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Libertarians are wild, man.
I know we all love to poke fun at the Libertarians, but nobody truly mocks them better than their own party.
The Libertarian Party itself is the best institution at proving why Libertarians should not exist. Yet somehow, they still just keep getting worse and worse.
I keep thinking that they’re hitting their peak, but then it always gets even more debased. I really don’t know how far down they’re going to fall and how absolutely deranged they are going to get while still having people cling on to this insane ideology.
This is probably the most hilarious news I’ve read in the past month. I actually audibly laughed when I first found out about this, which is how ridiculous this is.
You have to read it to believe it:
Libertarians select gay, Antifa-loving, Trump-hating, vaccine mandate-supporting, open borders enthusiast as their presidential candidate
Oliver, who describes himself as “armed and gay” has a history of taking radically left-wing positions.
The Libertarian Party has selected their preferred presidential candidate after a tumultuous weekend that saw speeches from both RFK Jr. and leading GOP candidate and former president Donald Trump. The nominee is none other than Chase Oliver, the Antifa-loving, Drag Queen Story Hour-backing, vaccine mandate supporting, open border enthusiast who hates Trump. Oliver, who describes himself as “armed and gay” has a history of taking radically left-wing positions.
In the final round of voting at the Libertarian national convention, Oliver won with 60 percent of the vote, clearing the majority threshold to secure the nomination for the 2024 election.[…]
Oliver has also defended Antifa, the leaderless group that wreaked havoc across the US during the George Floyd riots of 2020 and is the force behind the ongoing Atlanta Stop Cop City protests, which he also supports.
Oliver has consistently shared content from Antifa group pages on his Facebook account. He also compared those who fought in World War II to “antifascists.” Oliver himself has claimed the label of being antifascist.
Oliver supports open border policies and has said that the United States does not need border security. He would prefer that Immigration and Customs Enforcement be abolished, as would so many Antifa militants.
You would think this is a joke, but it’s not. The official libertarian group, the so-called “party of freedom and liberty”, just elected a vaccine mandate supporter who loves open borders and Antifa. You can’t make this stuff up.
But hey, it’s all that democracy and freedom in action! Providing further evidence that libertarianism does not (cannot) work in practice.
I’m sure you all have a story where you have seen someone else do something so extremely embarrassing and socially awkward that you yourself tinge in mortification with them. Yeah, that’s pretty much how I feel about this. This fiasco even supersedes when they had that naked guy stripping down and running across their convention stage because of freedom…or something.
Libertarians are wild, man.
Nevertheless, to be honest with you, I will never understand them. I just can’t fathom how anyone could look around at Western Civilization and see how expanding individualism has treated us (completely destroying our civilization, atomizing Whites, and blank slating our unique nations) and then to think the solution is MORE individualism and even more radical individualism. I always just sit there mind-blown while shaking my head and thinking: “That’s your solution… for real?” The drug addict is saying the solution is more drugs?
It’s similar to the communists when they implement communism as a governing system and subsequently kill off a quarter of the population, but then claim that the deaths occurred because there’s not enough communism. The libertarian looks around at the individualism that has exploded since the Enlightenment, and then somehow comes to the conclusion that it is because we don’t have enough of that degeneration. I just don’t get it. But I don’t get communists either, so I guess it’s just me.
At least Marxists are honest about their evil tendencies and don’t shroud them in a veil of ‘live and let live’ and Non-Aggression Principle (NAP) moral supremacy. Libertarians always claim the moral position while they push forward usury (that God said should be dealt with using the death penalty), mutilate children, worshipping money, and the like. It’s completely fake morality that they make up using modernity’s backwards logic.
Even further confusing (and maddening), many libertarians claim they want to save Western Civilization.
Newsflash: The two crowning achievements in Western Civilization were the Greco-Roman era and Christendom. Both eras of damn-near zero individualism.
Individualism was so low during these time periods that people that lived during them would not even be able to fathom our current atomized society. People like Dante during Christendom literally only knew the world through a nation focused, collective lens. He would look at us like deracinated, exiled freaks (and no, that does not mean it was “muh evil collectivism”. It’s not a binary choice: Individuals Acting Collectively Versus Collectivism).
To restore Western Civilization is to do the exact opposite of what the modern libertarian wants to happen. We need a stronger collective conscience of our unique White nations, not a lessening of them. And we sure as hell do not need open borders, Antifa-style racial egalitarianism, more LGBT weirdos, and unlimited “free” markets to subvert our own home economies like Mr. Gay Libertarian Candidate wants. All of this is the exact opposite of Western Civilization.
You can’t claim to be fighting for Western Civilization when you want to destroy every single damn thing it stands for!
Regardless of what they claim, we know libertarians do not stand for Western Civilization; they stand for the Enlightenment. Which is why all of their favorite thinkers and leaders are during and post-Enlightenment (John Locke, Henry Thoreau, Herbert Spencer, Mises, Adam Smith, Hayek, Friedman, Ayn Rand, et cetera—Notice how not a single one of them were pre-Enlightenment).
The libertarian folk stand for modern individualism, greed, twisted modern morality like the NAP heresy, and for themselves. That is it. Not for our heritage nor our ancestors nor our people nor our God.
Sorry, but that’s not Western Civ, my dear lost friend.
[Read My Posts On Individualism To Learn More: Pathological Cowardice: The Final Stage Of Individualism & The Weaponization Of Individualism]
It’s all just complete madness.
Still, the Libertarians love to claim that they are rightwing. But they are one of the furthest ideologies from it. And I can prove it, read this: “Right-Wing” And “Left-Wing” Defined.
My readers all know we don’t need more of our lost people being further atomized and individualized. That is the Enlightenment degeneration that is leading us to a collapse. To fix it, we need the exact opposite. But the leftist libertarian will never figure that out.
For now, all we can do is get a good laugh out of it all. Let them make a fool out of themselves for our enjoyment. They will never come to power for long, anyway. Their own ideology guarantees that.
Well, I guess we can also hope that because of their recent clown show, they may accidentally wake up some of their own from the Moloch cult of worshipping Freedom™ and the Almighty Dollar.
But I doubt it.
The faster individualism—and all of its offshoots like libertarianism—dies, the better for those of us that will persevere through this coming fall.
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There are quite a few in the Southern Heritage movement who are regular ‘groupies’ of LewRockwell and the Austrian school. I can understand their reaction against government overreach, but keep waiting for them to connect the dots as to both the real source of that overreach, and where their philosophy leads. I have a friend in my church with whom I’m tempted to share your article, but my pastor preached on Proverbs 17:14 recently, so I’ll forebear.
Hah, I also need a sermon directed at me about Proverbs 17:14. Maybe that would help level me out a bit. We can only hope that the libertarians start to connect the dots sooner rather than later, but I am not very optimistic.
Appreciate the comment brother.