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You have ran from the battlefield, so go. We don't need your reasons, justifications, or excuses. A discourse on the MGTOW idea.
Men going their own way, MGTOW. But in the process, whining incessantly online about what they don’t like about women and the men who defend tradition.
Hereafter referred to as MGTWW: Men Going The Wrong Way.
I have been writing articles for a long time now. So, I’ve learned which groups seem to swarm certain articles when they spike in popularity. The MGTWW community online is one of them. They are an incredibly noxious group and I’m fully convinced they actively seek out these types of articles. I’ve been attacked more by them than by leftists, and that’s saying something considering I write about them maybe 1/1000th of the time I write about leftism. That should give you an idea about how obsessed they are about spreading their gospel.
It is interesting they claim to be going their own way, but spend so much time on the way women act and interacting with those that disagree with them. If they truly were going their own way, they’d let go of what others think, say, or do. Much like the stoics.
But they don’t. Because they’re going the wrong way.
In many ways, MGTWW is the male equivalent of feminism. They both share hatred as a core principle. They are both tunnel-vision focused on gender issues. Both hold the same centralizer roots, and are plagued with individualist degeneracy. Both encourage abandonment of family, a forsaking of honor, selfishness, and “going solo”. The exact opposite conditions of what we need for a civilizational revival, or even a national survival at this point.
Women and men require one another to be what they are meant to be. To reach their highest potential. This is the natural order that has always existed. For Christians, it’s in Genesis. God saw it as good for us to have that helper. Thus, it is good. No further argument is needed. For non-Christians, reference the natural order that has existed since the cradle of civilization. There is a reason we have been united since the beginning, even if one denies providence. To ignore this is to deny reality as much as denying the reality of the nature of women themselves.
Women are malleable. They will follow the right example. But therein lies the problem: the man must be that right example. Most modern men are not. We no longer have a patriarchal society to raise them properly. This is not the fault of women, but of the weak men who allowed the condition to degrade. Women respond to the conditions that men create.
Now, it is the fault of men who recognize this condition but choose not to raise their children in a traditional manner. That is the only way for a revival. But now, we have groups like MGTWW, that are stunting rational men’s evolution to reach that stage.
There are four general stages of men’s social intelligence evolution. Some get stuck in certain stages and some don’t ever entire certain stages:
I don’t dislike the MGTWW types. Many of us, in a minor part myself, have been there. But I do feel sorry for them. I know they are mostly young kids who feel betrayed by the surrounding environment. But MGTWW is not the answer.
The answer is to accept reality and move on. In the same way, we accept the reality of a corrupt government/institutions and move on while fighting to make it better, not run and hide in the woods. The same way we accept the reality of a finite life and attempt to live it to the fullest, not try to live for eternity. The same way we accept the condition of the grey masses and do not spend our entire lives trying to change them, but rather use their position within its correct natural context.
To avoid, escape, or deny reality is never the answer. We must understand and use it.
The reasonings for going MGTWW is varied, so it’s hard to provide an overall rebuttal to the path. But the overarching issue is that modern women are degenerates. But placing this blame on them for partaking in the overall degenerate society is foolish. Men are doing it too. The problem is the degeneracy, not the gender. Dividing people more and more will benefit no one besides centralizers. Instead of hating the victims, hate the root issue: degeneracy and the centralizers that encourage it.
We are in a cultural and spiritual war. Going “your own way” (hiding from the battlefield) because you fear fighting is not the honorable thing. Or even the sane thing. You will still get bulldozed if we fail, just last and alone. It is an admission of weakness, an overriding acceptance of defeat. A failure to uphold the courage that has allowed your very existence through the lineage of your ancestors. It’s an abandonment of all the rest of us while we’re still on the battlefield. It is, in the nicest terms I can think of, utterly pathetic.
They abandon their brothers in society and their ancestors by turning inward. They claim selfishness as honorable. It is the plague that befalls our land to the extreme: individualism. MGTWW is just another branch of that same beast. Instead of forming communities and working toward a better future, they become the individualists and target the rest of us trying to carry the torch through this, admittedly, tough time.
No one expects a man to martyr themselves for a woman. But we do expect you to not flee the battlefield. And to not spend your days attempting to drag other men into your own self-inflicted misery, either. Even if we cannot change all women on an individual level, given our current environment, every single one of us can be a beacon of hope and tradition to guide us through this dark age. Becoming a bitter, anger-filled individual will never allow us to do this. We must love our heritage and tradition. We must use reality as a tool to move forward, not spend our time forsaking it. That must be the driver forward, not hatred based on what we believe reality should entail.
Accept responsibility for your own failures with women. We all have them. Then grow. Become better from them. Even if one swears off of all women, they can still fight and resist the degeneration of our culture and society. A proper “MGOTW” (a man who chooses celibacy while accepting reality – if one could exist), would spend his days fighting to correct the current societal conditions, not fleeing from it. And they definitely would not succumb to generic high-school level gender hatred, when the true enemy is far more harmful than the girl next door that is being attacked culturally just as forcefully as you are. A true MGTOWer would join the fight against the real enemy, not target a fellow victim. They do not have to become selfish or start trying to tear down others for their own perceived victimhood.
We are all victims in this cultural degeneration that is being willingly inflicted upon us. Do you think women are happy with these conditions? Most of them are overdosing on prescription pills, hopped up on anxiety and depression meds, and feeling just as alone as men are. Our cultural condition is not healthy or beneficial for anyone, under any circumstance, aside from the centralizers that direct and profit from it. They should be the targets. No one else.
Vox Day said it very well regarding the MGTWW proponents:
The idea that one should not fight a war to defend the continuation of civilized society because there is a statistically significant chance that some soldiers will be wounded and killed is astonishingly stupid. The reader should be aware that he is allowing the understandable emotions of his having been a casualty in the intersexual wars to color his ability to reason about the subject correctly.
Hey, calling liars and cowards liars and cowards is just me going my own way. How can they possibly object to that? It’s really rather amazing how sensitive these narcissistic creatures are to criticism of their chosen path when they have very publicly declared that they owe nothing to society and refuse to do anything for anyone. What do they care if anyone calls them names anyhow?
Anyhow, I don’t care what they think is fair. I’m not shaming them to try to change their behavior, I am simply observing their contemptible cowardice and their habitual dishonesty. I don’t care what they think is fair. I don’t care what they think at all.
This is all I have to say directly to the MGTOW: You quit. You’re out. You’re done. You ran from the battle. So be it. You don’t count anymore. Now go off and die alone, as you’ve chosen.
It is a dim assessment, but an accurate one. If you’ve decided to stay stuck at the third stage, then go. You’ve quit. No one needs your justification, your reasons, or your excuses. You’ve chosen the wrong path, so go take it without constantly ranting to others about it.
For me, I will take my own way. I will continue to love and cherish my wife, children, and family. I will remain on the battlefield until we win or until I can stand no longer. And when I go to the next life, I will join the ranks of those who remained on the battlefield, no matter what armament was opposing us.
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I really appreciate this and your previous article on MGTOW. At one time, I was entertaining such ideas, and your work helped me see the error in the “philosophy” if you could call it that.
Sure, modern women are degenerate. But so are modern men. I figure the second best thing any of us can do, as men or women, is role model a more righteous lifestyle. The first best thing we can do is raise non-degenerate children in that righteous lifestyle; that would leave the world a better place than it is now.
Are you familiar with any of Luke Smith’s content? He’s pretty traditionalist, so maybe that would interest you.
Thanks for the comment Brett, I am glad my articles were useful for you. I haven’t heard of Luke Smith before, I will definitely check him out—I appreciate the recommendation.
i’v presented similar arguments “MGTOW is like feminism” , though I use the terms Frankfurt School Marxism, sexual revolution and 3rd wave feminism to describe the puppeteers and the women AND men who’ve become the “useful fools” in what is group identity cultural warfare/tribalism. I’ve posted elsewhere that I’m now too old to pursue fatherhood after finally achieving material success required for a stable marriage.
MGTWW is definitely like Frankfurt School Marxism/3rd wave feminism/feminism. However you want to relate it. No questions there.
As usual it’s the men’s fault shaming and name calling argument huh? You conveniently forget the fact that it is emotionally, financially and legally sensible for a man to isolate himself from women except for casual purposes. The same goes for religious and political organizations as well as big corporations. You just like a lot of men think of women as victims despite the obvious fact that women happily serve good men up to the government guillotine to be financially and emotionally drained. No one forces them to make bad decisions their entire lives. The fallout they receive is the obvious consequences of their actions. Besides, women should be able to take care of themselves since they are strong, independent and don’t need no man. Government, political, religious, corporate male simps and women are the army of the social engineers. They do all the dirty work for doggy treats from their masters. You and many people who write about MGTOW should know by now that it cannot be stopped. Thanks to the internet and social media, men are now comparing notes and reporting all too familiar experiences with women and the legal system all over the world. As more and more men wake up to the reality around them, they will cease offering themselves up as sacrificial lambs for women or any type of organization. They are realizing they have nothing to fight for. Many of the men in Ukraine had to be forced to fight in the latest socially engineered war. As more and more men arm themselves against female nature, shaming tactics as well as fear and mind control tactics, the social engineers will have to use force ie. inflation, wars, unemployment, social isolation, kidnapping and outright murder. I WILL NOT FIGHT FOR ANY FEMALE, GOD, ANGEL, DEVIL, DEMON, GOVERNMENT OR ANY ORGANIZATION. Whenever men voice their anger, concerns or frustrations, society promptly seeks to shame or browbeat them into silence. This in itself shows how little society cares about men. Men are expected to keep their mouths shut and sacrifice themselves for nothing in return. Unlike you and many people, I won’t attempt to silence you in any fashion. I welcome discourse.
Please read the article. It’s clear that you saw the title and immediately went to rant in the comments, as many MGTWW do. You didn’t address a single point I made, you just responded like a robot about things MGTWW whine about in every online comment section.
In particular read this near the end: If you’ve decided to stay stuck at the third stage, then go. You’ve quit. No one needs your justification, your reasons, or your excuses. You’ve chosen the wrong path, so go take it without constantly ranting to others about it. No one cares, just go hide in the woods like the coward you are. Us men will solve the problems while you do so.
Still, a few things to point out for future reader’s benefit:
Ok, degenerate.
Ok, demon.
MGTWW philosophy: “Please do absolutely nothing and be worthless while the world is in its biggest fight against evil that it has ever endured.”
It amazes me that certain right-wingers can’t see how this philosophy is directly desired and pushed by the ruling class. MGTWW creates a group of disenfranchised half-men that don’t have families, are unwilling to fight for anything, and are incredibly divisive among the entire population. Whereas the ruling class wants a divided population, that won’t fight them, that don’t have stable families. You literally can’t get any more obvious, and yet stupid men still buy into what the elites are selling them, like the MGTWW philosophy.
If you honestly believe this, then you’ve been indoctrinated just the same as any leftist. What do we “sacrifice”? Being the stronger sex that is more adept at fighting wars…so we fight the wars? Building and nurturing a loving family…that we are the Patriarch of? Get to build and contribute to the fight against evil directly, even sometimes enduring significant hardships and violence against us in the process?
What you call a “sacrifice”, I call an honor. I love that I have been given those opportunities. Praise God that I have those challenges presented before me.
And therein lies the difference between a weak man and a strong man. One demonstrates fortitude and thanks for challenges in life while enduring them with all of his might, whereas the other gives up all hope and becomes an individualistic, selfish hermit.
So now I’m a degenerate demon now lol. You must’ve not seen I don’t fight for them either but oh well. I don’t have to participate in the madness.
” But now, we have groups like MGTWW, that are stunting rational men’s evolution to reach that stage.”
I reached my conclusions about society long before I heard of MGTOW. If you think MGTOW is the reason young boys & men are the way they are you’re poorly mistaken bub. If most men are honest they’d tell you the people around them (society) makes them feel worthless & unnecessary. You’ve hinted as much about me as well.
“MGTWW is just another branch of that same beast. Instead of forming communities and working toward a better future, they become the individualists and target the rest of us trying to carry the torch through this, admittedly, tough time.”
Seriously bub. Have you not seen the divorce rate? Do you not realize many men (MGTOW) included were sent packing by their SO? They call themselves MGTOW but I think it’s more accurate to say MSTOW (Men Sent Their Own Way) lol. Women went their own way when they embraced feminism. If your wife hasn’t sent you packing yet consider yourself lucky. Women only want a small demographic of men. They aren’t attracted to most men but I suspect you already know that but just don’t want to acknowledge it. The type of community you speak of is a thing of the past. Family formation is the last item on the agenda of a modern woman. Many of them are trying to have a buzzer-beater child if they didn’t already get knocked up by Chad in their teens lol. It’s very funny to watch. They spend thousands of dollars on an unnatural process shooting their bodies up with toxic drugs because they think they can have healthy children in their 40’s. How well has that worked out for them lol? People wonder why children aren’t the same nowadays. The fact that they’re pumped full of toxic chemicals never seems to cross their mind smh.
“I will remain on the battlefield until we win or until I can stand no longer.”
Good luck. ? Better you than me lol.
Appreciate the rebuttal. But these are the normal comments that we respond to all the time:
But for real, turn to Christ, brother. MGTOW is a moral and religious philosophy of the modern world no different from feminism. Christ can lead you out of it. Get out before your old and a complete genetic failure and you realized the world lied to you about everything. I say this not to criticize but to steer other young men like yourself away from such a destructive belief system.
Badass man. Thanks for putting your thoughts down.
Appreciate the comment Jon, thank you.