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Judicial System Becomes Politicized

What Happens When the Judicial System Becomes Politicized?

What can we expect to happen when the judicial system becomes politicized? Let's look at how it works in Europe to find insight.

Judicial System Becomes PoliticizedEurope is a mess. They never really had “freedom of speech” like the United States had once enjoyed. But they considered themselves ‘free’ nonetheless. But it’s coming back to bite them now that the judicial systems became politicized.

It isn’t just the fault of the judicial system of course; many Europeans openly advocate against free speech. But the rising police involvement in monitoring speech and judicial leeway sure does not help the situation.

Take a few examples:

  1. In Leeuwarden, there was a plan going through the legal process to establish asylum centers. Twenty opponents of the plan had police visit their homes and demand answers to their opposition.
  2. Die Welt reported in 2015 that people who speak “xenophobic” things on the internet risk losing their children.
  3. Dozens of people reporting or resisting migrants for the rape/crime epidemic have been arrested for “hate” crimes. Sometimes, their arrest is longer than the migrants who committed an actual crime.

And another example included in these screenshots:

Judicial System Becomes Politicized Judicial System Becomes Politicized

Migrants walked away, even after admitting rape—while they imprisoned the nationalist for FOUR YEARS for simply speaking his mind.

Talk about a messed up system.

Judicial System Becomes Politicized

You can find hundreds of these examples relatively easily through a google search. Look up “hate crime” and a specific European country to find competent suitors.

They have already lost their ‘half-way consideration’ for freedom of speech. They are now in the process of losing their culture and heritage to migrants’ demands and the judicial activism tragedy.

It’s a terrible situation for Europe. But it provides something of value to us: insight.

Insight into what exactly happens when a judicial system becomes politicized. And why we should fight tooth and nail to prevent it here in America.

Because the reality of conquering “hate” speech is not pretty. In fact, it’s tyrannical. How can one claim to be in a free society if they have to monitor everything they say… or face jail time?

While America is holding out a bit longer, we are not immune. The “hate” rhetoric is alive and well here.

This will come here. It will come soon. If we can’t find a way to stop it.


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390


  1. Europe is always causing problems. First world war 1, then the nazis, now onto world war 3 “diversity edition”

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