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nuclear war survival skills

Nuclear War Survival Skills

A heritage manual on how to survive a nuclear war.

nuclear war survival skills

surviving A Nuclear War

I have always wished that the people who preach about an upcoming nuclear apocalypse would do two things:

  1. Learn about the number of nuclear tests already conducted (over 2000 nukes detonated worldwide).
  2. Read the Nuclear War Survival Skills public domain PDF (1987 Version. There is a new 2022 version, but you have to pay for it. It does not give much better info than the original in my opinion).
number of nuclear tests conducted over time 1945 to 2019
Over 2000 Nuclear warheads have already been detonated. The world is fine.
Cover of the book Nuclear War Survival Skills
Cover of the 1987 Edition of NWSS

Both are essential resources that give the basics that should be understood prior to wailing about a nuclear apocalypse that will (supposedly) kill everyone.

The first point should clearly remove any lingering belief that a few nukes being launched will result in the earth terraforming into a nuclear winter environment where everyone freezes to death. It didn’t happen from the first 2000+ blasts. It won’t happen now.

Point two—The Nuclear War Survival Skills (NWSS) book—is especially important, because it is a (free) heritage manual that is still being used today.

The climate change evangelicals vehemently hate the book because it does not line up with their climate doomsday beliefs regarding nuclear warheads, so that’s an added endorsement for any of my readers.

The short takeaway that I’m trying to make: Nuclear warheads won’t wipe out everyone. You can survive them if you read the manual and know what to do. Don’t live in fear.

Plenty will die, sure. But many more will still be around.

I am tired of the nuke fearporn going around. The feds are up to something with it. It seems far more like the fear campaigns of covid than anything based on reality.

There won’t be a nuclear carnage that wipes out the entire globe. If it were to happen, I imagine it’d hit a few places and that would be it. The international centralizers won’t risk everything with a worldwide nuclear campaign, it’s far too risky for them. A few nukes could wipe out some cities, but it might honestly be better for us country folk if that happened, anyway.

But I do love my fearporn regarding HEMPs and EEMPs. The EEMPs especially:

  • HEMP: high-altitude electromagnetic pulse
  • EEMP: Enhanced-EMP (“Super-EMP”)

An energetic EMP can temporarily upset or permanently damage electronic equipment by generating high voltage and high current surges; semiconductor components are particularly at risk. The effects of damage can range from imperceptible to the eye, to devices literally blowing apart. Cables, even if short, can act as antennas to transmit pulse energy to the equipment.

Both of these could take out satellites and nearly all forms of electronic equipment with relative ease. Imagine that: all electronics, power grids, defense systems, and so on go down. That is a far worse fate than a nuclear strike in some densely populated leftist city.

This kind of attack would send us back to the bronze age. One EEMP would probably be enough to wipe out half of the country over a few short months due to the lack of our ability to sustain a population of this size without technology.

Tech has made us incredibly fragile. Without it, the population cannot be sustained. If the population can’t be sustained, there will be violence. A lot of it.

Hell, when just EBT was down for a day there were deadly riots in numerous black-majority cities. Imagine no tech at all and an active war, whether nuclear or not.

Technology will destroy us all, eventually. For now, it is just us waiting to see which particular “advancement” will be the final one. Most of my money is still on CRISPR or its derivative being the final nail, but I admit I could be wrong. These EMPs have high potential, especially with Russia and China recently testing them.

Now that is a proper dose of fearporn. Much more intense, realistic, and wholesome than the strict nuclear variety.

With that honest assessment out of the way, my advice is still to never be afraid or worried. Be thankful for your time. Whatever is to come is meant to come. Seek God and you won’t have to live in fear anymore.

Read the manual. Learn what to do. If anybody will survive it, it’d be us rugged dissidents. I surmise that the men who think they are girls and the soy-filled Netflix addicts will experience a much more difficult time.

Read Next: The Crowd By Gustave Le Bon


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390


  1. Nuclear Winter?
    possible or impossible the difference between nuclear test and nuclear war is in war the targets are mainly carbon based building materials.
    with a nuclear blast carbon based building materials mean lots of soot and fine powder ash in the stratosphere.and rain does not effect the stratosphere and rain will not wash the soot and the fine powdered ash out of the sky.

    • with a nuclear blast carbon based building materials mean lots of soot and fine powder ash in the stratosphere.

      Yes, however, you’d need such a large amount that it would practically require the entire world to be under nuclear fire. Many “carbon-based building materials” have been hit in tests, as well as live fire in Japan, and no such condition was created.

      If such a war would break out, it would only be between a couple or a few nuclear powers and limited to their land.

      Therein lies the fear-driven belief; A million nukes wouldn’t just rain down on every city on the planet. Some tactical nukes could hit a rival in a nuclear-power confrontation, certainly. But the world’s entire arsenal would not be exhausted everywhere.

      Soot can also be removed (that is a common misbelief from the 70s), and the amount of soot hypothesized to reach the atmosphere in a nuclear event is likely far higher than reality. I recommend reading about bomb pulses and the criticism of the original theories. This information is also in the above book I recommended.

      Always remember: The same people that create climate models create the nuclear winter models.

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