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A news compilation for the week of 06/17/2018 - A lot to cover this week related to gun control, Trump, Italy, and North Korea.
There’s been a bunch of interesting stuff going on in the news I wanted to write about this week.
Let’s start with firearm related news:
1. Mass Shooting at New Jersey Arts Festival Leaves 22 Injured and 1 Dead.
This event hasn’t garnered nearly as much attention as many other mass shootings. I wonder why?
Perhaps because it was committed by two gang members, who acquired the guns illegally, and it is within a state that holds nearly the strictest gun control laws in the nation.
And also, one shooter was out on early release from prison, stemming from homicide related charges.
So the state with the most notorious “common sense gun laws” fails to protect innocent lives? I am surprised. Surprised, I tell you.
2. Armed civilian who took down Walmart shooter is pastor, medic.
Similarly, a different shooting took place in a Walmart in Washington.
You likely also didn’t hear about this.
Because the active shooter in Walmart was a meth head with a felony record who obtained a gun illegally, and was shot dead on the spot by someone with a CCW who wasn’t an off-duty cop.
Hero CCW guy was also a pastor/medic, which makes this guy even better yet.
One shooting happened where guns are practically banned (New Jersey), and another where CCWs are easy to acquire. Two similar kinds of attacks (lunatics with illegal guns).
But two drastically different results.
1. “The US will not be a migrant camp!” – Trump speaks on immigration.
“The United States will not be a migrant camp and it will not be a refugee holding facility,” Trump said during remarks at the White House on Monday.
“You look at what’s happening in Europe,” he continued, “you look at what’s happening in other places – we can’t allow that to happen to the United States. Not on my watch.”
Enough said.
2. President Trump on establishing a Space Force.
We’re getting a freaking space force. I didn’t think I’d live to see a president discussing this. Thought we became too feminized.
It will be in line with the other branches: think Air Force, Navy, Space Force.
1. ‘Stage is SET’ for Italy to leave the EU and Brussels is to BLAME, claims William Hague.
Italy might be considering making a move to leave EU.
This would cripple the European Union.
Stemming from EU’s lack of transparency and their unwillingness to honor previous commitments promised to Italy, the new government has considered taking a stance of “p*ss off, lying bureaucrats!”.
Will be interesting to watch how this unfolds under the new Italian administration.
1. North Korea reportedly offered to abandon a key weapon — and it has nothing to do with nukes.
North Korea offered to abandon artillery that has been threatening Seoul for decades since the war ended.
The original plan is the denuclearization of NK, and this appears to be a very promising step toward comprise between the Triad (NK, South Korea, US).
Hopefully, this can be seen out to fruition. Overall, seems like Trump’s visit with the leader has sparked a positive change in the discussions between the nations.
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