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The origins of mankind through the lens of the everchanging science.
The “out of Africa” origin story for mankind is a lie. It has always been a lie, and the science has always been wrong.
But lately, they’ve finally come around to publicly stating that the science has been completely wrong on this topic for the past three decades:
Scientists have revealed a surprisingly complex origin of our species, rejecting the long-held argument that modern humans arose from one place in Africa during one period in time.
By analyzing the genomes of 290 living people, researchers concluded that modern humans descended from at least two populations that coexisted in Africa for a million years before merging in several independent events across the continent. The findings were published on Wednesday in Nature.
“There is no single birthplace,” said Eleanor Scerri, an evolutionary archaeologist at the Max Planck Institute for Geoarchaeology in Jena, Germany, who was not involved in the new study. “It really puts a nail in the coffin of that idea.”
In fact, this theory is not new, but is just becoming widely accepted.
Even five years ago, the truth was floating around that pointed toward the same conclusion:
No single birthplace of mankind, say scientists
Researchers say it is time to drop the idea that modern humans originated from a single population in a single location
The origins of our species have long been traced to east Africa, where the world’s oldest undisputed Homo sapiens fossils were discovered. About 300,000 years ago, the story went, a group of primitive humans there underwent a series of genetic and cultural shifts that set them on a unique evolutionary path that resulted in everyone alive today.
However, a team of prominent scientists is now calling for a rewriting of this traditional narrative, based on a comprehensive survey of fossil, archaeological and genetic evidence. Instead, the international team argue, the distinctive features that make us human emerged mosaic-like across different populations spanning the entire African continent. Only after tens or hundreds of thousands of years of interbreeding and cultural exchange between these semi-isolated groups, did the fully fledged modern human come into being.
Dr Eleanor Scerri, an archaeologist at Oxford University, who led the international research, said: “This single origin, single population view has stuck in people’s mind … but the way we’ve been thinking about it is too simplistic.”
This continental-wide view would help reconcile contradictory interpretations of early Homo sapiens fossils varying greatly in shape, scattered from South Africa (Florisbad) to Ethiopia (Omo Kibish) to Morocco (Jebel Irhoud).
So both the science and the experts have been wrong for decades. But you should totally trust them now. I’m sure they got it right this time.
Surely the science won’t change again in another couple of decades when this new theory is also demonstratably proven to be false, and we have (more) evidence of outside-of-Africa origins!
Nearly every single thing they told me when I was a kid—Darwinistic evolutionary pressures, random mutations, polar ice caps melting, being gay is genetic, this single-point Africa origin story, etc.—has been proven by their own science to be a lie.
It really takes far more faith to trust in anything the science says than just using some common sense.
The people that continue to buy into this must be sadomasochists. It’s really the only excuse at this point. You have to willfully enjoy going through the humiliation ritual every decade when the new narrative is provided that contradicts the old.
Modern science is all politics, conjecture, and lies. There is little truth to be found within the ivory walls.
Even the scientists themselves say the science is a fraud:
We did not all arise out of Africa. We are not all Africans.
This is common sense to anyone with even the slightest bit of rational thinking. It is obviously true.
But that rational thinking is hard to find today. Instead, we are surrounded by idiots and “intellectuals”, which is redundant:
Maybe one day we can return science to its rightful place. But I’m not optimistic. Once the people realize how much they’ve been lied to, is there really any way to ever go back?
I doubt it.
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Interesting article. I never believed the “out of Africa” narrative either. Do you believe the biblical narrative and that it took place somewhere in the middle East?
Yes, absolutely. I firmly believe in the biblical account of creation. Along with the flood and the descendents of Noah replenishing the earth accordingly.
Whether or not one agrees with the Bible’s creation explanation, we should all agree that the out of Africa theory is completely manmade and bogus—Invented by men that had no idea what they were talking about, but desired to corrupt obvious truth. None of them can be trusted.
As always, I appreciate the comment Al.
People tend to argue between “we evolved from chimps and migrated up north (or down south) during the ice ages to hunt on the mastodons and other large animals”, and “2 humans got spawned out of nowhere, ate an apple, and all hell broke loose”.
I’m sure there’s some kind of middle ground here, but the evolution version does actually make sense from the point of view of that red meat is the healthiest to humans (and it’s the only thing absolutely nobody is allergic to, apart from water and salt), there are similarities between humans and some species of primates (although our digestive systems are much more similar to wolves and lions), the fact there are multiple races of humans rather than just 1, and fossils being dug up.
The biblical version makes much less sense for the fact that it states that we just spawned out of nowhere.
And even though it might have been introduced later, there seems to be lots of references to bread in Christianity, Judiaism, and Islam, and bread is just dirt to the body, and it actually reduces your lifespan too.
But I don’t think it matters that much, because either way it happens so many millions of years ago, I don’t think it really matters as much to the present.
Yeah, accepting the Creation usually is not the first point of acceptance for a non-Christian. It takes time and study to understand the full range of it from a Biblical narrative. Non-Christians often have that assumption that we believe that everything “just spawned out of nowhere”, but that is pretty far from what we actually believe. Places like the Institute of Creation Research have great work on this field that I recommend diving into if ever interested. But the reality is that even the non-religious believe something had to just “spawn out of nowhere”, it is just through their Big Bang theory instead of God. Our finite matter cannot create itself. So something had to happen at some point. No one disagrees with that, they just disagree with what (or who) did it.
The only other place I would make note of is this:
Christians believe that this is the case because of continual degeneration. Over time, the soil and nutrients have eroded as everything is continually decaying. This is backed up by our own health, lifespans over time, and similar characteristics. Ancient grain was nothing like modern grain, we can ever tell that from modern differences between Einkorn versus modern wheat (even though Einkorn is still a degeneration in itself from older grain). We, and the planet as a whole, are continually decaying. So while bread is practically landfill junk now, it was not always this way. It’s just been eroded so intensely. Think like the fish in the ocean: We used to be able to eat them constantly, but now in many areas if you eat too much fish you’ll get mercury or arsenic poisoning because of how bad the fish have degenerated since the fall. It will only continue to get worse from here.