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National Embarrassment Mike Bloomberg Begs Biden For Appointment

National Embarrassment Mike Bloomberg Begs Biden For Appointment

Which one of you trolls voted for this clown? National embarrassment mike bloomberg officially runs away from the election cycle.

Another Train Wreck

Mike Bloomberg, former media tycoon and halfway house attendee, has dropped out of the Democratic primaries.

The billionaire that tried to buy the election has fallen.

A day prior to dropping out he ragged on Biden. Immediately after dropping out he bent the knee to Biden.

Why? Probably to get a cabinet appointment if Biden gets elected (which is also not going to happen just like his campaign).

Here’s what he had to say previously:

“Joe’s taking votes away from me right now. I think that is true,” Bloomberg said. “Have you asked Joe whether he is going to drop out? When you ask him that, then you can call me.”

Here’s what he said today:

Bloomberg will put his resources “in the broadest way possible behind Joe Biden’s candidacy,” Tim O’Brien, a senior adviser to the Bloomberg campaign, said Wednesday. “We have long-term leases and long-term contracts with the team and the intention was always to put this big machine we have built behind whoever the nominee is.”

National Embarrassment Mike Bloomberg Begs Biden For Appointment

After spending the amount he did… I would also be begging Biden to give me an appointment in exchange for his endorsement as well.

All of this comes after he spent nearly half a billion dollars on his record-breaking 5 day long campaign. Take it from NPR (dated Feb 21, still a couple weeks before his drop out):

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has now spent some $452 million on advertising since entering the Democratic presidential race in late November, according to the ad-tracking firm Advertising Analytics.

The multibillionaire, who is self-funding his campaign, has already spent more than $401 million on television and radio ads alone. That surpasses the $338.3 million that President Barack Obama’s campaign spent on those ads during his entire 2012 campaign, according to Advertising Analytics.

What a hilarious situation. Dude joins late, ignores important states, spends hundreds of millions of dollars, and gets 3 votes. What a jacka**.

Which one of you trolls voted for his clown?


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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