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I have a hypothetical for you to consider. Through it, you'll see how leftists are absolutely insane.
Take a second to consider if we controlled the culture.
If we were the dominant cultural behemoth in this country.
Consider if nearly all of the media was openly run by conservatives. If we held a monopoly on media.
Consider if all of the schools and colleges only taught right-leaning positions. Every left-leaning professor or school teacher was rejected by their fellow colleagues, ostracized, and expelled for teaching anything even barely left-of-center.
Consider if all levels of academia were structured as to promote only right-leaning positions and research.
Consider if hundreds of the world’s most powerful corporations donated millions to conservative-front groups. And then those same groups rioted in the street and burnt down those very same corporations, only to provoke them to more vehemently support said conservative-front groups.
Consider if every billionaire only allowed journo’s to publish right-wing content on their newspapers and media organizations.
Consider if Wikipedia and other information distribution systems only allowed content to be modified after it was filtered through an alt-right ideological lens.
Consider if every attorney general went after leftists with vengeance every time they broke the law and subsequently released conservatives whenever they did anything bad.
Consider if every search engine blocked or altered the search results to only show things positive to our beliefs.
Consider if conservative states got to pick and choose which federal laws they felt like enforcing while being a “sanctuary” from any others they didn’t like.
Consider if every independent leftist content creator was constantly worried about being deplatformed and losing their only income source.
Consider if leftists could be fired from their job and left homeless if they so much as said anything pro-abortion or pro-gay marriage.
Consider if leftists were violently attacked in the streets for holding a pro-immigration sign.
Consider if leftists were maced and beat up in the streets for wearing a certain political hat.
Consider if they couldn’t possibly criticize a religious person or white person. Otherwise, it’s racism/christianophobia. Everyone else is free game, though.
Consider if white conservatives were flooding the country to the tunes of millions while getting free benefits and voting for right-wing candidates on a 9/10 ratio.
Consider if every leftist in any political position was constantly lambasted by the media, the universities, social media, the research organizations, the former intelligence officials, and every other major institution in the nation.
Consider if every single major social media platform banned, censored, blacklisted, and “fact-checked” every slightly prominent leftist on their platform constantly.
Consider if major credit card processors and financial gatekeepers blocked the financial transactions of anyone too far on the left, such as by banning money from going to a leftist donation website.
Consider if every Hollywood movie featured right-leaning values and regularly painted minorities/non-Christians as evil, stupid people.
Consider if we rioted in the streets and threatened to set their houses on fire if they didn’t raise a fist when we told them too.
Now, recognize that this is their reality. But, while living in this reality, they think they are the oppressed ones. They think they are the “resistance”.
Then you can truly see: This is the level of absolute insanity we are dealing with.
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Looks like the leftist may soon be the oppressed ones with this voter fraud scheme..Time to bring reality home.