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Minority Privilege In College Admissions

A practical example on how to perform peaceful noncompliance.
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Minority Privilege

Revolver ran a stellar article about the college admissions scam and how whites are treated like kulaks in the nation their ancestors built. Along with what we should do about it:

Last October, a poll made the rounds online. According to the poll, a full third of white people are already lying about their race on college applications, mostly by inventing bogus American Indian ancestry:


Everything about America’s unequal, anti-white discrimination regime depends on white Americans’ willful acquiescence. As Steve Sailer observed, America’s massive racial spoils system relies on its white victims playing by the honor system while serving as the country’s designated punching bag.

This system has to run on an honor system, because America’s racial categories are ad-hoc and phony, and often reshaped to justify a perpetual attack on America’s core heritage population.


The American Constitution, the Golden Rule, and common-sense morality all clearly call for equal treatment between racial groups. But the Globalist American Empire has chosen a very different moral code. It’s a code with a rigid hierarchy, where some races go at the top and others go at the bottom. It’s a code where, whenever the group at the bottom succeeds, it is always assumed to be due to exploitation and mistreatment of others. It is a racist code, no morally different from Jim Crow or India’s castes or the old Spanish casta tables.

Protesting America’s racial spoils system is necessary but ultimately inadequate. It is well past the time for this system and its managers to be undermined and humiliated. And the best way to do that is to stop playing along. Last year, after Evanston, Illinois became the first American city to explicitly adopt a system of racial “reparations,” we described the way forward for bringing the system down in a piece entitled, “Reparations Are Already Here — And There’s Only One Way To Respond”

The Globalist American Empire feebly admits that it has no easy way to stop its victims from cheating. So cheat away. Undermine the system. Force it to rely on color palettes and DNA tests and skull measurements to enforce its racial castes. Right now, this corrupt, immoral, and decaying system is controlling America for free. Force it to fight. Odds are, it will simply break.

The article also includes a story about Kaitlyn Younger, a young white woman that would be immediately accepted at most Ivy League schools if she would have checked a different ethnic box during admissions. Instead, she’s at ASU. Because she got rejected from every Ivy for being white and non-deformed.

Meritocratic America is dead. This is painfully obvious in the college setting, but it’s equally true in most major private businesses and government.

Thus, it’s time to accept this reality and respond appropriately. We are not in a merit-based system, but a caste system. This requires adjusting our mindset and actions.

Revolver’s solution is dead-on. Using their own tools against them is a perfect example of peaceful noncompliance. If they won’t let you in unless you mark the checkbox, mark the checkbox. If they want you to pay for reparations for something you took no part in, then sign up to receive the reparations back.

The caste system only works through willful submission to it. If people resist, it can’t sustain.

At the same time, continue to enclave and make your own communities where you can. We’ll need parallel alternatives once they increase the attacks.

The situation isn’t likely to improve. I fully expect them to whip out the color palettes and DNA tests to take this a step further once enough whites use it. But that’s the goal: we want to force them to use the extremes. This aids us in the end, whereas the current system can only harm us.

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Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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