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Humans are not built for whatever this world has become.
From Wikipedia:
In evolution, a maladaptation is a trait that is (or has become) more harmful than helpful, in contrast with an adaptation, which is more helpful than harmful. All organisms, from bacteria to humans, display maladaptive and adaptive traits. In animals (including humans), adaptive behaviors contrast with maladaptive ones. Like adaptation, maladaptation may be viewed as occurring over geological time, or within the lifetime of one individual or a group.
It can also signify an adaptation that, whilst reasonable at the time, has become less and less suitable and more of a problem or hindrance in its own right, as time goes on. This is because it is possible for an adaptation to be poorly selected or become more of a dysfunction than a positive adaptation, over time.
Note that the concept of maladaptation, as initially discussed in a late 19th-century context, is based on a flawed view of evolutionary theory. It was believed that an inherent tendency for an organism’s adaptations to degenerate would translate into maladaptations and soon become crippling if not “weeded out” (see also eugenics). In reality, the advantages conferred by any one adaptation are rarely decisive for survival on its own, but rather balanced against other synergistic and antagonistic adaptations, which consequently cannot change without affecting others.
In other words, it is usually impossible to gain an advantageous adaptation without incurring “maladaptations”. Consider a seemingly trivial example: it is apparently extremely hard for an animal to evolve the ability to breathe well in air and in water.
More simply, maladaptation is a failure to adjust adequately or appropriately to the environment or situation.
For instance, I am maladapted to modernity.
But modernity itself is maladapted to survival.
I am proud of the former. The latter is the comedy of our era.
Under the maladaptive theory, if a people had a mutation that rendered them unable to reproduce, that would be maladaptation. Because it would be a trait that was far more harmful than helpful in terms of evolutionary survival.
But isn’t that one of the largest results of modernity, the inability and disinclination to reproduce?
Modernity has taken a bite of the fruit of maladapted traits.
A big bite.
Our own people cannot adapt to modernity. So, they are dying off.
If they are not dying off, they are at rendering their offspring unable to reproduce. Transgender kids are a thing. And the ones that aren’t indoctrinated with the LGBT lies are still being pumped full of soy oils and Big Pharma test elixirs, which will accomplish similar ends.
We are culturally maladapted to a comedic extent, if it weren’t so saddening.
Natural selection was supposed to reduce genetic variation by eliminating maladapted individuals, and consequently the mutations that caused the maladaptation.
But it does not yet seem that is happening. The demons keep reproducing through the subversion of the non-maladapted. Although I would wager that is more proof of a spiritual element than anything. There must be actual demons doing it. I do not see how else it could get this bad. If everything were truly physical, it shouldn’t be like this.
Western Civilization, and consequently all states within it, are going to collapse for the simple reason that the maladapted are the ones 1) in charge of everything and 2) are culturally glorified. Thus, the mutation is forcibly introduced into the population continually.
You cannot sustain what is enthusiastically destroying itself.
We thought that the Enlightenment and the subsequent abandonment of tradition into the contemporary time periods were an adaptation to a “new world” full of vigor and “rationalism”. But instead, exactly as Wikipedia states: It can also signify an adaptation that, whilst reasonable at the time, has become less and less suitable and more of a problem or hindrance in its own right, as time goes on. That’s the Enlightenment for you. Its true colors are coming out.
You cannot be both adapted to Christendom/Greco-Roman civilization (tradition) and modernity. They are polar opposite. It is akin to breathing underwater and in the air. The more you adapt to one, the further you drift from the other.
Go toward the light. Go toward the systems that worked for over two millennia without transgender kids and red pill gurus. I promise you it is better over here.
Luckily for most of my readers, people like us are adapted for survival. We will make it through this.
Then we can look back on this era with a sense of bewilderment and amazement at how far the maladapted went to destroy themselves.
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