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There are a lot of lessons we can learn from the Trump and Q timeline. The most important being: Get Active. Do not wait around.
Trump and Q were never going to fix the problem. The problem is far too deep for a single individual, or even a group of internal individuals, to solve. The problem is the system itself: “The Republic”.
But there has definitely been a lot of decent individuals that were taken in by this appeal. Many on our side, even so far as the “dissident” side of the right. They fell to both the Trump appeal and the “Q” appeal.
For Q, there isn’t a lot of excuses. It was a psy-op, it was clearly always a psyop:
‘Q-Anon’ Bears Striking Resemblance to Bolshevik Psy-Op From 1920s Known As ‘Operation Trust’
“Operation Trust” was a Bolshevik counterintelligence operation run from 1921 to 1926 aimed at neutralizing opposition by creating the false impression that a powerful group of military leaders had organized to stop the communists’ takeover.
Here’s an except on the “Trust” operation from pages 13-14 of Soviet defector Anatoliy Golitsyn’s book, “New Lies for Old”:
The similarities with the Q-Anon “Trust The Plan™” psy-op are remarkable.
It doesn’t require “anonymous leaks” from “secret military intelligence officers” to witness the conspiratorial treachery our government is committing out in the open!
Even Wikileaks called them out as a psy-op:
One of the more disturbing aspects of the “Qanon” online Trump base pacification hoax is that while it claims to be fighting the “deep state” (permanent security complex) it promotes the rendition of Edward @Snowden and CIA regime change in Iran.
“Qanon” pushes for regime change in #Iran, mirroring long held CIA, Mossad and neocon goals.
More “Qanon” pacification efforts:
Dec 19, 2017: “TRUST SESSIONS”
Jan 14, 2018: “TRUST SESSIONS”
Feb 18, 2018: “TRUST SESSIONS”, “2018 will be glorious”
Mar 08, 2018: “TRUST SESSIONS”
Apr 10, 2018: “TRUST SESSIONS”
May 15, 2018: “Do you Trust POTUS?… trust SESSIONS…”
There have been a lot of decent individuals taken in by this complacency BS. Hopefully, this will serve as a useful indicator to draw people back from the crazy shit.
Never trust someone that tells you to sit back and do nothing in the face of evil. Never trust someone that tells you to blindly trust.
I never wrote about Q on this site – because I never trusted it. I hope others become less trustful of potential psy-ops in the future. It is better that way.
So while the Q ordeal was obvious, the overall worship of Trump was not as much.
One man, president or not, could never fix the problems we have. The problems are societal-wide. They can’t be fixed from one electoral branch. Especially when we have fourth branches of government.
Until someone runs on the platform of strict partition, secession, or a complete change to the entire system – they are not our allies. They never were our allies. This can’t be fixed through the system because the system is the problem itself.
The only way we fix the problem is through a partition or a change of system.
Trump never desired that. He was the traditional boomer, civic nationalist type. Good man, but not our man.
Now that he is gone, I hope many on the right can finally recognize that.
Don’t get me wrong, I always supported Trump. I supported him when he first declared nomination in 2016 and voted again for him in 2020 while encouraging everyone else to do the same.
But, I didn’t go in blind. I knew the limitations. He was to delay the inevitable, to give us more time. He gave us that time. But we didn’t use that time because we just sat around and “trusted the plan”.
I started this website in ’16 and started working on an alternative governmental system then as well. Many others started their projects around then. But far too many conservatives, libertarians, and the like just did nothing. The centralizers had the legislature, the judicial, every cultural institution, every mainstream media institution, numerous globalist institutions, and were in the process of taking over every other economic institution, but somehow we were fine because of Trump. We could just sit around and call it good. I never understood the logic.
We had four years to really put the fire into them. But we didn’t.
I hope that this lesson remains very fresh for generations to come. We’re not going to get a lot more opportunities like that. We cannot waste anymore in the future.
Trump was the best President of my lifetime. But that’s not saying much. He’s still not the one we need.
His final actions as president prove this. No destruction of Big Tech monopoly (if anything, his exit gave them far more strength). No protections for free speech. No permanent solution to the immigration issues. No pardon for Assange. No pardon for Snowden. No absolute declassifications. No leadership or clemency for the millions of his followers that showed up on the 6th. No defense of those patriots as they are now hunted down by the FBI.
We couldn’t expect or demand him to do everything. Again, we know the limitations. But one thing for us on the way out would have been nice. A single thing.
Instead, those that put their necks out for him are ending up hunted down by a corrupt FBI and in jail. Assange and Snowden remain ostracized. Free speech is practically removed under the stomping of the corporate fourth branch. Immigration is expected to pour in and 11 million are expected to receive auto-citizenship. And not a single declassification was done properly.
There was so much potential in Trump. And for one man, he did do a lot. But he was never going to be the one to take down the system. Not as a necessary part of it.
There are rumors going around that he was in on it, too. I don’t agree with this view. He does not appear to be an establishment centralizer. In many ways, it wouldn’t make sense for him to be. Not with all the attacks, election fraud, and deplatforming they did to him. Likely, that they will continue to do to him as he becomes a private citizen again.
No, he was an outsider. But that’s it. He was a wild card. Just an outsider. Not a reset.
For the centralizers and the continuation of the fall of the republic, he merely delayed the inevitable. He held the line for four years. So it didn’t get even worse. He took a lot of hits for us to do so and for that I thank him. But that’s all he was ever going to be able to do.
The people that thought he would get in and fix everything are the real problems. They are the same people that fell for Q. One man could never accomplish that under this system we reside in. The oligarchy would never allow it. It’s a survival fight, us versus them. We need a parallel economy, we need local and state engagement, we need entirely new political parties not beholden by centralizers, and we need numerous leaders. Not one man to do everything.
So if Trump accomplished a single thing, it was to show very clearly that the old America is dead. Politically, culturally, religiously, economically, demographically, and spiritually. The country we grew up in is dead. Whatever this weird, transsexual, immoral, corrupt, fraudulent, and oligarchical country is, is not the US.
The financial elite are now working with their (newly selected) executive and legislative elites to track down every single peaceful protestor on Jan 6th. They are banning us from everything, even basic financial services like credit cards or the right to a living.
They wanted centralization of all power. They got it.
I wrote this article on Jan 20th. Going up on the 21st. It’s naturally a rough day, I know tensions are high. I know this sucks. It’s sad. It’s enraging. These are perfectly acceptable emotions. I’m right there with you.
But we must persevere.
Most of the non-indoctrinated now accept that the elites formally took over everything. Our people are now recognizing that there will never be a return to “normal”; never a return to America. An illegitimate president was sworn in, traitors control every single institution in the nation, and we no longer even have a single (executive) safeguard. They can do what they wish and most of us are powerless to stop it.
A lot on the right retained hope that something would change between the election and Jan 20th. Well, it’s here. Nothing changed. Fraud happened, it didn’t get challenged or audited, and then the “president” got elected surrounded by tens of thousands of soldiers behind barbed wire, virtually.
It’ll take a miracle for Biden to make it a full four years. If not, we have a short amount of time until Kamala is in charge. The least favorite of both parties that used the race card and blew her way to the top.
But hard times make strong men. And strong men bring good times. It’s about to be a really hard time. Strong men, now is your time to be born.
On perhaps the only optimistic note of the day, I am excited for the opportunity to officially call our “leader” as “Pres.” Pedo, the Fraud in Chief going forward.
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The Conservatives Are Centralizers, Too
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