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Since the election and covid, many of us have been feeling a persistent state of rage. Here is some personal advice on controlling the anger.
It is perfectly justifiable to be mad because your nation is controlled by a small cabal of elitist douchebags who genocide 20% of your generation, rape your daughters, blackmail your leaders, use your entire financial system to impoverish you, use your own culture to cancel you, switch your votes, and send your sons to die on the other side of the world in pointless wars that solely benefit foreign nations.
Even if you don’t feel it, things are changing. Everywhere around the United States, a hidden rage is simmering. The lockdowns, the degeneracy, the masks, the riots, the vote cancelling, the censoring, the decimation of culture, the crime, the injustice, the elites getting richer, and the constant lies are producing a multitude of people that are full of hatred for the ruling class. The United States is full of generally hardworking people that are calm and keep their head down. But something in the air is changing. They are learning that either they change or their entire way of life dies. And given the option, they are choosing the former.
Do not ever let anyone tell you that the anger you feel is wrong. It is a perfectly justifiable emotion given the circumstances. I’m angry too. Honestly, if you’re not, you should be.
But the point of this article is to redirect that anger to something positive and not allow it to engulf you. Our ancestors have lived under some horrible tyrants, we can make it through this stage of tyranny as well. You can find peace in knowing that the human condition is one of eternal struggle. Your ancestors fought it, now it is your turn. This struggle is what breeds strong men. Physically and mentally.
We just have to put our mental health into check and channel the rage into things that will correct the underlying cause.
It’s important to control this anger. A man with uncontrollable anger is a liability to both himself and the causes he desires. Not only that, but they are weak. Yes, weak. Anger is fine. It dominating your life is not.
An uncontrollable man does not think rationally. He does not plan the best course of action. He does not unite in peace with other men. He doesn’t lead. He doesn’t fight effectively.
He’s a liability. Not an asset. To himself and the movements that could save him from that anger.
If men are constantly in rage mode, they are unproductive and unfocused. The uncontrolled rage must be put aside for a more calculating approach.
We don’t have a lot of time. Meaning, we don’t have time for men to figure this out. You need to lead. You can’t lead while constantly in a state of rage.
Be calculating, not angry. Recognize the enemy, but don’t let them alter your mental state. The enemy wants you distressed.
You have a purpose. Don’t let the rage distract you from it.
Distance yourself from the news for a bit if you have too. Work with your community. Build up your family. Put all your energy into building or creating something that will help us long-term. Dive into your career to get more money to bankroll our team. Go take out your anger in a boxing or a lifting gym. Go running for a long time. Lift up fellow people on our side. Study religious texts. Get a dog. Do whatever you have to do that will help you see more clearly and plan more appropriately.
Build yourself up. Don’t let the evil tear you down. Evil will always be present with us in this world. We will always fight it.
You can control the anger.
Then you can use it to win.
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