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March Madness

March Madness, Once Again

March insanity is back at it again. Who thought it was a good idea to name a month after the Roman god of war?

March Madness

March Madness Is Back

March is an underestimated month.

It’s when the great covid lie began, when the Spanish flu first arose (infecting ~25% of the world’s population and killing millions), when the Boston Massacre occurred, when the Iraq war commenced, and when plenty of other wild insanities emerged. I always expect to hear some major news every time March rolls around.

Maybe it has to do with the name March originating from the Roman god of war, Mars. For whatever reason, it seems like March is always eventful.

I don’t really know the reason, but I know this March is no different from the usual trend.

I cannot even keep up with the news. There is too much going on to make a single article for each. This comes after a relative lull in the news for a while, at least comparatively in terms of impact (I do not believe the balloon story can quite compare).

Here is what we are working with so far (in no particular order):

  • A massive worldwide banking crisis and Fed panic that we have not seen since 2008.
  • CBDCs (FedCoin and FedNow—”digital dollars”) were just officially announced by the Fed, with the rollout expected in just a few months (July).
  • Major French protests and the possibility of Macron’s resignation.
  • The failed state of America continues to outdo itself—A former President, Trump, may be arrested this week on incredibly boring charges. This is something Third Worlders do.
  • South African communists are calling for a day of violence against whites and a national shutdown, potentially sparking civil war fever.
  • Armenia and Azerbaijan are heating up. It is looking like they are going to war soon.
  • Kosovo and Serbia are having problems, again.
  • Iran is also having massive troop buildups.
  • The elites are finally admitting that the covid vaccines can cause massive problems, including permanent disabilities (German health minister).
  • Confirmation on the events surrounding Jan 6 was released. We already knew this, but now the grey masses do, too.
  • On the demographic front: We now know that the anchor baby population far exceeds one year of U.S. births (5.4 million anchor babies versus 3.7 million U.S. births). Which is war by another means.
  • Putin is making his preparations for the much hyped Spring Offensive.
  • The Ukrainians are getting even more weapons that they probably don’t know how to use. This time it is jets from Poland/The Baltics.

March is always an interesting month. It appears this year is no different.

Everyone has their own focus on what event should be priority. Most seem to be on the CBDCs, justifiably so. However, my main attention is on the Fed and the banking crisis. Their response to this crisis is severe. They’ve already started backtracking on the quantitative tightening policies. They are even going so far as to extend credit swaps internationally, something they last did during the height of the covid economic problems. Credit Suisse and the Swiss National Bank are also hurting tremendously. That situation is certainly setting itself up to be captivating. Major worldwide financial problems? Possible. Much more probable compared to February. Especially when wrapped in the CBDC rollout news.

I don’t know how the month will end, but at this rate, we will have another handful of major happenings before we hit April.

But at least no one can say March is boring.

Read Next: Be Cautious In Using Rationalism To Predict The Economy


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390


  1. > A massive worldwide banking crisis and Fed panic that we have not seen since 2008.

    And have you seen what they’re blaming this on in the past few days?
    First they blamed the “crazy conspiracy theorists” and “far-right websites”, now they’re blaming social media, instead of blaming their own mismanagement of the economy.
    It all smells like their weaponizing the collapse of SVB bank to enable internet censorship.

    But it’s alright, just like we’ve seen during the covid hoax, give them 3 to 5 years until they finally arrive to the same conclusion I came to pretty much instantly.

    • First they blamed the “crazy conspiracy theorists” and “far-right websites”, now they’re blaming social media, instead of blaming their own mismanagement of the economy.

      Yep. My bet is that they will use Trump’s arrest and his call for protests in some fashion if more banks fail. Seems like the usual play. Hello, CBDCs.

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