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Leftism Is A Mental Disorder

Leftism Is A Mental Disorder

How do we combat something that we don't understand fully? We've all heard the saying "Leftism is a mental disorder", but how real is it?


They are mentally damaged:

Over 50% Of Liberal, White Women Under 30 Have A Mental Health Issue. Are We Worried Yet?

The study, which examined white liberals, moderates, and conservatives, both male and female, found that conservatives were far less likely to be diagnosed with mental health issues than those who identified as either liberal or even “very liberal.” What’s more, white women suffered the worst of all. White women, ages 18-29, who identified as liberal were given a mental health diagnosis from medical professionals at a rate of 56.3%, as compared to 28.4% in moderates and 27.3% in conservatives.

Over 50% of liberal white women are mental. Let that sink in.

This is not a joke:

Study: Young White Liberals More Likely to Have Mental Health Problems

After considering some of the coronavirus factors as well, Goldberg noted that “at least some of the differences in the covid-mental health battery between white liberals and others are accounted for by the former’s higher likelihood of being diagnosed with a mental health condition”:

“It’s possible that the disparities in self-reported diagnosis are simply or partly a function of white liberals being more likely to seek mental health evaluations,” he surmised. “I don’t have the data to answer this question. But given that they also tend to score higher on neuroticism (and, not to mention, score lower on life satisfaction/happiness), I think at least some of this difference is genuine”:

“We know that building resiliency against hardship is the best weapon against depression and anxiety, yet progressive ideology forces its followers to wallow in feelings of helplessness and victimhood,” she observed. “Instead of empowering women and minorities with self-knowledge, strength of character, and resilience to hardship, progressivism encourages victims to stay in a place of fear and helplessness.”

Leftism Is A Mental Disorder
Leftism Is A Mental Disorder

Consider the above for a second. Fifty percent of that specific demographic has a mental illness. Of that specific Yes percent, look at the massive differences between neuroticism and conscientiousness.

Where those five are:

  • Openness to experience (includes aspects such as intellectual curiosity and creative imagination)
  • Conscientiousness (organization, productiveness, responsibility)
  • Extroversion (sociability, assertiveness; its opposite is Introversion)
  • Agreeableness (compassion, respectfulness, trust in others)
  • Neuroticism (tendencies toward anxiety and depression)

Wow. See how directly tied to liberalism it is? The abnormalities with neuroticism and conscientiousness especially (anxiety / depression / responsibility / productiveness)?

We focus on young white women here, but the rates are similar (in terms of overall interpretation) regardless of the demographic you look at. Liberals are always far higher.

This isn’t the first time I’ve wrote about this topic, either:

Psychologists Finally Figure Out That Leftism Is A Mental Disorder

Study authors Rahav Gabay and team describe how the social world is satiated with interpersonal transgressions that are often unpleasant and seemingly unwarranted, such as being interrupted when speaking. While some people can easily brush off these moments of hurt, others tend to ruminate over them and persistently paint themselves as a victim. The authors present this feeling of being the victim as a novel personality construct that influences how people make sense of the world around them.

The researchers call it the Tendency for Interpersonal Victimhood (TIV), which they define as “an ongoing feeling that the self is a victim, which is generalized across many kinds of relationships.”

An initial three studies established the TIV as a consistent and stable trait that involves four dimensions: moral elitism, a lack of empathy, the need for recognition, and rumination. A follow-up study further found that this tendency for victimhood is linked to anxious attachment — an attachment style characterized by feeling insecure in one’s relationships — suggesting that the personality trait may be rooted in early relationships with caregivers.

This isn’t a joke or a fun saying. It’s just reality: Leftism is a mental disorder.

It’s a serious problem.

For my investigative reader, I recommend you go look at the data for age differences in leftism/non-leftism and age differences in mental illness. They follow a similar pattern. It’s very interesting and you can draw some strong conclusions from it.

If we were to address the mental illness, there is a high likelihood that a magnitude of these individuals would not be leftists anymore.

I would wager a fairly high bet that if we were to cut the mental illness in half, we would also cut the proportion of leftism by a similar percentage.

Read Next:

Psychologists Finally Figure Out That Leftism Is A Mental Disorder

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Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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