Manhood in America has been under attack for many decades. With falling sperm counts, lowering of testosterone, feminizing of boys, lack of traditional male role models, and the “privilege trap”, masculinity is taking hits from all angles. But why is male emasculation happening in America today?
You don’t need a long article to figure this one out. It’s fairly obvious to see the answer.
Male Emasculation in America Caused By Modern Feminism
Consider all of these:
- The media is on the side of feminism. There are hardly any traditional male role models left in advertising, Hollywood, or any form of entertainment. Almost all male characters are dumb or overtly aggressive. Look at Family Guy, Simpsons, Everybody Loves Raymond, etc.
- The average modern “role models” for men are incredibly wealthy, sleazy business moguls or athletes. Not great moral-guiding individuals.
- An increasing amount of men are raised primarily by women. From single mothers to daycare, young men never get the chance to develop a sense of masculine identity. They are taught from birth to repress any form of male expression, as that is “patriarchal” and not-needed in modern day society. Many have minimal male influence in their lives at all. No wonder the suicide rate is so high.
- Men are also taught from a young age that they have a certain “privilege” and it’s much harder for women than them. We’re not supposed to be able to speak on things we don’t know, such as women’s rights. But you also never hear the inverse. Women speak on masculinity and men’s issues all the time with no repercussions or anyone telling them that they can’t because of their “female privilege”.
- The court system is horrifically biased against men. Divorce, custody, alimony, and criminal sentencing are all geared in favor of women. It’s hard not to feel emasculated when you’ve been drug through the court system as an innocent person.
- “Masculine” roles in the job market are being destroyed daily by globalism. Desk jockeys and soyboy careers are becoming much more common.
- There is a movement (trans) dedicated to destroying biological distinction between the genders (when that distinction is not in their favor). Science has been overtaken by insanity. Just watch “Bill Nye’s sex junk special”.
These are all just one single example (feminism). There are plenty more examples from the food we eat to the lack of exercise and sun we endure. But one of the main issues is this feminization of men and the lack of masculinity in our lives. We have no Patriarch, only a matriarchy.
The Point
An oppressive and tyrannical society can only be founded once its male inhabitants have become neutered.
The traditional male doctrine of protection and ‘violence when warranted’ is extremely detrimental to an oppressive regime. If they tried to orchestrate it within a masculine society, men would be men. They would fight back to protect the women and children, as they have done for millenniums.
But if they become neutered, they won’t want to fight. If they feel as though their women have betrayed them, why would they lay down their lives to fight against oppression? If they become 1984-style propaganda machines where they don’t believe in traditional masculinity, why would they stand up?
Throughout history, we’ve seen the same story:
When men become weak, other men come in to replace them.
Up next: The Fall of The Western Man – The Weakening of Men and The Rise of Low Testosterone
The war on manhood
And the war on masculinity
The evidence is clearly present, they know once the male role has been distroyed the rest are easy pray. There is much more to this store and the proof is not hidden.
Agreed 100% Rich.
So fix the pay gap, which is what actually matters. OR companies need to pay a breadwinner enough so his spouse can take care of the kids full time. Either way works.
Genuinely curious: How would raising women’s wages stop the emasculation of men in the US? What kind of connection are you trying to draw there?
The “gap” is only fixed by women going out and getting those higher paying jobs. Most aren’t interested in doing that.
Is their a way to reverse Male Emasculation?
Absolutely! Every movie in the ‘recent’ past features a strong female role who orders the emasculated men around or somehow destroys them (these men are either passive and ‘sweet’ or villainous and ‘evil’…both often end up dying or getting the raw end of the deal in some way; see the recent film ‘Let Him Go’ with Kevin Costner). I’m totally sick of this narrative. Regarding the current tyranny seen all over the world, part of the reason we are in this mess is b/c strong men are not standing up and instead they are bowing down to appease other men and the government. Soldiers of the past would most likely be appalled at what is transpiring today.
Great take.