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Legal Immigration Is The Problem

Libertarians and conservative's favorite slogan: "We're in favor of immigration, just not illegal immigration."

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Refugees Not Welcome: On Legal Immigration

A popular conservative/libertarian abracadabra is “we’re in favor of immigration, just not illegal immigration.”

You do not have to search far to find instances of this nation-destroying slogan:

libertarian failures - legal immigration is the problem

But this statement is ridiculous.

Illegal immigration is not the problem.

We don’t need the modifier: Immigration is the problem. Alone. Any form of it.


You cannot replace the native population of a nation-state and expect things to work fine. It does not matter whether this is a legal or illegal replacement. It does not matter who is coming: whether it be ethnic geniuses or ethnic violent criminals. All that matters is the conflicting persons residing within the same country.

And before you gasp and loudly proclaim the statement which has been indoctrinated in you since birth, that “America is a nation of immigrants!”, I must give you the bad news: No, it is not. American is a nation of people, not an idea.

Any form of incompatible immigration is the mixing of people with a fundamentally different soul and culture into one host. But these two souls do not mix. They are immiscible entities; impossible to fuse into one new creation. Instead, both continue to live as they are, disparate, and compete for status and resources. The melting pot does not truly exist unless the souls/biology are compatible. We can see this in the animal kingdom when we recognize that a gibbon and a chimpanzee are not compatible. In the same way, a Minnesotan and a Somali are also not compatible long-term.

I spoke about this a bit in my article We Were Never United In The First Place:

A common civic nationalist talking point is that “the enemy wants us divided”. This argument is the supposed holy grail for the average conservative against any form of race recognition. It is used to immediately shut down any facts presented or even simple discussion of ethnic incompatibilities.

In this statement, the normiecon postulates that the enemy wants us all at odds based on the differing nations and races within the state. E.g. blacks versus whites, indians versus Mexicans, and so on. This spiraling internal conflict somehow makes us easier to control. Thus, we should “stay united” instead to combat the true enemy. We should not focus on the obvious ethnic-nation issues, just focus on the bad guys at the top and then we’ll all miraculously live in harmony in the end.

This is fundamentally incorrect. “They” (the centralizers) actually shipped the foreign nations to our countries specifically knowing that it would obviously cause division, because that’s what human nature clearly tells us would happen.


In every country where foreign ethnic populations explode, violence occurs and “democracy” (or republic systems) breakdown. Because it is fundamentally impossible to retain the underlying trust and cohesion required to maintain a republic with different national peoples. Instead, these systems turn into empires. Exactly as America did and continues to do.

We can never be united with other nations. We are our own. Any proposed unification will end in force as one inevitably dominates the other.

We were united when we were one nation. Now the real division is by trying to force other nations to unite with us, which cannot happen.

This complete lack of self-preservation and recognition of human differences is the end result of “conservatism” and libertarianism. Conservatism cannot even conserve the people that founded the country. It does not even attempt to do so. Libertarianism actively tries to destroy the native population with their open arms for open borders. Both suck and are horrendously blind.

If you cannot conserve the people themselves, you cannot conserve literally anything about the country—Because other peoples have a different nature, soul, and culture than the originating nation. They will, inevitably, change it or fight it. Legal or illegal.

It is humourous, but even in my politically softer days back in 2017, I wrote an article titled “The Key Issue of Illegal Immigration“. Even when I was soft, I still said that immigration should be banned:

A world ruled by socialist-styled, migrant-fueled governments is not one which I would want to leave my children. We need to find ways to either assimilate immigrants into the American culture, or stop immigration out-right.

Or we will lose all the traditions that made America great.

Even back then, I recognized that immigration in the cultural sense was incompatible long-term with a stable society, and I was far softer in those days.

Yet, even after the complete insanity and obviousness of how bad immigration is wrecking us today, these pro-immigration idiots still cannot seem to realize that just tossing hoards of different people into a land will not turn out well for anyone. We have so many clear examples today of why this is not a good idea, and yet they still cannot see it. It really makes you wonder if they are just outright spiritually blind.

A telltale sign that this problem goes deeper than the physical is that this form of mass immigration is only employed against whites (and select problematic Asians).

When immigration happens to other races, it’s not called immigration. It is called ethnic cleansing, genocide, white-washing, imperialism, or some other word:

it is genocide for ethnics, but just "diversity" for whites - legal immigration is the problem

Even further: When immigration happens to plants, it’s called an invasive species that destroys native biolife.

When it happens to whites, it is called diversity, and it is openly celebrated. And then we have these indoctrinated self-hating whites that continually yell for more of it.

The fact that these people cannot see this obvious racial switcheroo seems to me to indicate that something spiritual is physically blocking them from recognizing reality.

Right now, we have a major border crisis and are being invaded by millions of people, our culture is vanishing, most of our own citizens are struggling to afford essentials or buy housing, and yet these people are talking about making it easier to immigrate here. You have to either hate your own nation or be completely blind, caring only about economic digits and numbers. I don’t care which it is, because both mean the underlying belief holder is stupid and should be disregarded.

This form of self-flagellation, destroy-yourself-for-GDP-attitude is only found in whites. Something very wicked happened to us to bring about this mass degeneration in the form of lacking basic self-preservation. It is found in exceptionally high amounts in leftist and libertarian whites. But even mild cases can be found in conservatives, which is where we get this bending-over for more immigration, so long as it is legal. “Destroy our nation and culture legally, please”.

For those of us that are dissidents, or have even the slightest semblance of an understanding of history regarding the intermixing of nations, we know the truth. And the truth is that all immigration is bad.

All peoples should have and cherish their own nation. We should all have a place to call home. We need nation-states.

To do this, we must reject immigration.

Just like when it comes to the term “Judeo-Christianity,” we do not need the modifier. Any immigration is bad, not just illegal immigration.

Read Next: Everything Does Not Revolve Around Economics


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390


  1. The only immigrants I don’t mind are those who are legit committed to leave their old culture, civilization, language, and so on behind, and adapt the ones of their new homes, unfortunately this is extremely rare, fortunately it’s not impossible.
    I’m perfectly fine with high skilled foreigners who speak Japanese really well (or are putting in effort to learn it), the ones I hate the most are those who came on a spouse visa, live here 30+ years, and still rely on their wifes and/or children for translation, because they still refuse to learn the language, and with that automatically reject the culture too.

    • They never leave their old culture. Which is why 200 years later the immigrants from the 1830s-1850s call themselves. Irish Americans or German Americans. If you put anything in front of American it is no longer American. We should have slammed the borders shut in 1790 with the first census.

      • We should have slammed the borders shut in 1790 with the first census.

        Can’t argue with that one. What a country this would be if that were the case.

    • Small amounts of immigrants that truly assimilate are rarely a problem, especially because over a few generations they will usually intermarry and be blended out of their old ethnic (for lack of a politically correct way of stating this). The problem is when it is no longer an incredibly small amount, because of what you said here:

      unfortunately this is extremely rare

      I peg it at about 1-10% assimilation-ability, depending on the ethnic group, on average for first-generationers. This increases for each subsequent generation, but with a caveat: What truly compounds the risk is the amount of immigrants. If there are enough immigrants that they can form enclaves, choose not to learn or interact with the language/culture, and similar, then fewer will integrate. This is even moreso down the generational line.

      For example, if you drop a million Japanese in the middle of nowhere Montana, that area will become distinctly Japanese. It will stay Japenese. They will not assimilate much, if at all. If we bring in 100 Japanese and spread them across 100 different cities, they will have no choice but to assimilate. We will have a very high rate of assimilation even in the first generation, and subsequent generations of the kids of those Japanese will be distinctly non-Japanese.

      The amount of immigrants matters far more than anything else, which is why America used to take in small amounts, scatter them out, and then shut off the value for many decades. That is the only true way to bring in new people without facing civilization-destroying consequences.

      And that is our current problem. We are bringing in literally millions of them from all over the place, with not even a request for assimilation. In fact, it is the exact opposite, most Americans are assimilating to the foreign cultures that are arriving. Therein lies the highest danger.

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