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keep the faith

Keep The Faith

Stay optimistic. Keep the faith. We will win.

keep the faith

On Faith

It is that time again. Time for another whitepill, faith-based article.

Someone has to keep up the morale around here.

To begin: Faith is universal. The only question is if it is directed properly:

“They did not, of course, abandon faith per se. Everybody lives by faith. It is part of the human condition. Financiers trust market forces, militarists trust bombs, scientists trust nature’s regularities.”

– Motyer

And the data guys trust their assumptions/sources while the materialists trust their personal revelation rationalization.

We all have faith. Some are just too stubborn to call it by its correct name.

We all also need to keep the faith. Even the non-Christians. But both positions should provoke optimism:

  • Christians: Christ already won. It is finished. We will overcome modernity with God on our side.
  • Non-Christians: Nature’s regularities won before. Modernity is an inversion of nature. Thus, nature will triumph again. Give it time.

Still, both positions require our activism. The first for the glory of God; the second to speed up nature’s inevitability. But victory is certain.

It is oftentimes difficult to recognize this reality when we are stuck in the midst of these truly wicked times. But don’t lose hope. These conditions will not remain forever.

Do not take the blackpill. It’s a silly position, exempting occasional bad days.

victory - liberty - faith
escape modernity
Tradition is not the worship of ashes but the preservation of fire - on faith

Stay optimistic and remain in the fight. We can never surrender to the evil of the modern day.

Keep the faith. We will win.

For my Christian brothers and sisters, cheers—We’ve already won.

Read Next: Our Irrational Markets


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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