaves that will lead this nation away from the degenerate path it is on.
Leftism want to push us faster along the same cycle that every government has taken before us. Conservatives just want to keep us deadlocked at one point on it. No one considers the more radical idea: removing it entirely. The leftists are regressive while the right-wing are stagnant.
So it seems we’re the progressive bunch, after all.
Build the community. Build the family. Those two things are our future.
I know on the grand scale it seems hopeless. It may seem impossible to change the direction of the nation or what is happening federally.
But that rarely matters at the end of the day. It matters locally. Which you can impact. Right now, today. It is what you, anyone reading this, can actually do.
Build your enclave.
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The [Much Needed] Great American Partition
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