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misplaced anger

Intra-Dissident Conflict: Misplaced Anger

Addressing the misplaced anger that permeates within dissident spheres.

misplaced anger

Intra-Dissident Conflict

[A short article for the holiday. Happy 4th everyone—Hope you all have a great day.]

After many years of dissident politics, I have concluded that distortioners have successfully convinced most right-wingers into constant infighting.

This can be clearly witnessed with the various right-winger conflicts: generation battles, gender battles, intra-Christian battles, right wing pagan vs Christian battles, Euro whites vs American whites battles, regional battles, so on and so forth.

We often spend more time fighting one another than we do fighting the people that are actually trying to get us to infight.

But these are horribly misplaced:

  • All generations have been screwed up and plagued in one way or another. No generation is cleared of wrongdoing. This is why hating boomers or millennials is moronic.
  • Both genders have been targeted for degeneration. Perhaps using different strategies, but both were still weakened, nonetheless. Hating an entire gender, because of their environment, makes little sense.
  • The faith items are no different. All the different dissident faiths are better than the secular, democracy- and expert-worshipping beliefs of modernity. I’d take a healthy mix of many different Christians and pagan dissidents over this monstrosity any day.

We can hash out these minor differences after we win. Now is not the time for finding more ways to splinter and reduce our numbers. Unity and temporary cohesion would be far more beneficial for us.

I do hold true to the “iron sharpens iron” mantra, but there is a difference between honest criticism/critiques to encourage betterment to all and clear hatred. We border the hatred category far more often than genuine criticism. We need to focus much more on the genuine arena. Our mindset when conversing with dissidents we disagree with should be one of critique for improvement because we want them to be better. Not to target them because of some misplaced anger or frustration.

We are all frustrated by modernity and the modern systems. Let’s keep the focus on where the issues actually lie.

I’m also not saying we can, or should, let everyone into the movement. Most definitely not. There are too many crazies on the fringe. But we shouldn’t spend so much time attacking fellow dissidents. Especially ones that are just minorly different compared to us.

It is a clear waste of time and calories.

The anger should be placed on the actual enemy. The one at the root of the split. Not the dissident divisions themselves.

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Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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