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Now is the time for covid reparations.
I have three maps that should really get you thinking about demanding covid reparations.
Pay special attention to Africa versus the West.
Let us begin with the worldwide distribution of the covid vaccine (all data from OWID):
Now let us compare that map to maps with the following:
If the vaccine worked, then we would expect that Africa would have been annihilated by covid. This is because they received very few vaccines and had very few lockdown procedures (comparatively).
But is that what actually happened?
Starting with cases:
Hmm. Odd.
Now, deaths:
Also, rather odd.
It seems that the West locked down and got forcibly jabbed, which actually resulted in higher rates of covid and more covid deaths.
We went through all of this and had a worse outcome than comparable countries.
But it gets even worse. Many countries had major spikes in deaths after vaccination, but relatively none prior.
One example is Israel, but you can find many more here:
All of this points toward a need for covid reparations. Our “experts” failed, and we deserve retribution.
It is the only logical way forward:
The Need for COVID Reparations
I’m no different from many Americans who still possess anger at how people were mistreated for questioning narratives, forced into struggling economic positions, and repeatedly lied to about the efficacy of lockdowns and vaccines by the most powerful people and institutions in the world.
I still possess animosity toward the formerly respectable so-called experts who’ve become compromised by their political biases and the fear of losing their high status in society if they were to divorce from the narrative and marry objectivity. How can I trust again a media apparatus that guilted an entire population of people into getting an experimental vaccine while simultaneously being sponsored by Big Pharma?
We all want a way to move forward, because anger only breeds more anger, not forgiveness. But it’s also not advisable for us to gloss over the damage that was done to appease the conscience of the people who are now remorseful for their participation in perpetuating falsehoods and who cheered on the social demise of dissenters.
Despite the call for a blanket amnesty discussed in the Atlantic’s op-ed titled “Let’s declare a pandemic amnesty,” I believe we should strive for something that’s more succinct in providing a form of justice that would relieve much of the bitterness that we’ve been carrying for years: COVID reparations.
The author then goes on to recommend a few steps to the reparations: acknowledgement of guilt/harm, apology, financial restitution for citizens forced out of their jobs, small business restitution for their destruction in favor of big business, and removal of all unelected bureaucratic figureheads who pushed this on us.
I agree wholeheartedly, but am far more aggressive in my ideal reparations. Personally, I would take his list and expand on it to include:
I know it isn’t going to happen, but one can dream.
Read Next: Maladaptation To The Modern World
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After seeing 350 plus people rebound from the Original,Delta,Omicron, and B.4.5 strains using the French Formula with variations for comorbidities and age, I am convinced that bizarro world is but a step away here in the US. Case in point is that actor turned war monger influencing US budget status not to mention stoking resentment for the US indirectly, worldwide. The media/intelligence poison pill has been hijacked and is now used to infuse destructive sentiments in opposing political ideologies with the US even though the intelligence apparatus is supposedly our own. Think Italy during WWII when the facist took control of the country and got engaged in warfare with world superpowers. That’s the course that the US is on today.