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Kinism: A New Movement From An Old Friend

An individual in the dissident sphere has started a new side project. It is called "Kinism". Learn more here.

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An individual in the dissident sphere has started a new side project. It is called “Kinism” and you can find it on Telegram here.

He has been putting out some solid information and visuals, so I wanted to share it with you all. Here is a quick snapshot of some of their materials:

Kinism: Visual 1
Kinism: Visual 2
Kinism: Visual 3

They also have a catechism on Kinism here: https://kinism.tiiny.site/.

Do note that all of this is very new. The catechism is even on Version 1.0. I am just sharing it to help them get off the ground—So don’t go into it expecting perfection or an in-depth movement already formed. But the work they have put out thus far in their infancy has been solid, and well worth sharing.

I hope you all find use in it. Cheers.

Read Next: Everyone Loves Nationalism…Just Not Our Version Of It


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

One comment

  1. Not too new, though it’s never gained a large following today, even in the churches — where it should! The writers at Faith and Heritage (Ehud Would, perhaps foremost among them) taught it extensively, and showed how the early church fathers held it. You can also get a good dose of it at the Tribal Theocrat website.

    Joe Sobran gave us some concise definitions:

    KINISM: Kinism is the belief that the ordained social order for man is tribal and ethnic rather than imperial and universal. Mankind was designed by God to live in extended family groups. Blood ties are the only workable basis for a healthy society not subject to the ideologies of fallen man.

    ALIENISM: Alienism is “a prejudice in favor of the alien, the marginal, the dispossessed, the eccentric, reaching an extreme in the attempt to ‘build a new society’ by destroying the basic institutions of the native. The most terrible fulfillment of this principle is Communism.

    Joe Sobran

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