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New Monday, new memes. This week poking fun at the libertarians for their nonchalant attitude about destroying Western Civilization.
New soyjack meme dropped, but it’s libertarianjack now:
Reminds me of this older meme a lot:
Makes total sense to have a libertarianjack physiognomy meme, really. Surprised we haven’t had one sooner.
Libertarians are notorious for being fine with all the disgusting added food ingredients (soy, seed oils, processed trash, GMO stuff) and lost nutrient-dense soil… as long as it’s voluntary. Those practices will really give you the soyface fast. So a libertjack meme should have happened a lot sooner.
Honestly, the meme applies on that subject equally well:
Hard times suck, but I am excited for when hard times bring back the strong men again. Men that do not give a shit about voluntarism, and just decide to demand a healthy society (spiritually and physically), and not let it be annihilated because of the limp-wristed philosophical meanderings of men of words.
True liberty is not degenerate weakness, anyway. I’m so tired of hearing the lie that liberty/freedom = tolerance/democracy/noncoercion. It’s such a feminine, emotionalist argument.
As Christians, we believe that true liberty is freedom from sin; not freedom to sin.
And we believe that this Christ-given ability to resist temptation is true strength, too.
Read Romans 7:4-6 and 8:2, along with Galatians 5:1, for an initial dive into this topic. If you really want to study this in-depth, I recommend researching the Jubilee in Leviticus 25, where it states liberty in verse 10, especially. The Jubilee was when all men returned freely to their possessions and family, and all owners had to surrender their gains over the past decades. That was true liberty, but it entailed the exact opposite of libertarian belief: the people received their land back from the rich free of charge and all debt/slavery terms were wiped out completely, to the gain of the poor. The Jubilee was the complete opposite of “noncoercion”, “tolerance”, and “market economics”. It was freedom from evil—alongside a fresh start; a restoration to past purity.
The modern world has forgotten this truth. But we must never forget it.
Christ saves us and sets us free by helping us overcome temptation and the fragility of our own selfish desires. Any definition of “liberty” that distances from this reality is simply a wrong definition.
Additionally, any definition of liberty that includes social values degeneration is not true liberty—It’s solely a corrupt, modernity perversion of the term. This includes sodomy, trans, feminism, anti-family mindsets, anti-masculinity beliefs, and other social deteriorations. It is not “liberty” that these are proliferating, but the exact opposite—We are returning to the slavery of sin. Our nation is not free from sin anymore, as we have adopted the freedom to sin incessantly. We are thus not free, but enslaved.
I encourage every recovering-libertarian I come into contact with to study the history of “liberty” and “freedom”, including referencing the Bible, to find the truth about how horrifically those words have been subverted. True liberty, as the word was originally intended, was found only in Christendom.
All of these modernist re-re-re-re-interpretations of Enlightenment morality are wicked. Morality is found in God and God alone. Tolerance, materialism, the non-aggression principle, individualism, and other Enlightenment era beliefs are not intrinsically moral or foundational ethics pillars, and I will not pretend that they are.
Hold true to the truth. Screw voluntary self-destruction of our people. The people that are destroying our nations and civilization need to be stopped. Voluntarism be damned.
We must fight back.
But whatever you do, just don’t be a pathetic voluntarist that allows his entire civilization to be invaded and destroyed, so long as it is majority consensual or other such foolishness. Especially based on an Enlightenment lie about what liberty is.
Hopefully, I’ve fired you up a bit. Now, go have a great Meme Monday and a powerful week.
Read Next: How Can People Afford To Live?
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Excellent article. Lolberts really are a meme.
Libertarians have become the reductio ad absurdum of a key Lockean principle: That voluntary contract can constitute the entire architecture of a free society.
Humorous catch, nicely done.
I used to prefer libertarianism, because I like the concept of freedom and self governance.
But then they give you all sorts of globalist talking points like “I don’t believe in national borders” or “passports are for the slaves”, all the talk about spirituality that sounds a lot like a remix of the New Age religion, and “get my crypto coin to get rich quick”, and all this stuff.
I was recently playing Age of Empires II again, which reminds me that yes, nation states exist for a reason, yes, you want to gatekeep your place on earth.
Sure, it sucks to not be at the top of the hierarchy, but in a world of nation states competing with one other, you don’t really think about that, it’s just a luxery that came to be as a result of having world peace (or at least, as is felt by most people).
Yep, most of us have been there at one point or another. Glad you were able to escape.
There is a saying over here that goes something like this: “A libertarian is just a nationalist who has not yet seen what the hordes of immigrants are going to do to him once they get the majority of power”.
Hopefully, it doesn’t come to that and we can pull the libertarians over here before it’s too late.
The only thing that can truly deliver world peace (or whatever is the closest we humans can have to such a thing) is nation-states being lead by people who actually care about their nation.
Sometimes, immigrants gaining power over majority can be a good thing.
I heard of some town in the US, not sure where exactly, but I heard it was somewhere in the north east, the leftists have elected a bunch of Muslims into power, now those same Muslims refuse to fly the LGBT flag on their buildings, and those same leftists are now very, VERY mad, and yet they still refuse to acknoledge that Islam and LGBT are 2 mutually incompatible religions.
Imagine having an American city saved by a group of Middle Easterners, it’s sad that it’s not done by Americans themselves (in that city), but at the same time it’s pretty hillarious.
> The only thing that can truly deliver world peace (or whatever is the
closest we humans can have to such a thing) is nation-states being lead
by people who actually care about their nation.
Until some country billions of kilometers (or miles) away decides they want to launch a proxy war in that nation-state.
The Muslim versus LGBT mess over here is always worth a laugh! True catch there.
That’s only true until the immigrants gain the majority of power and then conquer the (now) minority. Which is happening over here at a quite rapid pace, sadly. Hopefully, you all can avoid it before it is too late.
As for the proxy-war risk, that is definitely true, but that is when civilizationalism should come into play. But I may be too hopeful of a realist, and that I do accept.