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Bioterrorism and COVID: Looking back on some old articles that [slightly] predicted the coming COVID crisis.
With COVID hysteria in full swing, I thought it would be fun to look back at some of my old bioterrorism articles.
In the past, a section of this website was dedicated strictly to bioterrorism and its potential societal effects. I primarily looked at it in regards to a negative actor unleashing a bioterror agent against specific national targets (IE: bio warfare). So in reality, not much different than what China likely did.
Prediction? Maybe. Although my prior articles were much more concerned with an actually deadly virus. Not COVID, which has an astonishing high survival rate.
Regardless, some fun things from the past that turned out to be eerily true:
Bioterrorism: The Greatest Human Threat:
All of these agents cause massive levels of morbidity rates, most of them even with treatment.
In the 14th Century, the Black Death (Y. Pestis) killed up to half the European population. 800 years earlier the plague had caused similar devastation in the Byzantine empire.
In comparison, 32,658 people died of terrorist attacks in 2014. The single bacteria of Y. Pestis killed half of just the European population in its peak from 1347 to 1351, whereas physical terrorist attacks killed .0000045% of the worldwide population in one year.
Physical terrorist attacks, while horrible and definitely something worth putting resources into reducing, clearly do not hold the same potential for devastation that bioterrorism does.
Which is fairly accurate still. Especially if you consider this from a fear and compliance standpoint.
Physical terrorist attacks are designed to instill fear and compliance in a populace. Yet, no terror attack against us crippled us through fear nearly as well as COVID did.
People are still wearing masks, crying about it, and living in constant fear of catching a cold.
People surrendered all of their freedom to stop this cold. No physical terror attack could ever inspire that great of a collapse of values. Nor so quickly.
Not even 9/11 did this much damage. COVID easily takes the cake for the absolute pussification and kneeling down of the US public.
What is stopping a genetically targeted bioweapon?:
Going back as far as 2002, different medical associations around the world have raised the alarms on the potential for bioweapons targeting certain ethnic groups to become more widespread. A targeted bioweapon could target distinct ethnic groups based on principle genetic differences between the races.
With the advent of CRISPR and more widespread modification of genome components, this risk increases greatly. The construction of genetic weapons is no longer necessarily “approaching a reality” – it is the reality. Different genetic components could contain different agents (such as the CDC reports) specifically instructed under an edited genome to only activate when genes of a certain race are detected.
Consider the risk if a targeted bioweapon only managed to affect even just 30% of the target population. The end result would still be catastrophic in terms of lives lost, societal security, and worldwide stability.
Again, I wasn’t too far off.
COVID is likely a dry run (or an accidental release) for this articles exact topic: a targeted bioweapon.
In the initial article, I was obviously assuming the death rate to be far higher in the case of a 30% infection rate. COVID is likely to have a much higher total infection rate, but the death rate is similar to the flu which is rather underwhelming in terms of targeted bioterrorism.
Not much has changed in my viewpoints since this article. I still hold the very same opinion: a genetically targeted bioweapon is still likely a major issue going into the future. COVID proved that, even though COVID isn’t it.
The Hidden Dominion Bioterror Series:
And yet, it’s huge. The threat of bioterror has been increasing exponentially in recent years as a direct result of new technological advancements and rising availability of tools and knowledge necessary to conduct it.
Anyone with a working knowledge of genome editing and virus/bacteria functions could find a method to modify a pathogen to become incredibly more dangerous.
As China so aptly proved.
And it’s not an unrealistic threat, either. There have been many plague researchers that have accidentally infected themselves and died. There is evidence of terrorist’s organizations trying to find ways to modify viruses to be used as weapons against their enemies. Even Genghis Khan hurled infected animals over the border walls of his enemies to infect them and wear them down prior to an invasion.
Again, thanks for proving my point China.
And arguably the biggest terror threat that is never talked about.
I was right about this at the time, but not so much now. Now, people won’t shut up about COVID and how scary bio-issues are.
Oh, how I wish I was still right about this one.
Bioterrorism remains a priority:
It is also interesting to know they are monitoring large events, such as the Superbowl, during their biohazard monitoring. It makes you wonder what else they are doing covertly during massive events such as the Superbowl. I bet the expense gone into those is insane and involves a lot of black money.
The further we go the more the risk of bioterrorism rises. The Pentagon is considering insects for bioterror weaponization. North Korea has been sending scientists abroad and gathering equipment for biological terror agents. Nothing is truly stopping a genetically targeted bioweapon. Two scientists in Canada publicly released a paper providing a recipe detailing exactly how to make smallpox.
The US also lifted a ban recently that prohibited scientists from making (altering or creating) more virulent strains of of viruses and bacteria.
It remains more of a priority now than before, honestly. Because now we know for certain that some unfriendly nations are working on potential bioterror agents. Agents that could be used against us.
We know that it is happening. Before, I was a conspiracy theorist. Now, I’m just a regular Joe talking about stuff that everyone knows. I used to get so much flack for those articles.
While COVID is lame, that doesn’t necessarily mean that all future iterations of biologically-developed weapons will be. COVID would be a great precursor in many ways, honestly:
Honestly, all it needs it to be configured to actually be deadly. Once that is done, you have the perfect bioweapon.
So as of now I definitely don’t view COVID as a threat. But what can come out of it just may be.
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