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endurance right-wing governments

Modern Right-Wing Governments Have An Endurance Problem

We have an endurance problem. We need to address this problem before the cycle concludes and we have a chance at power, not after.

endurance right-wing governments

The Need For Endurance

The Right has struggled to sustain governmental systems under modernity.

It doesn’t really matter the type of system. For the monarchists, empire-lovers, or other rule-by-one/rule-by-few adherents, they’ve failed to sustain anything. Mussolini, Franco, and Pinochet all demonstrate this effect even though all three regressed for different reasons. Wherever we get that type of system, it fails to root deep enough to sustain.

The same goes for the rule-by-many adherents. This is true whether we view it from the republic side using governments like modern day Weimar-America or the direct democratic alternatives like Switzerland. Everything else in between is also degenerating and horrifically demonic and leftist controlled. There is not a single right-wing rule-by-many form remaining in Western civilization right now.

Even when we win, we can’t hold it. The Right has an endurance problem.

And it’s because we keep recycling the same legacy systems of modernity without addressing the underlying root issue.

Changing a few policies while using the same framework provided by modernity does nothing, as each of these modern failures demonstrates.

Making a “modernity-friendly” rule-by-one won’t work. For every Augustus, you must endure a Nero.

The same goes for some type of philosopher-king aristocratic approach. For every aristocracy, you must endure an oligarchy. For every spirit-lead intellectual elite, you must endure the soulless “expert” elites.

Finally, we can’t forget the much lauded rule-by-many forms. For every colonial America, you must endure a Weimar. For every early stage Roman Republic, you must endure a late stage Athens.

There is no real “escape”. These same legacy systems have repeatedly failed throughout history, and will continue to do so. Unless either something is changed fundamentally within them, or a return to tradition occurs (and is even possible with modern technology), we won’t solve this endurance issue.

We are looking at a house that is completely engulfed by a raging fire, and many dissidents are championing a return to an earlier point when only most of the rooms are on fire. This won’t solve the root issue of the house being on fire. It requires a complete change of the fundamental premise; of modernity and its governmental systems itself.

The Bible explains, most notably in Revelation, but all throughout, that man’s kingdoms will always turn toward corruption and evil. No kingdom of man can remain flawless, because the soul of the people within will invariably degenerate, given prosperity and peace provided by an early stage healthy system.

So the idea with the system is largely harm reduction, rather than a finalization of peace and continuance.

The best system we can build then is one where the reigns remain in place for the people to restrain the politburo, but where those people do not have the capacity to induce Weimar-level degeneration easily, such as what occurs in a republic. For this, it would take a merging of elements from all rule-by frameworks. 

Otherwise, If we keep repeating the other systems, we’ll keep getting the same results. And those results are that the Right finally wins after much evil and bloodshed has already occurred, only to fall again a short time later.

We have an endurance problem. And we need to address this problem before the cycle concludes and we have a chance at power; not after.

Using history as an indicator, It’s already far too late if we wait until after victory to attempt to solve this dilemma. It never worked before, and it won’t work this time.

Read Next: Civilizations Collapse When They Lose Their Foundational Myths


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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