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Discussing the story that is often overlooked or hidden. Joe Biden and Maria Piacesi.
Pedophilia at the top:
Senator Daines’ niece, Maria Piacesi, says Biden pinched her nipple
Steven Daines’ niece, Maria Piacesi, reveals that Joe Biden pinched her nipple when she was only 8-years young during shocking TikTok video.
Maria Piacesi, niece of Republican senator Steve Daines, revealed that US president Joe Biden pinched her nipple during a Swearing-In Ceremony in 2015. She’s scared of speaking out, her friends don’t believe her even though it was caught on video.
Joe Biden, 78, has — again — been accused of inappropriately touching a woman, but in this case there might actually be video evidence that the sitting president sexual assaulted a minor during his tenure as Vice President in 2015.
In a shocking TikTok video a 14-year-old Maria Piacesi, niece of the Montana senator Steve Daines, claims that Joe Biden pinched her nipple when she was only 8-years-old during a Ceremonial Swearing-In session. The ordeal was caught on camera but the mainstream media has largely discounted the theories that Biden sexually assaulted the underage girl as a ‘right-wing conspiracy theory’.
“I would do something about it — to be honest — if I thought it would help, but it would only make more people angry and I’ve already had people calling me out saying I’m lying and this is BS [bullsh*t], even though it is not. I just don’t think it would help with anything right now,” Maria Piacesi said.
In May, 2021, the commander-in-chief went off-script to point out the ‘elementary school- aged’ girl as he delivered an address at Joint Base Langley-Eustis ahead of Memorial Day, saying “I tell you what, look at her, she looks like she’s 19 years old, sitting there like a little lady with her legs crossed.”
At a May 2019 campaign event, Biden even told a 10-year-old girl, “I bet you’re as bright as you are good-looking.”
Joe Biden has been accused of inappropriate touching by many women. One of the main accusers is his former aide Tara Reade who accused Joseph Robinette Biden Jr of sexually assaulting her in 1993 at a Capitol Hill office. Sadly for Tara Reade, her story was largely ignored in the US and she had to travel all the way to Australia to give an interview with 60 Minutes to get her story out there.
Like father, like son.
The fetish for the young is something that is truly one of the most disturbing things that I believe exists in this world.
Many people say it is a “power” thing, but I don’t buy it. It’s not about power. Many people have a power, dominance, or control kink. That desire, in many ways, is normal (especially for men). But the whole point of a power kink is to be more powerful than the other. Whereas a child is completely powerless, so there is no real display of power, dominance, or control by the abuser. To desire power over the powerless is something else entirely.
I’ve always thought of it as a corruption thing. They view the young as purely innocent, which they are according to the Bible. They want to corrupt that which is innocent, given by the light.
Shall we recall the words of Jesus: “Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea“.
I believe the pedophiliac desire comes from the desire to corrupt that which is the most pure: The little ones. It is arguably what I would consider the highest evil of all. The desiring for the corruption of the most innocent.
And yet, these people control the most powerful levers of our government. Do we really need to wonder why the nation is rapidly degenerating and becoming amoral? Look toward the leaders and you will see a reflection being made.
Unsurprisingly, with information such as Maria Piacesi demonstrates, it is not a pleasant reflection.
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