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Jesus In The Talmud

Looking at a few key sections of the Talmud that reference Jesus of Nazareth.

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A Journey Into Judaism

It is always humorous hearing from uneducated Pagans about how Christianity is a “Jewish” religion or how we “worship a Jew”.

It is equally funny hearing the average grey masser who proudly proclaims that we are a “Judeo-Christian” society.

While both of these groups are amusing and always good for a laugh at their own expense, they are also both wrong.

Even the most superficial review of the Jewish religion will demonstrate this difference. It’s not like it is hard to find:

  • Christians love Christ. The Talmud hates Christ.
  • Christians follow the Bible’s morality. The Talmud completely inverts the Bible’s morality.

These two things are not compatible. The “Judeo-Christian” slogan directly contradicts itself. It is either Judeo, or it is Christian. Two completely separate moralities and two completely different belief systems cannot be the same foundation.

Likewise, for the pagans, if Christianity was such a Jewish religion one would think the Jews would be alright with it. But instead, they hate it with a burning passion. This is because they are directly conflicting beliefs. The Jews do not like Christianity, because Christianity is not Jewish. It does not involve the worship of the ethnic Jew as the Talmud does. In fact, it completely blots that out.

We can see the truth of both of my arguments here in their own holy book: The Talmud. It has quite a few things to say about Jesus and the Christian faith.

Here are just a few:

  • Sanhedrin 43a relates the trial and execution of a sorcerer named Jesus (“Yeshu” in Hebrew) and his five disciples. The “sorcerer” is stoned and hanged on the Eve of Passover.
  • In Gittin 56b and 57a, a story is told in which Onkelos summons up the spirit of “Yeshu the Nazarene”, who had “sought to harm Israel”. Yeshu describes his punishment in the afterlife as boiling in excrement.
  • Sanhedrin 107/Sotah 47 tells of a Jesus (“Yeshu”) who offended his teacher due to a story regarding an inn-keeper’s wife. Jesus wished to be forgiven, but his rabbi was too slow to forgive him. So, Jesus decided to worship a brick [idol] instead.

And here is a more comprehensive list of all the places where Jesus is mentioned, if you want to do a full study yourself:

  • Jesus as a sorcerer with disciples (b Sanh 43a–b)
  • Healing in the name of Jesus (Hul 2:22f; AZ 2:22/12; y Shab 124:4/13; QohR 1:8; b AZ 27b)
  • As a Torah teacher (b AZ 17a; Hul 2:24; QohR 1:8)
  • As a son or disciple that turned out badly (Sanh 103a/b; Ber 17b)
  • As a frivolous disciple who practiced magic and turned to idolatry (Sanh 107b; Sot 47a)
  • Jesus’ punishment in afterlife (b Git 56b, 57a)
  • Jesus’ execution (b Sanh 43a-b)
  • Jesus as the son of Mary (Shab 104b, Sanh 67a)

All of these are of interest, but the big one is Gittin 57a. Here is the direct-from-Talmud story:

Onkelos then went and raised Jesus the Nazarene from the grave through necromancy. Onkelos said to him: Who is most important in that world where you are now? Jesus said to him: The Jewish people.

Onkelos asked him: Should I then attach myself to them in this world? Jesus said to him: Their welfare you shall seek, their misfortune you shall not seek, for anyone who touches them is regarded as if he were touching the apple of his eye (see Zechariah 2:12).

Onkelos said to him: What is the punishment of that man, a euphemism for Jesus himself, in the next world? Jesus said to him: He is punished with boiling excrement. As the Master said: Anyone who mocks the words of the Sages will be sentenced to boiling excrement. And this was his sin, as he mocked the words of the Sages.

They also claim that Jesus was put to death for sorcery (which will be of interest later in this article):

The mishna teaches that a crier goes out before the condemned man. This indicates that it is only before him, i.e., while he is being led to his execution, that yes, the crier goes out, but from the outset, before the accused is convicted, he does not go out. The Gemara raises a difficulty: But isn’t it taught in a baraita: On Passover Eve they hung the corpse of Jesus the Nazarene after they killed him by way of stoning. And a crier went out before him for forty days, publicly proclaiming: Jesus the Nazarene is going out to be stoned because he practiced sorcery…

There is no way to say “Judeo-Christian” with a straight face when you now know that the “Christian” part worships Jesus while the “Judeo” part believes he was a wicked student who is now boiling in feces for all of eternity. These two are not compatible.

Most religious Jews believe Jesus was a disciple of Rabbi Joshua Ben Perachiah. They also believe a rebuke by this rabbi resulted in Jesus seeking out the Satanic Witchcraft Arts in Egypt for the purpose of leading the people of Israel to sin.

This story is recounted in Sotah 47a (name presented as “Jesus” for clarity):

When he came back to Eretz Yisrael, Rabbi Yehoshua arrived at a certain inn. The innkeeper stood before him, honoring him considerably, and overall they accorded him great honor. Rabbi Yehoshua ben Peraḥya then sat and was praising them by saying: How beautiful is this inn. Jesus the Nazarene, one of his students, said to him: My teacher, but the eyes of the innkeeper’s wife are narrow [terutot]. Rabbi Yehoshua ben Peraḥya said to him: Wicked one, is this what you are engaged in, gazing at women? He brought out four hundred shofarot and excommunicated him. Every day Jesus would come before him, but he would not accept his wish to return.

One day, Rabbi Yehoshua ben Peraḥya was reciting Shema when Jesus came before him. He intended to accept him on this occasion, so he signaled to him with his hand to wait. Jesus thought he was rejecting him entirely. He therefore went and stood up a brick and worshipped it as an idol. Rabbi Yehoshua ben Peraḥya said to him: Return from your sins. Jesus said to him: This is the tradition that I received from you: Anyone who sins and causes the masses to sin is not given the opportunity to repent. The Gemara explains how he caused the masses to sin: For the Master said: Jesus the Nazarene performed sorcery, and he incited the masses, and subverted the masses, and caused the Jewish people to sin.

The above is genuinely what most Jews believe about Jesus.

The most hilarious part?

Rabbi Yehoshua ben Peraḥya lived in the second century BC, hundreds of years before Jesus was even born. They didn’t even get the dates right. Whoever composed this part of the Talmud centuries after Jesus was clearly not very good with dates (Sotah was composed around the fifth century AD).

Guess what? This isn’t compatible with Christianity, either.

The Jews are so “Judeo-Christian” and so happy with Christianity that they do not even speak the name of Jesus:

Some scholars claim that the Hebrew name “Yeshu” (for Jesus) is not a short form of the name Yeshua, but rather an acrostic for the Hebrew phrase “may his name and memory be blotted out” created by taking the first letter of the Hebrew words.

Wow, how Judeo-Christian and Jew-worshipping, as the normies and pagans would call it.

One would think if Christianity was so compatible and used by the Jews, they would promote instead of hide from the name of Jesus at all opportunities. But that would require one being intelligent enough to think, which is lacking for both pagans and “Judeo-Christian” believers.

With this knowledge, many people then take this a step further and say that Judaism contradicts Christianity outright.

I disagree with this extreme position.

Judaism confirms Christianity, even with their lies about Jesus. Judaism proves itself as wrong, but Christianity as right in their own holy books.

For instance, the Talmud does not deny Jesus’ healing abilities. They instead try to attach them to sorcery or idolatry. This means that the Talmud is actually a separate source outside of the Bible that confirms Jesus supernatural abilities!

For example, in Abodah Zarah it openly discusses Jesus ability to heal and his glowing reputation in the region. As does Hul 2:22 and plenty of others. Here is AZ 27b:

The baraita relates an incident illustrating this point. There was an incident involving ben Dama, son of Rabbi Yishmael’s sister, in which a snake bit him. And following the attack, Ya’akov of the village of Sekhanya, who was a heretic, a disciple of Jesus the Nazarene, came to treat him, but Rabbi Yishmael did not let him do so. And ben Dama said to him: Rabbi Yishmael, my brother, let him treat me, and I will be healed by him. And I will cite a verse from the Torah to prove that accepting medical treatment from a heretic is permitted in this situation. But ben Dama did not manage to complete the statement before his soul departed from his body and he died.

The Talmud openly says that “let him treat me, and I will be healed”. What great confirmation on Jesus’ miraculous abilities.

How does the Talmud get around these open facts of supernatural abilities? By claiming that he was a false prophet who used sorcery/witchcraft. A “heretic”.

But you see, the Talmud also shoots itself in the foot even with this position. Because on numerous occasions even in the Talmud Jesus heals with water or through water, and the Talmud in other places says that sorcery is undone when it is brought into contact with water (Sanhedrin 47b / Berachot 9b). One especially clear (and easily quotable) spot is Sanhedrin 67b:

Is there anyone who buys an item here and does not examine it first with water? Since sorcery was widespread there, anyone who bought an item examined it in order to find out if it was affected by sorcery, and if one did not examine an acquired item by exposing it to water and it turned out to be under a spell, he suffered the loss.

Thus, the Talmud admits that Jesus had supernatural abilities, but was also unable to have been a sorcerer because his healing worked with water.

Meaning the only other conclusion is Jesus is the Messiah, as he performed the miracles that were called of the Messiah (healing a leper; the blind, casting out demons, raising the dead).

The Talmud also confirms Jesus’ death on a cross, that Jesus “did not have a defense (fulfillment of Isaiah), that Jesus was “hanging on a tree” (Acts 5:30 reference also in Talmud), and on and on.

The Talmud confirms Christianity, even though it clearly shows its hartred toward Christ at the same time. Funny how that works. God’s hand was definitely at play here.

(A good resource I used for much of this research was OneForIsrael ministries. I encourage you dive into their other works on the subject if interested. Here is a good starter piece.)

While many claim that Judaism contradicts Christianity, I have to respectfully disagree. It’s quite the opposite.

Regardless of the Talmudic Jew hatred of Christ and Christianity, in an ironic twist that only God could create, their own oral traditions just further confirm Jesus Christ truly was the Messiah, God in the flesh, King of Kings.

Their text does not refute the Gospel, but strengthens it.

They just can’t see it, because as the ethnic Jew Paul said in Romans 11:8: “Just as it is written: God has given them a spirit of stupor, Eyes that they should not see And ears that they should not hear, To this very day.”

It seems that this blindness is shared with pagans and the “Judeo-Christians” also to this very day.

But you, my dear reader, do not have to share in that blindness.

Read Next: And I Became To Myself A Wasteland


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390


  1. Romans 9:6: But it is not that the word of God has taken no effect. For they are not all Israel who are of Israel,

    Rev 3:9: Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie—indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you.

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