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Discussing an inherent flaw with inside the system dissident strategies that do not impact similar outside the system strategies.
There are two kinds of strategies for dissidents:
Inside the system strategies are things like running for office, fighting for policy changes, holding representatives accountable, and such. Outside the system strategies are things like building a separate economy, forming dissident/opposing communities, designing plans that minimize benefit to the system, and such.
Some dissidents really like certain approaches and some like others. Some consider anything inside worthless, while others consider anything outside to be impossible to succeed over the long term.
In my opinion, the two aren’t mutually exclusive. Dissidents can and should do a combination of both, according to need. Both can be used appropriately, so long as you’re following proper organization strategies while doing them.
But there is one aspect of inside the system strategies that needs to be carefully considered. That is:
We know that the system will degenerate given enough time because of the cycle of collapse of government. So, structures within that system will go with it.
This means that whatever we create when using inside the system strategies will eventually be used against us unless we’re victorious before it degenerates further.
Clear examples of this are things like the ACLU and the “terrorist hunting” laws. Where the ACLU used to stand up for our free speech but now has degenerated into centralizer control and acts to annihilate us culturally. And where the various laws to hunt down those evil terrorists are now being used to hunt down and lock up dissident citizens.
Any politician you increase the power base of, even if dissident friendly, will eventually leave that power base to your enemy. Any policy you create will eventually be turned around on you.
For this reason, anything done within the system must either self-destruct after we use it, directly lead us to the final victory, or must be non-harmful if used in return against us. Basic things like building and running a charity and local fundraiser for our people would be good, easy examples.
Hell, even things like the Salvation Army and Boy Scouts are getting corrupted, so it’s hard to do. But, those organizations still aren’t a threat to us in any way, so they were fine inside the system strategies for when they started. They just degenerated. So, we could make them anew without as high of a risk as if we extended executive power.
Anything inside the system is at risk of degeneration as the system degenerates. Thus, any attempt to build up strong pieces within that system is foolish because those strong pieces will inevitably be used to destroy you. Dissidents don’t want the system as it exists anyway, so approaches like this are always a fool’s errand.
It’s not a super difficult concept, but our side seems to struggle with it. We gave a bunch of power to Trump during his term that is now being used to crush us. That was foolish. Same with the terrorist laws and hundreds of other institutions. We can’t keep making the same mistakes.
Two paths:
We need to make sure we are only making moves on our own turf. We can’t do the things that the system or its lackeys the leftists can do. The system will never be ours. Even if we win, we’ll install a different system.
So, we can’t think that enhancing or upgrading its power will do anything to aid us. It will only cause us more problems later down the line.
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