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Key Traits Of A Centralizer

Key Traits Of A Centralizer: The Four Groups

Going over the four centralizer groups in a nation and the characteristics that they exhibit.

Key Traits Of A Centralizer

You should have a rugged understanding of the centralizer, their motives, and how they operate. It may be helpful to start here to learn what a centralizer is. The centralizers are housed in four groups:

  • The financial centralizer (isolated class)
  • The cultural centralizer (sensitive cultural markers)
  • The intellectual centralizer (intelligentsia)
  • The political centralizer (politburo)

The centralizer is defined as an individual that seeks centralization within the nation for their own personal benefit. A political elite would gain from further political centralization and is therefore a centralizer. Whereas a supporter of that political elite would not personally benefit, even if they support centralization, so would not be a centralizer. A useful idiot, certainly. But not a centralizer. A centralizer has to personally gain from the centralization, usually through more direct control and power.

The centralizer operates solely to acquire more power because of the innate drive of humans to dominate, control, and consolidate power. Through the legacy frameworks, they are often incentivized to do so. The different centralizer groups centralize through their preferred or available avenue. A financial elite would work to acquire further financial or wealth centralization. A cultural centralizer would spend their days trying to gain more power of the culture. The same goes for the intelligentsia and the politburo groups. It is only once they have a majority of centralization of their own arena that they unite and progress to centralize other arenas.

This drive for power has no limits. The centralizer will do absolutely whatever is necessary to get even an abysmally small amount of more power. Their moral compass reflects this, as does their interactions with the public.

They have no system preference, framework preference, economic system preference, principles, values, morals, or ideology. Instead, they only have one thing: A Total War Philosophy. They care about only one thing and one thing only: acquiring more control. They will use whatever will grant them more centralization at that current point in time. They care only about power over you, your family, and everything that you use. They will use any system, any framework, any economic structure, any principle, and any ideology to do so. They will change these, sometimes even within the same sentence, depending on which will grant them more Total War control. They will use your morality against you in one sentence and then invoke a hatred to that morality in the next. They will praise their own for one thing and condemn you for the exact same thing. They will ignore treason from one end and demand immediate consequences for it from the other end.

Contrary to popular opinion, this does not make them hypocrites; they just do not fight on the same wavelength as a non-centralizer. They fully know that their positions are backwards and often conflicting, but they do not care. Whichever is more convenient for acquiring more control and power will be used, and should be used, according to their only philosophy. Being a hypocrite is merely a useful tactic for them, and thus is a viable strategy that should be knowingly used. A hypocrite regularly does not know that they are being a hypocrite. Whereas for them, it is a common strategic weapon.

The centralizer uses the state against the nation in the conquest for power. The nation is the people that make up the state. A nation is a collective group of culturally homogeneous, similar peoples. Compared to the state that is the government that houses the nation(s) (the people). The centralizers distinguish between the two only so that they can use the one against the other to acquire more power over both. They have no allegiance to any nation nor state.

They are not a conspiratorial group; at least not from the onset. Rather, they begin their careers by operating out of strict self-interest and eventually through the principles of mutual benefit with other centralizers. They later combine to form cohesive conspiratorial groups, but only after significant power has already been centralized.

The centralizer is the most damaging individual within every nation and every state that has ever existed. As I talk about frequently on this website in regards to anacyclosis and the cycle of collapse, the degeneration of nations occurs because of centralization. These people are the ones that actively push the nation in that direction

Read Next:

What Is A Centralizer?

The Intelligentsia Uncover Themselves

The Eras Of Western Civilization: On Tradition


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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