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Modernity Provides The Opposite Of What It Preaches

Some thoughts on the lies of modernity.

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The Lies Of Modernity

Nearly everything modernity sells to us as being its greatest virtues brings the exact opposite.

Modernity preaches that it can provide us a linear pathway to the “final form of human government” and the end of history, as we have reached the “ideal peak”. Yet, according to the adherents of this view, this ideal peak is always just a few steps away. Within grasp, but never quite there. This will continue indefinitely. In reality, modernity provides a cycle of destruction and collapse, not the pathway to “progress”.

The tolerance movement was said to bring morality and virtue to a secular people, because religious virtue was sold as faulty. But this perversion of morality is the exact opposite of virtuous—It encourages mental illness, aversion to the natural order, and even absolutely reprehensible things such as corrupting children. It preaches itself like a religion and sells itself as the “moral, tolerant, loving” option, when in reality modernity brings immorality, intolerance, self-destructiveness, and wrath to the center stage.

The technological advancement was said to bring a revolution to food, but it has brought about chemically altered, poisonous, and unhealthy foods. It’s rapidly destroying the soil and exploding our waistlines. We’re even actively eradicating natural, non-modified original seeds. A return to more traditional farming, organic (using the term loosely), has been growing in momentum to counter this trend. But modernity preaches that it and only it can accomplish this task, even though it actively sells us the exact opposite. In addition, it built the agricultural and industrial beast that we now have to move away from. Of course, it created the problem to sell the solution. At a markup.

Medical advancement has increased our lifespans and solved many health problems, but now we’re developing nano chips to install into humans, trying to alter our genome with CRISPR and similar tech, and acting like lower-case gods in our quest for overcoming humanity. Instead of understanding and growing within our human limitations, we are trying to trying to play God.

Modernity preaches human rights but then delivers the exact opposite of human rights through forced medical procedures, pumping everyone full of harmful prescriptions, and selling us out to Big Pharma.

The Enlightenment and the democratic revolution were supposed to bring freedom and liberty to the people, but it merely shifted the centralizers’ arenas from the government to the institutions. Instead of a monarch or a caste of aristocrats directing the people, we have a cabal of centralizers that own all the institutions directing the people. It claimed a deliverance of freedom, but gave us only the illusion of the freedom.

Modernity declares proudly that it is the only egalitarian choice. It claims to bring equality to all walks of life. But the only way in which it has been bringing equality is by hammering everyone down to the same, lowest common denominator level. Worse, it’s now actively targeting certain groups, such as whites in college admissions, to beat them into the lower caste. Modernity has distorted equality of opportunity to mean equality of outcome, with the ramifications that the shift innately causes. This is neither moral nor truly equal.

I’m sure you could think of a dozen more examples just off the top of your head. I could go on for numerous paragraphs, but the point has been made. Modernity preaches the exact opposite of what it actually provides to us.

It’s helpful then to remember as you go forward that if modernity says one thing, expect the exact opposite to be what modernity actually provides. The New Normal will not be normal. Build Back Better will be Build Back Worse. The Patriot Act will be an unpatriotic act.

This is a helpful understanding to hone, so you don’t get sucked into the propaganda of modernity or the creatures that arise from it.

Read Next:

Overturning The “Human Right” Of Sacrificing Babies To Moloch

To Be A Gentleman, You Must First Be A Man

The W.H.O. Attempts Worldwide Health Centralization


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390


  1. This can be applied to just about everything.
    As a software developer I’m making fellow developers aware about the fact that we’re headed for a dystopia if we continue to make the software we’re making, or otherwise make software the way we’re making them.

    In both ways, only a very few of us actually aim for more freedom, openness, independence, integrity, abundance, and so on.
    Everybody else aims for the exact opposite: AI advancement, interdependence on millions of dependencies and counting, planned obsolecense (fry your hardware more and more by making software that unnecessarily wastes resources), add more telemetry into software, censor speech more and more, and the list goes on and on.

    But every single time I’m being frown upon and asked “then how the fuck are you supposed to make money here!?”.

    • Yep. Because everything is about money. Virtue and honorable tech progression are thrown out the window when you can acquire just a little more wealth than your neighbor.

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