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Iran Versus Israel: An Inevitable War

Some thoughts on the recent Iran and Israel shootout: What does it mean for the people of the U.S.?

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While most dissident analysis on the recent Iran and Israel shootout is fizzling out, I hope to chime in with a short article discussing some evergreen content regarding Israel and Iran. 

Given what was transpiring just a few weeks ago: Yes, a temporary ceasefire has seemed to occur. But was this mutual bombardment ever truly supposed to be the start of the conflict? Or was it not more of a scouting mission to prepare for a future conflict?

I think it was clearly the latter. Neither country is quite ready, but they are both reaching that point.

What I want my readers to know is this: Iran and Israel will go to war. It is not a matter of if, but only when. These two nations share diametrically opposed beliefs and survival necessities. They both cannot remain in the Middle East permanently under a peaceful condition.

I do not think we should try to find the “victor” from the recent exchange. I think the attacks from Iran into Israel and Israel back into Iran were test runs. Both succeeded in testing what they wanted to test. Both are maneuvering key players and testing limits for when that conflict does come to a head.

I think that conflict such as this will probably continue, increasing in intensity. At least until something actually sparks it all off. 

For instance, it is all but certain that Israel is currently trying to deal with Hamas before targeting Lebanon in the north. This will only provoke further conflict with Iran.

But the general hippy idea that peace can ever be attained is foolish while both of these entities exist. One must go for the other to exist. Peaceful coexistence is not possible with the two states, given the desires of both states.

For instance, we know this on the Israeli side because of the “Greater Israel” plan.

The Zionists have a plan to annex much of their current Middle East neighbors.

In fulfilling this Zionist strategy, the [final] state of Israel would be placed on the borders of Iran:

Greater Israel Map
Basic Greater Israel Map Highlighted Over Current Countries
More Detailed Greater Israel Map - showing border with Iran
More Detailed Greater Israel Map
Palestinians expelled over time
Stage 1 of Greater Israel: Secure current Israeli territory from the Palestinians

Iran will never allow this. Which is why they recruit their players within Yemen, Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq into the fight. They want a buffer from Israel, just as much as Russia wants a buffer from NATO using Ukraine. And they will go to war over it if pushed to the limits. Just like Russia did.

Iran has similar ambitions in the Middle East, as evidenced by their own history and their desire for a return to a Palestinian state in the Middle East with no American influence in the region. They have their Persian Empire glasses on. Which Israel will never allow. 

It is impossible to secure the coexistence of two entities that by their own definition require the annihilation of the other. So war is inevitable. 

I fully believe that Israel already has nuclear warheads, and Iran is on the precipice of having them. Both actors know that about each other. Which is why Israel is so hesitant to make a move without the United States backing. 

For whatever reason, it seems like the US wants them to hold off…For now. Perhaps as the U.S. deals with other areas first, or prepares for a larger scale cataclysm that will draw every conflict zone in, including the Middle East.

To be blunt: I am not sure why the United States is slow-walking this one. It makes me think they are waiting to finish or start something else. Because they could have easily already pulled a false flag and had us storming Shiraz and Isfahan a month ago.

Because make no mistake, the United States wants war with Iran. It has been in the makings for decades now. Do you all not remember the words of General Wesley Clark?:

We’re Going to Take out 7 Countries in 5 Years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan & Iran

U.S. Troops deployed near Iran map
How dare Iran put their country near all of our troops and military bases

The U.S. wants war as much as Israel does. But it seems the timing of the two is at odds currently. 

This is how we know that such a conflict is inevitable. The world hegemon, and a major player in the region (Israel), both want war with Iran. They will get it. It is just a matter of time until that happens.

There’s also a strong argument that Iran wants war with Israel too. But that is secondary to the fact that the United States and Israel want war with Iran. That fact alone is enough to justify such a war as being inevitable. When the world hegemony wants to war with you, it will eventually get it.

While we do not know when, I think it is plain as the day that the war is coming. It will probably be in our lifetime. The chessboard appears to have movement on it as of now even. So I would not be surprised if it’s sooner than we think.

In fact, it is my assumption that all of these conflicts that are popping up around the world are all tied together. The world hegemon is up to something, but it is playing its cards slow.

But to be fair, so is Iran. They are rushing their nuclear and missile research beyond any speed we have previously seen, even given the narrative here in the West that they are not. It seems every world stage actor is making methodical, strategic moves that we have not seen since prior to the second World War. 

A great buildup is occurring on all sides. But especially within Iran and Israel. 

Which clearly means that I am not alone in my analysis, as both of their own sides also see the conflict as inevitable. Otherwise, they would not all be preparing so heavily.

The only question that remains is when, and what will be the spark that lights the powderkeg. 

Read Next: Israel Is Hellbent On Starting World War 3


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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