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The leftist war on reality is viciously hot with Donald Trump's victory. But it shouldn't come as a surprise.
Easy. Stop reporting race in crime statistics. (1) (2)
Viola! It is no longer a measurable problem.
Common sense marketing and encouraging healthy behavior?
Nah, just follow these steps:
But actually practice idiot compassion. (1)
Promote more of it. (1) (2) (3)
Ban them from speaking. (1) (2) (3)
Call them one of the following:
Bam. Auto-win the argument! (1) (2) (3)
Except when it’s diversity of thoughts or beliefs (1) (2)
Enact socialism and make everyone poorer. (1) (2) (3)
That will do it.
But yet support tax-payer funded abortion. (1)
But still show sympathy for ruthless dictator Fidel Castro’s death and other political lunatics. (1) (2) (3)
Many of these examples (and similar ones) aren’t new.
But, even after all this time the leftist war on reality continues.
It should be no surprise to most. The party landscape has been increasingly polarizing these past few years.
It’s driving both parties further on the political spectrum from the center. But mostly the left.
These kind of beliefs are hard to debate in person.
When the person you’re speaking with automatically assumes you’re a racist-homophobic-bigot, it practically shuts down any discussion.
The only way forward is to start calling out these types of attacks. Don’t debate your character, debate the point.
Think of it like this: If you say the sky is blue and someone says you’re a bigot because of that, does that make the sky not blue? No, of course not. But it won’t stop a leftist from believing it.
The left can push reality to the side all they want, but it doesn’t make it any less true.
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