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Corporate interests win again. Is anyone surprised?
Recently, in my neck of the woods, a “#FreedomOverFord” campaign popped up. It’s a great example of how terrible our political legislature system is. Let’s briefly walk through what happened.
We have been actively campaigning on the grassroots/local level to get our state senators to a 2/3 majority to call for a special session (the governor/Lt. Gov was not onboard). We wanted a special session to block these stupid vax mandates and mask requirements.
We are close, only a few are off and we already have compliance with the house. But a few holdouts existed.
This has been on-going for months. We’ve hit them from every angle and even forced the compliance of some through lobbying/other actions. Slowly, piece by piece, we got more on board through constant activism.
Then, out of nowhere, the governor decided that instead of having a special session on the things we have been asking for, that he would call a special session for Ford Motor Company. Why? Because Ford went to him and said “Hey, we need a special session to solve some obscure problem with our relocation” and likely said they’d cut his funding if he didn’t do it.
So, he immediately called and got a special session for Ford. From the TC:
Lee Calls Special Session For Ford Plant, Will Not Discuss Mask Mandates
Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee announced Thursday he is calling a special session Oct. 18 for legislators to discuss planning for Ford’s Blue Oval City at the Memphis Regional Megasite.
Part of that discussion will be funding the $500 million in incentives promised to Ford upon completion of its planned $5.6 billion project to build a 3,600-acre campus that will be the home tp the company’s electric F-Series of trucks.
The special session, Lee said, will not discuss mask mandates in the state’s schools.
“The special session on October 18 will stay focused on next steps for the Memphis Regional Megasite, and we’ll stand up for parents in court.”
What happens when his constituents want a special session? Nada, for months. What happens when a funding company wants a special session? Instantaneous approval.
Now that they’d be hypocrites, we were able to convince the others to “tag-on” a special session for the vax and mask business since they’d already be in session. But it’s going to be an uphill battle to get any legislation we want done. While I’m certain that Ford will have no issue getting precisely what they want.
Solely because of the obvious and hilarious hypocrisy, the legislature is forced to call for a special session that we’ve all been demanding for months because they just flip flopped out of nowhere and decided to do one for Ford. So, if anything, we have to be thankful to the corporates for forcing their own interests, otherwise they’d still certainly be resisting our requests. It’s ridiculous, but if you’re not a private entity in a mid to late stage democracy, then you’re really a nobody.
So, what can we take from this small example? A lot, actually.
This is an important lesson in democracy, because it is democracy working exactly how it would at its root level (a degenerative rule by many).
This is democracy working exactly as democracy was intended to work.
A democracy is a rule by many government (majority rule). Falsely thought of as a “rule by the people” (which people?). Eventually, as the rule by many nation degenerates, the power is centralized in the hands of a few of those powerful people. In our case, corporate lobbyists. It’s still a rule by the people. Just not the people we initially had in mind.
But, as the cycle progresses, there is no other option.
The people become an afterthought. What matters more is the few select people that contribute the money for the elections.
This Ford example couldn’t be more clearcut as a perfect example of just that.
But it’s far from the only one. The politburo allegiance with lobbyists is perhaps nowhere more entrenched than with the likes of Big Pharma:
Tennessee Republican Senators signed a letter encouraging the vaccine. They also get money from Pfizer.
The continued propaganda coming from the offices of elected officials in addressing vaccine hesitancy is getting to the point of being sickening. And honestly, I wonder if perhaps criminal is the right word to use.
On July 27, 2021, sixteen Republican state senators in the state of Tennessee signed a letter making the following claims.
A strong majority of these cases are among those who are not vaccinated. And virtually all of those currently hospitalized with COVID-19 have not been vaccinated.
The vaccines have been found to be safe and effective against COVID-19. If they had been available from the start and widely used, over 600,000 American families that are mourning the loss of a loved one, along with tens of thousands of people who are awaiting lung transplants, or trying to learn to walk again, would have avoided that heartache.
The facts are clear — the benefits of the vaccines far outweigh the risks.
Unfortunately, efforts to get more people vaccinated have been hampered by politicization of COVID-19.
How do legislators make these kinds of statements with a straight face; and further, how are we still taking statements directly from the CDC as medical facts and apolitical? Recently, the American Medical Association suggested that it was time to drop the designation of sex (male and female) as a legal and medical designation. How can we continue to take seriously a medical community that can deny the existence of simple male and female biology?
Democracy is certainly a “rule by the people”. The catch is that they never defined who those people exactly are nor how they could be conserved.
Because it sure as hell isn’t you or me.
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