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Why are so many Americans like this? Why can't they just worship God instead of some Middle Eastern race?
Reverend Matt had a great article recently. Short and to the point:
Of The Antichrist
Israel really shouldn’t be divisive for Christians.
Judaism is an antichrist religion (1 John 2:22). In fact, it is by definition, as it was the very first religion to reject Christ, and the example to those other religions that did so. This is a core tenet of Christianity and Orthodox Judaism.
Israel is not a Christian country. It is a country where Christians are barely permitted at best and sometimes persecuted. Only Christians are God’s people (1 Peter 2:9-10; 1 John 3), so we have no natural affinity with the country, either spiritually or ethnically, it’s just another country filled with lost people.
Therefore, all Christians should see Israel as a largely godless country, just like Australia, Belgium, Canada or Vietnam, that needs vast missionary work to bring back to Christ. A nation in need of hearing about God, because if you don’t know Jesus, you can’t know God. This is all basic Christian stuff.
So why is it so divisive?
Because a large segment of the Church, mostly influenced by American teaching, from a theology that originated in Britain, has taken the most divisive thing in Christianity, eschatology, or end times teaching, and dragged it into the foreground of the present day and said, “See, we are in the final, or close to final generation, because this has all been fulfilled.” They have made a tertiary thing, almost a primary emphasis.
In other words, a large section of the church has taken the most disputable parts of Scripture, developed a novel interpretation that dates back less than 200 years, and brought it to the forefront of their emphasis in a major way. As if theology were not already divisive enough, it gets far worse when people bring to the forefront the most difficult passages in the Bible, which have always caused massive disagreement in the church.
Take eschatology out of the picture, and Israel are an unsaved nation that needs evangelising just like any other nation. Any Christian of any theology can see this.
But bring back in a radical interpretation of Eschatology, that steps outside of Church history, and now Israel are God’s people in a desperate fight to reclaim the Holy Land. And those who criticize them are attacking God’s people. Therefore, beware!
Dead on.
The entire point of dispensationalism is to degrade Christianity. It is an insidious theological belief that was formulated in recent American memory that completely contradicts thousands of years of Christian tradition.
It is a distinctly Americanized belief, too. Which is not surprising, given our preponderance in creating false doctrines and cults because of our so-called “freedom of religion”. But alas, that is a topic for another time.
Still, any of our supposed “freedoms” only exist so far as we do not criticize those whom we are commanded to worship: Israel. That’s the redline for when the freedoms cease.
It’s kind of like a blasphemy law. But instead of blaspheming God, it is blaspheming jews, because that is what the modern United States worships. So it fits.
Don’t believe me? Well, there are multiple states recently passing laws that will get you thrown into prison for simply saying what the Bible says:
“In the past few months alone both South Dakota and Georgia governors signed bills codifying the IHRA definition of antisemitism into state law.
This definition includes claims of Jews killing Jesus being “antisemitism.”
Guess what that means, Christian? You can no longer share Bible verses such as Matthew 27:24-25, 1 Thessalonians 2:14-15, and many others which clearly and unequivocally state that the Jews killed Jesus Christ.”
South Dakota and Georgia have both passed laws explicitly saying this. Other states are considering it. This happened because you only have “freedoms” until those liberties interfere with what the United States worships. Then you don’t have the fabled freedom of speech or religion anymore, only a years-long hate speech conviction in solitary confinement.
Every nation worships something. If not God, it’s going to be wicked. And every nation has blasphemy laws or standards. And if they are not in defense of God, it’s going to be in defense of something wicked.
Our leftists switched out God for degenerate men; environmentalists switched out the Creator for the creation; whereas our conservatives switched out God for the jewish race.
Either way you cut our blasphemy standards: God is out, and wicked is in.
Talk bad about God all day, but don’t you dare criticize our chosen people/plants/lesbian xirs. Welcome to America.
Coincidentally, dispensationalism also perfectly sets up the scene for an actual Antichrist to show up. All these nut-job evangelicals are busy worshipping the jews and helping them build the Temple of Doom that the Antichrist is going to use to bring about a one-world system and re-institute animal sacrifices. It’s also blinding less educated Christians from the danger that is coming. Great work.
This should not be hard to understand: If a theological belief randomly popped up in the last two hundred years during the peak of the Enlightenment lie, it’s nearly guaranteed to be a wrong doctrine. A bad tree does not produce good fruit, and no one with eyes could say that the Enlightenment was a good thing. It’s clearly a bad tree, so whatever fruits it engenders is probably just as trashy as it is.
The rationale from the Enlightenment was simply wrong. All the new fancy Americanized doctrines that sprout off from the Enlightenment are just as bad, if not worse, because they use that underlying faulty reasoning.
If the entire basis for one of your beliefs stems solely from relatively recent events, I strongly urge you to reconsider them. God promised the Word was delivered once and for all for the Saints. It does not say it was delivered once and will later be properly interpreted by smarty-pants Enlightenment evangelical losers that really, really, want to worship the jews.
As Matt said, Israel should not be divisive for Christians. But that would require American “Christians” to actually break off from the foundational worldly Enlightenment lie they are blinded too.
Which sadly does not appear likely to happen anytime soon.
Read Next: The Radical Christian Degeneration Of The 1800s
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