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The libertarians and capitalists are tired of flooding our border with illegals for their god Mammon, so they're mutilating children now instead.
The beliefs:
Free market capitalism is great. We shouldn’t put any restrictions on the worshippers of Mammon. We should just let them make as much money as possible and dictate all actions, because surely the market will correct itself. This is totally not a market method to allow demons to become billionaires and dominate everything, exactly like people such as Soros, Gates, Bezos, Musk, Rothschilds, Hariri, Schwab, and thousands of others have done.
Libertarianism is also great. People should all be driven completely by the market and Mammon. People should be allowed to do whatever they want, because the market will provide anything. And the market knows best. That seems completely reasonable.
Their end result:
Vanderbilt Pediatric Transgender Clinic Nukes Website After Matt Walsh Exposes ‘Big Money Maker’ Motive
Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) has deleted the website of their Transgender Clinic after journalist Matt Walsh detailed a doctor’s promotion of transgender surgeries as a “big money maker” for the institution.
Videos obtained by Walsh also show apparent threats made against VUMC medical professionals who objected to the procedures, even for religious reasons.
Walsh posted his findings in a lengthy Twitter thread on Tuesday. In it, Dr. Shayne Taylor can be seen bragging about how she convinced Nashville to get into gender transitions because it’s a “big money maker,” especially because the surgeries require a lot of “follow ups.”
According to Dr. Ellen Clayton, those with “conscientious objections” are “problematic,” and anyone who opposes the transgender surgery program will face “consequences.”
“If you are going to assert conscientious objection, you have to realize that that is problematic,” said Clayton. “You are doing something to another person, and you are not paying the cost for your belief. I think that is a … real issue.”
“I just want you to take home that saying that you’re not going to do something because of your conscientious — because of your religious beliefs, is not without consequences, and should not be without consequences,” she continues. “And I just want to put that out there.”
“We are given an enormous — if you don’t want to do this kind of work, don’t work at Vanderbilt.“
UVMC also makes “Trans Buddies” and other services available to children, “including chemical castration,” writes Walsh – who added that they altered their website within the last month, yet forgot to delete a video from Vanderbilt Psychiatry’s YouTube channel from 2020 which admits they will give hormones to children as young as 13.
The university will also perform double mastectomies on adolescent girls.
In my younger years, I always prophesied that “this” or “that” was the lowest humanity will go. Now, in my older and wiser years, I realize that there really is no finale. There is no “lowest point”. If we find one, humans will simply find a way to dig themselves even further. As they say: “There is no peak clown world”. This is one such example.
The demons at this university—in a solid red state—are openly dictating to their staff that they must mutilate children because it is a moneymaker. And anyone who dissents must be fired for not being tolerant enough.
These people are knowingly, permanently damaging mentally ill people who desperately need psychological help. They do this for the estimated $3 million that each new transgender person will bring them (from endless surgeries, hormones, followups, consultations, counseling, and so on).
Not only are they doing evil, but they are forcing their staff to comply or face expulsion. Not only do they do it, but you have to partake as well.
This really is the root issue of both the free market capitalist and libertarian philosophy. The adherents to these ideologies just don’t seem to recognize that humanity will literally mutilate children to make money. If you let people do whatever they want, this happens. You are forced to live in a country that resembles an insane asylum ran by cyborg-like demons and degenerates—But hey, at least GDP is doing well.
Those of us in the United States live under a corporatocracy. We weren’t always like this. This occurred through the (inevitable) degeneration of our free market, Mammon-worshipping, libertarian environment.
A decentralized libertarian environment will always fall to a centralized corporatocracy environment. This is a law of history. Modern decentralized environments cannot sustain themselves: The Cycle of Collapse: How Governments Fall.
Capitalism demands that decision-making and actions are directed by the owners of wealth, property, or those with the ability to maneuver capital/production in the market, usually also focusing strongly on profit-generation. This transgender mutilation trend is an exact reflection of that—The hospital administrators are the owners, who care only about wealth, deciding that mutilating kids is okay so long as it lines their pocketbooks. And then they do exactly that. This is, oddly enough, a pure instance of actual textbook capitalism.
To allow whoever has the most money or position to be the sole determining factor of market actions is complete idiocy, especially because those people are usually the most degenerate or psychopathic. There are few, if any, Godly and people-loving billionaires. Capitalism is also not democratic (no matter how loud the libertarians and capitalists screech it), because people do not truthfully “vote” with their wallets. Many simply can’t. Do you feel like you have voted for any of this through the free market? What about through the voting booth?
In more modern and practical terms, we can’t let the market drive freely, because eventually the market will degenerate so far that it’s being driven by a corporate healthcare system who is castrating kids for an extra $10k end-of-year bonus. We have to protect the culture, and part of that is restricting the unlimited worship of Mammon.
Socialism is equally not the answer (then we’d just have the demons at the federal level mandating transgender mutilation). We need new systems.
This is far from my first time mentioning this:
But it bears repeating for the new readers that still desperately cling to their libertarian fantasies.
You worship Mammon (money, “the market”, etc) or you worship God. Choose wisely.
As for this story on the transgenders, we are going to need a lot more millstones when we win:
but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a heavy millstone hung around his neck, and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.
Read Next: The Lessons From Transgender Detransition
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