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It seems their new microchip has been installed.
Didn’t you hear? It’s pride and anti-gun month now.
Supporting Ukranian neo-nazis is so last month:
I’m seeing the Everyone But Normal White People Flag all over town again. Ironically, they are right where the Ukranian flags used to be. It seems their new microchip has been installed per the mainstream narrative.
Also, taking bets on what the next month’s programming will be.
Some strong contenders:
Granted, most of these have already been done, but they do like to cycle the programming for some familiarity and nostalgia. Pride and guns are used quite often, but both of them are this month now.
It’s pretty humorous to think about, but by the time clown world finally ends, we just may have a meme that has thousands of programming columns.
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It’s pretty shocking to see how the 10 year cycle of pandemic→war→climate change has changed.
It’s no longer 3 major psyops spread over 10 years, but rather constant changing trends, very hard to keep up with.
But it’s actually pretty hillarious, especially considering how these psyops all conflict with one other.
“Take the jab, or die” and “unvaxxed should be expelled from society” became “stop war on humanity” and “all humans unite”.
“Every woman has the right to kill their baby” became “don’t kill my baby”.
“Don’t kill Ukrainians” became “everyone matters except for straight white men”.
And so on.
The contradictions are the best part. It’s how you know a new chip has been installed, because the old one was apparently wiped out completely from memory. They really are like robots.