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The beatings will continue until morale improves.
Prior to the midterms, I promised myself two things:
I did this for two reasons. The first reason is that elections don’t really matter, especially on the federal level. There is some functional use on the local and state level still, but the federal elections are a lost cause. You will have more success using the time to pray instead. There was no reason to waste time on watching the cartoon unfold.
The second reason (Why I waited a week) was because I expected the riggers to take a few days to manufacture enough votes to “elect” whom was already pre-selected.
I was both right and wrong on that second point. They are certainly manufacturing the votes, but they are so wholly incompetent that it is taking longer than a week. The votes are still being tallied as I write this. A sad reflection on the state of our country when even the riggers are inept, unsophisticated, and just plain lazy.
But not exactly a shock.
But what is a surprise is the grey mass response to it. Throughout my entire life, and the entire lives of every living American, votes were counted on election night. We had the results the next day. The same goes for every country on the planet that isn’t third world. But now, magically, we take weeks to count the votes. And these people buy it. They don’t even question it. There are like the idiots in 1984 that just repeat whatever the leader says, even if it directly contradicts what they just said in the prior sentence.
If we keep up with this course of “progress”, by the time I am old, it will take months to count the votes.
The results of the midterms are also not exactly surprising.
Red Team was expecting a blowout, but failed to deliver.
We knew this would happen, as the ruling class wants to give a specific appearance to the populace. This result does exactly what I’d want to portray, if I were in the ruling class. This provides further evidence that it is being coordinated.
For one, the ruling class couldn’t allow a real Red Wave, as that would fire up the populists to continue any perceived momentum. It would also make any future “deals” on legislative changes more obvious between Team Red and Team Blue, exposing the uniparty elements. It is better if Team Blue retains a slight majority control to keep the perception of party conflict up. They can then keep the grift going.
But on the other hand, the ruling class couldn’t allow a Blue Wave, as that would add far more fuel to the fire on the uselessness of the elections. Additionally, the exorbitant amounts of blatant fraud needed to accomplish such a Wave would put them at risk of exposure.
What transpired is what one would expect with rigged elections being run by the uniparty ruling class.
You get a Team Blue Senate (the most needed branch by the ruling class), which allows the Blues to retain the powerful position of Senate/President combo. Which will allow them to keep their current agenda unhindered, which citizens would expect to be halted/broken if the Reds were to win.
But you get a Team Red House, which is easily manipulated by offering a few choice deals to select “Reds” but gives the appearance that the Red Team won something, to attempt to keep the grey masses complacent with this small victory.
The real result is that the exact path we have been on for the past two years will continue forward unobstructed, but it is coupled with the circus act of a few sprinkled Team Red and Team Blue victories in areas that do not matter. The idea is that the ruling class is hypnotizing the grey masses, while simultaneously making it clear to those of you who can see that you should sit down and shut up about election fraud, because they can play this game better than you.
A few choice governors were allowed to be left alone, and a few house positions were flipped. But the uniparty doesn’t care about many of those small-time positions unless it affects their position.
Neither Team Red nor Team Blue “won” in a conventional sense.
There was no Red Wave. But there was no Blue Defense. It was a minor shuffling to appease all.
The real victor is the uniparty that consolidated their power even more during this midterm.
But with that said, I can’t help but make fun of and mention a few select results.
Before we get there, let me present the results as of this writing (since they are still not fully counted a week later—Nov 14, 22):
I have to start with the most hilarious result: Fetterman.
The people of Pennsylvania “elected” a stroke-patient that can barely configure a normal human sentence to be their representative. Hello—Goodnight, everybody!
That sounds about right for the average Pennsylvanian, but I feel bad for those who live there who are above that average bracket. They also got handed a known-corrupt governor with Shapiro. A double whammy for that state.
If Pennsylvania does not scream fraud to you, then you are deaf. The anomalies were present there just like they were with the 2020 election. Nothing was fixed, so obviously nothing has changed.
The fraud has become more entrenched in Pennsylvania. This is the leftist centralization of the state, which is important to recognize as we move on to our next state.
The other big sign of the times is Florida. That state is the one that provides the best explanation for what we are to do: enclave. It is the opposing end of Pennsylvania.
Conservatives and dissidents need to pick up and move to states we can actually win, consolidate their power in them, assume centralized control like the leftists do in their own states, encourage and support other states in doing the same, and end with a united enclave away from the empire. We are not going to “win back” the entire American country. There is nothing to gain back in most cases. We must enclave and prepare for the American state to collapse. It is now inevitable. Florida shows the way.
Florida is a state that not long ago almost elected a retarded gay communist, but narrowly avoided that fate by electing DeSantis the first time around by only a handful of votes. Now, because of the mass influx of conservatives to Florida and a few wise decisions by the leadership and DeSantis (such as election integrity measures), the state is solid Red. Instead of winning by a few tens of thousands of votes, DeSantis won by millions this time around. This is how we win. Move, strengthen, centralize, dominant. We currently have no ground, but with enclaving actions like these, we now have ground.
Go and do likewise.
Moving on to a few other smaller notable mentions, Kemp was allowed to stick around in Georgia, courtesy of his ties to the uniparty. A repugnant human, but probably marginally better than Abrams.
A similar event unfolded in Nevada, where magically a Republican was elected governor, but a democrat was elected Senator. Because obviously when most people go to vote, they switch parties halfway down the ballot—Especially in a time as polarized as now! Obvious sarcasm aside, the reality is exactly what I explained above: the uniparty cares about that senator position. The governorship doesn’t really matter, especially when the governor is corrupt like Kemp or Lombardo. Both of them can be controlled by the uniparty.
One exception is Kansas, that elected a democrat governor, but then also elected a republican senator by a hilariously impossible margin (59% Red to 37% Blue). This was done because Kansas is ground-zero for conservative state fraud shenanigans, so the uniparty needs the governorship there. They do not need it in Nevada, Georgia, or other similar states.
Hilariously, Whitmer won Michigan. Apparently, in a democracy, killing off all the old Boomers in nursing homes that will vote against you is a viable election strategy.
One thing many dissidents have been justifiably picking up on is the Right To Life bill in Montana:
This is in a conservative state. It is also a telltale sign of the state of our people. Indoctrinated by the medical establishment to vote against providing medical care for babies.
It’s important to always remember that a democratic vote does not equal the correct answer or the moral answer. It merely equals the answer of the majority. More times than not, this answer contradicts both the correct and moral answer.
There are a couple of lessons to take from this midterm result.
The first is the most obvious: voting will not save us. We must begin enclaving and preparing for the collapse. The second is less obvious but just as important: this nation deserves punishment. We are receiving it.
We are soft. The suffering is needed and will make us hardened.
While many of these races were likely fraudulent, and many votes were likely the result of subversive influence based on lobbying funds and the corrupt cultural institutions that indoctrinate the masses, that does not negate the fact that many people honestly vote for this stuff.
There are millions of people out there that voted for a stroke patient Senator in Pennsylvania alongside a dementia President. There are tens of millions that would willingly vote to kill infants if it is a slight inconvenience for the Canaanite mother.
The average vote for the average and the people get the government they deserve.
And the only thing you can thank for that is democracy.
Read Next: The Division In Democracy
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I like the memes by ancaps and anarchists the most.
“The state has won 100% of the votes, citizens 0%” or “Look at those idiots thinking that voting will change anything”.
I only put them up as text, but these memes were using the usual soyjack, Yes chad, polball, and many other well known meme characters.
Those memes are definitely not wrong. Especially: