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We now have tent cities with deranged zombies roaming about. Thanks, libertarians.
Welcome to America. Land of Live and Let Live.
Where you can’t even walk in your own downtown because it is overrun with zombies completely devoured by drugs who are just livin’.
Do you think the ancient Greek city-states, the Roman Empire, or Christendom would have had streets that look like this in their downtown? Or have people living in sewers beneath the city?
Thanks, Enlightenment. How very enlightening.
I firmly believe that if the French Revolutionists knew what would come of their creation, they would have immediately installed another monarch.
I can already hear it now. In the distance, there is some moron somewhere ready to pounce:
If there is any boomer idiom that I absolutely abhor more than any other, it is this live and let live one. It is the most idiotic of them all.
Our cities look like this because of this mindset by the average conservatives. The leftists destroy everything, and the conservatives let it happen because they’re just livin’, bro.
There is a reason we call it a “culture war“. That is not because culture is insignificant. It’s the exact opposite—Culture is an expression of the national soul. This, right here, is our collective soul.
Then people wonder why America is dying. It’s no surprise to those of us who can see it.
The old conservatives do not want to fight, so they justify anything and everything in their head. Even people literally shooting up drugs and prostitutes getting upskirted as children walk by in their downtown public square.
It is pathetic weakness or blind stupidity. Both are factors of pathological cowardice. And both most certainly plague us in the modern day.
We all just have to endure tent cities, the city streets being used as public toilets, aids needles, deranged people on every street corner, all kinds of crime, and plenty more, simply because we have to let em live, bro. I’m not their mom or dad, bro.
The problem with the mantra is the end two words: “let live”. This is inherently impossible, because there are people that want to annihilate us (physically and culturally). It is shocking to the average libertarian, but there are people that hate you and want to conquer you. This is an innate characteristic of humanity—a drive for power and control.
They won’t agree to let you live. So, if you just let them do whatever they want, they will use that to harm you, while you can do nothing in retaliation to them. It is akin to entering a boxing match while claiming to be a pacifist. You are going to get wrecked.
While you let them live, they will do everything they can to stop you from living.
And we see the fruits of this everywhere. The average conservative put down the fight, instead choosing to tolerate the leftists, so now our entire civilization is breaking down around us. The social fabric is gone. Because while the normiecons let the leftists “live and let live”, the leftists did not return the favor.
This world is not a utopia. Live and let live requires one. It does not differ from the fallacious belief of the communists that we can all be equal. Both rely on fundamental misunderstandings about human nature.
Perhaps what annoys me the most is the lack of love for these people; their own countrymen. I get that many druggies are reprobates, but not them all. The Just Livin’ crowd doesn’t care about these people at all. They are fine with them destroying their own lives and destroying the culture surrounding us all. They don’t even extend an olive branch or pretend to have empathy in their hearts. All they care about is their self, their own ability to “live” how they want to.
These people need help. They do not need to be abandoned.
For Christians, Live and Let Live is literally Satanic. It is the exact opposite of what we are commanded. Proverbs 27:5-6, Titus 2:15, Titus 5:20, Ephesians 4:25, and plenty of others command us to rebuke (reprimand/convict by exposing a wrong). This is wrong, it is evil what is being done here, and it needs to be condemned. Not left to “live” because some libertarian is too much of a coward to take a stand.
It is mentalities like this that will clearly explain to future historians why America fell. Just like how we look at the Byzantines and see similar selfish, insular, foolish mindsets.
Conservatives will never actually conserve anything. They will always fall for the libertarian lie.
Then, they don’t play defensive or offensive unless it directly impacts them.
But what they don’t realize is that by the time it impacts them, it is too late to curtail. The leftists will already reshape society to look like a dystopian nightmare and conservatives will cover their ears and yell about “muh individual freedoms”
In a few decades, when their kids have nothing and are in the midst of a war zone with no freedom at all, they still won’t realize that it is this (and similar) mindsets that allowed this insanity to foster.
Solzhenitsyn realized the communists were able to decimate the entire Soviet Union simply because no one stood up against them. The exact same is the evil lie of “live and let live”. The Russian people just let the Soviets live, bro, and we saw what happened.
The entire point of a state is to maintain certain conditions—To not allow a free-for-all anarchic situation like our nomadic past. The entire reason why our ancestors developed the state was to overcome those constantly changing conditions and to provide something stable.
Now, we have creatures of modernity wanting to return us to that miserable, individualistic way of the past. Thus, they not only do not fight against these things, they fight against people like us that are trying to stop this degeneration from occurring.
We’re the enemy, because we don’t want our cities to look like this.
At the end of the day, the live and let live guy is closer to the leftist than to us. They both desire the same end goal, which is Kensington Philadelphia zombieland for the entire nation.
I said it before and I will repeat it indefinitely into the future: the nation-state is a living, breathing, and thinking entity. It is an organism. And, like all organisms, it faces external threats (diseases). If the disease is not fought off by the immune system, it will spread and kill the organism.
Every single form of degeneracy is the disease. It is either contained and stomped out or it spreads to the fatal level that it is at now.
The reason we are currently mutilating supposed ‘transgender children’ now is because no one fought the preceding degeneracy that lead up to and allowed this latter variant. It will only get worse from here.
Social conservatism (in the real sense of the word “conserve) is the most important conservatism.
I do not want this to be the streets of my nation. I want a healthy and virtuous nation-state. Not whatever this monstrosity is.
If they want to live like this, or if the libertarians want to live like this, they can go live elsewhere. I will fight them as harshly as I fight the leftists, for they aren’t that much different. Both want to see me living in squalor, degeneracy, and both want to destroy my nation from the inside out. They are both from the same seed of evil, individualism, and apathy for their fellow man.
One note of promise is that the “live and let live” disease will die. It has no choice.
It will either die from the leftists that squash them or from us.
We are allowed to do that. We are just livin’, after all.
There is no future where this philosophy remains because of the law of centralization. They intend to let all of us live, even to the point where we have enough power to rebuke them. Therefore, it is a self-defeating mindset, given some time.
I only hope that we can snuff it out, and not the leftists. God save us if they beat us to it.
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NIHILISM is the “let live” lie. Nihilists miss-think we live, we die, the lights go out; NOTHING FOLLOWS. Thus, NOTHING MATTERS except LETTING the other guy do whatever he wants like me. No right/wrong, no structure; ALL IS BS. Libertarians are intolerably disgusting. Smug nihilists they are.
Hilariously, I think the full picture is even worse than what you present here. At least the secular libertarians (as you call “nihilists”) are honest in their moral guidance of nothing matters; so they falsely believe they can do whatever. But there are also self-proclaimed religious libertarians that pervert their religion’s morality to fit the libertarian
idolcode. That is even worse.Thanks for the comment, 2years.