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investment opportunities thanks to covid

New Investment Opportunities Courtesy Of Covid

New possibilities for us purebloods are presenting themselves thanks to covid.

investment opportunities thanks to covid

Thanks, Covid

A recent Substack by Alex Berenson gives us some clues for potential investment opportunities courtesy of the covid ordeal:

How bad is the rise in mortality?

So bad funeral companies are starting to worry.

Today Service Corporation International, the largest for-profit funeral operator in North America, had its quarterly earnings call. SCI had another great quarter, you’ll be pleased to hear! So far in 2022 the company has made almost $500 million in profits – and its stock rose more than 10 percent today after its earnings report.

(Death is your best investment!)


So Service Corporation expected that once Covid passed, its business would go back to normal…

What we would have expected is, why wouldn’t we go back towards, let’s say, a 2019 level, maybe you get a percent or so growth of 2019, I would expect that. So that would be a reasonable level that we think would stabilize. And that’s kind of what we anticipated…

Only that’s not what has happened.

What we’re telling you is, the third quarter of this year, we did 15% more calls than we did in the third quarter of 2019. That is not what anybody would have anticipated and that has just a very de minimis amount of Covid deaths [emphasis added] in it.


In any case, the United States is hardly alone in seeing a large and so far unexplained spike in deaths in 2022. Countries from Germany to Australia to Taiwan are seeing similar trends.

They all have something in common. No points for guessing what.

In any case, Service Corporation is expecting business to stay good for years to come.

“These trends are hard to reverse quickly,” Ryan said. “I hope three, four, five years from now will subside a bit. But I don’t think it’s any time soon.”

Sounds like some new investment opportunities opened up for the purebloods in funeral operators, crematoriums, and assorted death-related industries. Get in while it’s hot, I suppose.

Or do what I am doing: Get the stuff you need while you can. Fake fiat money and stock portfolios are not actually worth anything, so spend it on something that is. You can make more worthless dollars in stocks, but how long until they are worth the equivalent of a speck of sand?

It still blows my mind that so many took the jab. Almost everyone knew Big Pharma wouldn’t be held liable. If you willingly inject things into your body that no one is actually liable for, you really should reconsider your life choices.

Consider all of these new opportunities opening up as yet another pureblood victory.

Read Next: The Division In Democracy


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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