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There has been a lot of reporting lately (and even pre-election) about Iran's plot(s) to assassinate Trump. I don't buy it.
I was going to write an article about the supposed “Iran plots to assassinate Trump”, but Padraig Martin beat me to it. He posted a solid article on the topic that I agree with fully. No reason to repeat what was already completed.
Read it here or read a snippet below:
Iran Is Not Trying to Assassinate Trump
This past week, an outlandish story was reported by various news sites that the FBI thwarted an attempted assassination of Donald Trump. The story makes no sense. Summarizing the details, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) allegedly tasked a 51-year-old former Iranian ex-patriot who was previously deported by the United States after a criminal conviction to kill Trump.
I spent almost twenty years in some capacity operating to check Iranian power. I have a master’s degree in Islamic studies specific to Ja’afari Shiism (official faith of Iran). The Iranians have been a focus of mine for more than two decades.
The FBI is lying, again.
It is my belief that the system is trying to manipulate Trump’s narcissistic impulses to get him into a war with Iran. Undoubtedly, the Israelis are helping them. Trump and his team have signaled that they want nothing to do with foreign wars. What better way to suck him into an attack then to try to kill him and his family? The problem is simple: the IRGC does not operate this way.
Does Iran hate Trump? Yes. Would they like Trump dead? Highly likely. Would they kill Trump if they could? Maybe. What they would not do is provoke a President-elect whom they fear with a cartoon character of a gunman.
Do not buy another FBI lie.
There has been a lot of reporting lately (and even pre-election) about Iran’s plot(s) to assassinate Trump. I don’t buy it. It is clear to anyone with a brain that Israel has a larger incentive to kill Trump than Iran does.
Also, does no one else find it odd that the Iranians never seemed interested in assassinating Biden or Kamala? Even given their massive support for Israel since this conflict has started? Amazingly, they are only interested in Trump. Just oddly coincidental, is all I am saying.
Read Padraig’s full article. Then let’s be fully observant of the possibilities that may unfold given these suspicious narratives forming.
The FBI and the deep state are not creating these narratives for no reason. Whether it is to gaslight Trump or to set up plausibility for a future framed event, they are making moves for some reason.
Remain vigilant.
Read Next: Mentally Ill Leftists: Determined By Their Own Studies
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“Trump and his team have signaled that they want nothing to do with foreign wars.” FDR said something like that.
And the cackling dingus was going to make the prosperity of the middle class a defining priority of her presidency.
Many, perhaps most, Americans believe both of them.
Hanna Reitsch said: “The American’s uncomplicated acceptance of life as it comes exposes him to the danger of absorbing uncritically the opinions served up to him by Press and Radio, so acquiring a false scale of values and a uniformity of mind amazing to Europeans.”
Phenomenal counterpoint as usual German Confederate. Signaling is often a political tool, nothing more, nothing less. The uniparty will continue with their designs regardless.
This whole situation certainly is appearing to be eerily reminiscent of FDR. That is a great connection. I’m going to need to dig into that more to see the parallels, I would bet there are many more than even initially appear.
It seems you share in my uncertainty about Trump. Glad to have you on the skeptical side. Seems most dissidents are very split on this point as of now. I’ve been getting a lot of flake for it.