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War is coming, whether or not any of us want to be a part of it.
Given recent developments between Iran/Lebanon and Israel, I wanted to share two old articles I wrote on the subject. These pieces remain very applicable to what is happening right now. My thoughts still remain the same as these articles indicate:
The only piece that I would like to add is that I think when this regional conflict pops off that the U.S. will be attacked to draw us into the conflict. It will almost certainly be a false flag, but I haven’t written off a preemptive Iranian attack. I still lean toward false flag, though.
It would be good for us to be aware of this likelihood so we can be on the lookout and remain vigilant. If the United States does not attack ourselves, the Israelis will probably do it for them (look up the USS Liberty). Even if Iran attacks, it is because of our provocations and them recognizing that we will inevitably support Israel directly one way or another.
This conflict between Iran and Israel is inevitable, as my first article clearly details. But our involvement is not inevitable. But it’s only preventable through more people realizing what is happening.
Tell your friends and families this information. The more people we can educate, the easier we can avert a successful false-flag op. Even if we are not successful, you never know who you will save from sharing this information. It could be the difference between a young American boy signing up to go die for Israeli or not.
Get it out as far and wide as you can. Do your part. Protect the remnant.
Read Next: There Is No Political Solution
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It sounds like Iran is poised to strike pretty soon now. I think the whole world is anxiously awaiting to see if this is the big “lightmatch” (as you often put it) or if it is just another round-robbin like the last time Israel striked Iran directly.
It has to be coming, but who knows the timeline.
Dead on. If there is one thing I am horrible at, it is predicting exact timelines.
It is inevitable, but when that inevitability occurs is anybody’s guess.