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It is incredible anyone still listens to this guy at all. But here we are.
I know, I know. Jordan Peterson is old news ever since he fled to Russia to seek drug detoxification because of a benzo addiction.
(The guy that preaches to young white men about how they should live apparently doesn’t know how to live without crippling levels of anxiety medications. That’s always a great sign of a trusted instructor.)
But he is back in the news again, this time with his usual emotional appeals about recent spooky right-wing events.
So, it’s time to recommend the quick, 30-min documentary that will set the record straight on who Jordan Peterson is and why he is in the position that he is in. A documentary that was published three years ago, but still many Peterson fans refuse to watch.
Even though the documentary is three years of age, it has aged like fine wine. Only becoming better as Peterson exposes even more about his actual strategy over time.
That documentary is ‘Jordan Peterson Dismantled‘.
Find it on BitChute here. It can also be found on YouTube (for now):
A commenter summed the documentary up nicely:
Initially I was highly skeptical of this, thinking it was just another hit-piece psyop, but it is critical information and I’ve seen it manifest around me with different friends and family members who were gravitating toward the real redpill and then seemingly defused (diffused) by encountering Peterson & being enamoured with his philosophy, which is very cult like in their defense and admiration of him.
This video really puts things into perspective, and OF COURSE the Globalist have invested countless hours of funding and research in PSYOPS to defuse anything, any social counterculture or movement that would threaten their dominance. This video makes a good case for Peterson being exactly this carefully crafted and calibrated socio-psychological & cultural weapon to disarm the very demographic that is the number one target of globohomo, by acting as a sort of trojan horse that this demographic willingly embraces, assuming Peterson to be one of their own.
The best part of the documentary is how it relates Peterson’s actions to the actions of cult leaders. Many people on the Right would benefit by gaining this knowledge of emotional manipulation.
I get the need for Crowd manipulation. But there is a difference between the crowd and the cult. One is done to the masses, the other is done to your supposed allies.
An underrated dissident skill is to understand cults and cultish behavior. Cults use logos for minor and insignificant things to enamor people, but then quickly change to only pathos and ethos for everything else. The cults always use certain manipulation tactics, such as personal betterment, as a pathway to establish credibility permanence within people. Exactly like Peterson.
Even further: Anyone that is still a centrist in today’s climate is either willfully ignorant, a Trojan horse, or is getting rich off of it and doesn’t want to lose their Mammon-bucks. Or perhaps both of the latter two.
Watch the documentary, even if you already know he is a gatekeeper. There are a lot of useful tools in it that will help you with other gatekeepers like Peterson (Elon Musk, Tulsi Gabbard, Joe Rogan, et cetera).
Read Next: Live And Let Live
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